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My trip

Ok, so the wife and I spent the weekend in Eugene Oregon (Go Ducks... beat the Wloverines too :lol: ) Had a good time. Spent most of the time there cruising around the town. Absolutely beautiful town. Nestled in the hills, rivers, tons of parks, dog parks, etc.

At first my wife wanted to live about half way between Portland and Eugene (Albany mostly, stinky, meth, town as I told her), but I told her to keep an open mind about everything. She at first even refused to live in S. Eugene because it was too far away from Portland. W.....T......F???? Are you kidding me? What difference does 10-20 minutes maek when you already live 1-2 hours away? I told her "You're being completely un-reasonable and closing doors before you even see what's on the other side." She says "I don't think I am." I said "Wake up. Look at the BIG picture. It makes no difference what PART of Eugene we live in at all. We're still an afternoon drive away from your family and mine." So, we had a good time in Eugene, lots of old "retired" hippies and whatnot, not my forte', but I'm a tollerant person. I like atmosphere, especially peaceful atmosphere.

Nice town. I will move if the offer is good enough.

On our way there, we stopped at my best friends dads house (my BF and his family were already there anyways). It was the most beautiful house I've ever had the privelage to be in. Built in 1874, and was HUGE. I wish I had taken pictures. All they paid for it a year ago was $379,000. This house is a $500,000 house at LEAST today. Or more.

Anyways, on our way out of Eugene, we wanted to check out some houses on the outskirts of town, and we stopped in Junction City, Oregon and found our dream home. If the job offer ends up how I want it, we will be making an offer on this house. Built in 1914 (I'm a total sucker for old homes). 5 bedrooms, 3 upstairs, and the master down, with the 5th being an option for a family/office/bedroom. Over 2500 sq ft on a 1/4 acre lot. Asking price of $339,000 :shock: A bargain considereing its history and the condition (from the outside and interior pictures) it's in. The owners even have the houses entire history: who built it, what they did in that town, all the way up to present day. Pretty neat house. I'll keep everyone posted.

Going to call or e-mail my boss today and let him know that we are interested.

Take care,


Edit: I found a link to the house in Junction City we're interested in here.

Scnut MIA for a while

Hello again. I must explain, I will be mostly inactive for a few weeks, maybe longer, and I'll explain why. Some of you already know.

When I returned from my vacation, back to work on Tuesday, my boss came to me with an offer I may not be able to refuse. Move to the city of Eugene Oregon (Home of the Oregon Ducks, where the movie Animal House was filmed). It's a nice city with a growing economy. My pay would/could/should increase to nearly 6 figures :shock: But, Eugene is 2 hours from here, and my entire family, and my wife's immediate family lives within 20 minutes of our current residence. I must make a decision as to whether or not to apply by 9/7. Even if I do apply, it doesn't mean I have the job, or will even take the job. The $ has to be worth me uprooting my family and relocating. This is a huge opportunity for myself and the future of my family. My company also is requiring a 5 year commitment to that store. So, I may be taking a trip this weekend to Eugene with my wife to check things out, look at houses, etc. If I make it back on time Sunday, I volunteered to help clean up the Clackamas River with my best friend for the day.

Next week I will be at the coast for 4 or 5 days with my parents.

After that, who knows, I may be moving to Eugene.

Thanks for understanding, and I'll miss you guys. I'll post as often as I can, but I can't promise to everyday.

Take Care,


Labor Day vacation!

Well, I'm back. Miss me? No? Fair enough. A good time was had by all, as you'll soon see. My wife and kids all left early Friday afternoon to pick up my best friends wife and two kids. I waited around for my friend to pick me up at my house around 3:30 on his way home from work, so we could go to his house and pack all the gear the women left behind into his truck (as you'll see as the first pic in the video). Headed up and got to camping!

There was quite a few of us up there, some stayed one night, others two nights, but most of us stuck it out all 3 nights. Not a shower or a swipe of pit-stick was used by me :lol: Anyways, some of you know my b-in-law Drehnon, well, he was sure the life of the party, he fell down and injured himself so many time :lol: A few times I was realy concerned if he was ok, because he hit HARD. You should see the bruises on his stomache, and his legs look like raw hamburger :lol: But he's alright, pretty funny though, and he never spilled a drop of his beer through all the falls.

