A required internet connection can't be true. There are still a fair amount of people even in the U.S. that can't get broadband. It seems that would lose a lot of potential customers going this route.
@so_hai I'm not sure where you're from, but in the U.S. lately there have been quite a few mass shootings by crazy people. Kind of started with a shooting in a movie theatre during a showing of the latest Batman movie, and several innocents were killed. The guy just wen into the theatre armed with assault rifles and pistols. Then there was another one in a Mall in one of the Northern states I can't remember which. The latest one was just over the Christmas Holiday here in America, when another crazy "nut" went into an elementary school and killed several children no more than 6 and 7 years of age. In my opinion it really has nothing to do with violent video games. These people were very disturbed or just heartless I'm not sure which.
@DarkSaber2k You just need to practice with it. It's not for everyone, but once you figure out how to use it, it's the best controller out there. It does take patience though.
"A new version and the PlayStation Eye peripheral will also be released with the PS4, the sources said, noting it will be compatible with existing PlayStation Move controllers." This is very good news if true.
My wife is a kindergarten teacher. Every year when she goes back to school after the holidays she asks the children what they got for Christmas. There is always at least 1 child that recieves a Call of Duty game or some other inappropriate (in my opinion) game like that. It is kind of disturbing to think of a 5 year old playing that type of game. I'm a gamer myself, obviously. I've played the most violent games out there...I'd NEVER get a game like that for my child...not at that age anyway. Now should the sell of violent video games be illegal for minors? I don't know, it almost sounds facist to me. Then again the sell of alcohol and cigarettes is illegal to the sell of minors. Does a violent video game contain the same dangers as a six pack or a pack of Marlboro Reds? It's really up to the parents to keep an eye on what their child is doing. There is a freaking rating on that box for a reason.
The "master of unlocking" line stuck with me the most. It was so early in the game, and it's the cheesiest line ever written anywhere. I never really knew the "Jill sandwich" thing was a big deal though, go figure. Oh, "Bimmy and Jimmy Lee" from Double Dragon 3 on the NES. The FIRST word on the screen when you turn on the game is MISSPELLED, HA!
scatterbrain007's comments