I won't ramble on and on because the video speaks for itself. But I will say, I was very proud of my oldset for taking the "plunge" (you'll see in the vid ;) ), and the weather was beautiful the entire time, high 80's to low 90's the entire weekend, and it was nice to have all the trees around for shade. Our campground was HUGE. Easily fit 10 tents with lots of room in between. The kids had lots of room to run around and explore. It was one of the best trips I've ever been on, and I'm glad I can share it with you guys.



Edit: I wanted to throw in these pic's, because one of them was crappy thanks to GS, and the other is me and my best Friend, Jake.

Here I go again! Labor Day! Bye!

:lol: Sorry for all the blog entries lately, I'm sure I'm top of everyone's blog list lately, but I have to say goodbye for a while. I leave tomorrow for a long camp trip, and I won't be returning (here) until Tuesday. I 'll be on today, and maybe briefly tomorrow to see what's up and say bye, but then... zooom... flying out of town and not looking back. I promise I'll put up pictures upon my return for my fans of my pictures. I'll even try to take some video. Maybe I'll jump off the bridge into the river again this year :shock: probably not, the water is so damn cold. Maybe if it reaches 100 I'll get in.I'm really excited, probably my last camp trip until next summer, and the weather is supposed to be great. Even if it's crappy, I still have fun. I actually love camping in the snow, and when my ninjas get a little older, the three of will go up camping in the snow sometime.

Now that I think about it, I have never (that I can remember) spent a weekend with just one or both of my boys. The wife is always around :lol: She has a tough job, taking care of three kids ;) But yeah, when they're older (in about 2 years) we'll spend tons of time in the wilderness. I'll teach them how to shoot, fish, poop in the wilderness (well, the youngest has that down already) make camp fires, eat, etc. Man, I'm so excited I just pee'd a little in my pants :oops:

My father is not an outdoors kind of guy, and never was. His idea of camping is staying at the Ritz :roll: So I never went fishing, camping, or anything like that when I was young. And I spent a good part of my youth in Colorado for crying out loud! The Rocky Mountains, so much to do, and I missed out on a lot. Oh well, not his cup of tea I guess. Since I missed out, I want to make sure that my children don't. Even if they grow up and decide they hate the outdoors like grampa, at least they can say they have done it all.

See you guys and gals next week!

As always, take care,


A Quick update.

First of all, thanks for all you kind word in my last blog.

He went to the Dr. yesterday and turns out everything is fine. Just a freak thing I guess. In fact, he's very healthy. So, while he was there they decided to give him some shots :lol: Poor guy, sore arm. Naturally I gave him a good punch to the arm :lol: Hey, he punched me first :P . I told him, "You punch me in the arm, and I'll punch you back." :P

Camping was fun. This was my annual branch trip: Everyone from my work goes and their family. Friday night we were up until 2 am partying. The camp host came by the next morning and told us we were too loud and that someone had complained. So Saturday night we stayed up late anyways, but we were much quieter. I took a few pics and a funny video of a guy that works for me doing a seal impression in the river. He's a pretty big guy and it was hilarious. Then when he was getting out, he fell backwards in slow motion onto the rocks. We all had a good laugh at that. I've never seen someone fall so slow in my life. He's ok, hurt his wrist a little, but he'll live. He showed up to work yesterday, so that's a good sign :lol: I didn't take a lot of pictures, and the one's that I did take are either too graphic for GS, or just aren't that interesting. But, I'm going again this weekend with a lot more people (not work people), so I'll be sure to take some good pictures and post them next week. Hopefully we won't get kicked out :lol:



A scare.

Well yesterday while I was at work, I recieved a frantic voicemail from my wife telling me to call her on her cell phone, and that it was an emergency. I called her back, and she told me that while she was at the store with my boys, my oldest collapsed and hit his head on the concrete floor. She said it was the worst sound she had ever heard, like a watermellon hitting the ground. He was out for about 10 seconds. She didn't see it happen, and at first she thought that the people behind her in line had hit him with their cart, but they didn't and they said he just collapsed. He came to and doesn't remember a thing, just waking up to mom sitting over him. She took him to the hospital, and when they listened to his heart-beat, they heard something strange. They took him and gave him an EKG, but found nothing wrong. They also noticed when they were listening to him breath normally, that he weezes, but when he breaths heavily, it's normal. That baffled the Dr, so they brought another Dr in, and it baffled him too. They said he is "weirdly healthy". That was the Dr's exact statement. We're taking him back in on Monday for more tests on his heart. I sure hope it was a one time thing. The Dr said not to worry about it at all, that it was more than likely a one time thing. But to keep an eye onhim, and if he complains about his heart beating fast, to take his pulse. If it's too fast we need to take him to the hospital. I sure hope everything is ok. I'm sure it will be.

On another note, I will be going camping again this weekend with the people from my work, so I won't be on this weekend. I'll take some pictures and put them up on a new blog when I return.

Pray for my son and take care,


Happy Anniversary to me!

That's right, today makes 9 years of marriage to my beautiful wife! It's been a long road, but well worth traveling. Good times and bad. There is no end in sight. All we can do is live each day as though it could be our last. Ok, sometimes we're lazy andknow that tomorrow will come, but we all have those days :lol:.

Shortly after we were married we had our first. An unexpected gift. So happy we had 'em young. While some of you are 45 years old and rasing a 7 or 10 year old, mine will be in college :lol:. Nah, just kidding with you, it doesn't matter. Live your young years while you can! You'll never get them back!

Speaking of children, on my way home from work today, I saw a child about the same age as my oldest son (7). He was a quadripligic in a wheel chair crossing the street with his mother and 3 sisters. It made me realise how fortunate I am for having healthy children. Not saying that there is anything wrong, or that children (or adults for that matter) have a less quality if life (maybe they have a great life), but no parent would ever wish any kind of disability on their children. I sure hope I haven't offended anyone out there, but it's how I feel.

Anyways, gotta go eat, the wife is yelling at me to come help :lol:

Take care,


I'm back from camping, with pictures and a quick video

Well, I'm back. In case you didn't notice I was gone :P . Anyways, camping was fun (as always). Not 10 minutes after I arrived (the wife and ninjas and a few others went up earlier) my youngest tripped on a rock, and smashed his mouth on another rock, knocking one of his front teeth back. Ouch. By the next morning, it had moved back to it's original place. There isn't really a whole lot to say, just that it was fun. Friday was my wifes birthday, so Saturday her mom came up with a cake and we celebrated then. Spent a lot of time at the river. Too cold for me to get in this year, but not for the dogs, so here ya go...


Saturday night my wife and a friend of hers thought it would be a good idea to go wonder around the campground, in the pitch dark, drunk, and without a flashlight :roll: . So, after about on hour of them being gone, I decided to go and look for them. So I grabbed a flashlight, and about 10 minutes later I found them wondering around. They had no idea it was me at first, so my wifes friend was like "excuse me.." I was like "What the hell are you guys doing?" "Oh thank God it's you, we're lost!" "No shyt" I said. :roll:

Here's a picture of our tents. Mine is the middle.

The river.

Camp fire.

WAR!! (Remember those little green army guys? )

Mmm, breakfast.

More fun.

Some of the kids on a stump.

The river again.

Me and my ninjas.

Up river.


The view of our campground from above.

A ninja in the trees.

All of us.

Well, that's about it. I took today (Monday) off from work and went and saw the Simpsons movie, loved it. I was the only one in the theater too :lol:! Then I went and bought the special edition DVD of 300. Can't wait to watch it again, that movie was simply brilliant.

Thanks for reading, and I'll see you on the boards tomorrow!


See ya later!

Going camping, see you guys in about 3 or 4 days. I'll put up some pictures when I get back. Hopefully GS will manage without me, and BLM will blog about his trip, sheesh!

My 4th of July show, and 10,000 posts :)

Well, it was a wild one alright. Lot's of beer, fireworks, and laughs! Started out, all of us in my front yard waiting for it to get dark. Cars were just flying down my street :evil: , so I wrote on the road in chaulk "SLOW". Didn't seem to work too well. Then, suddenly, a white Suburban cames driving by, and there's a lady in the rear seat with her door open, and she screaming "Let me out!! Oh my God let me out!" And I mean screaming, fearful, panicked screaming. So I ran in and called 911, and a few of my friends took off after this guy on foot and another in a truck. A neighbor went flying by too in his truck trying to chase this guy down. No one was able to catch up to this guy. Weird, scary too, I wonder what was going on. Hmph.

So, after we got over that we played some football in the street until it was dark, and the show began. Here's a clipwith a few video's and some pictures.We had a great finale, and my wife did an awsome job catching it all onvideo so I could help light the 21 shot finale. Oh man it was awsome.


Anyways, the wife and kids leave tomorrow morning at 3 am for S Dakota for 2 1/2 weeks. I've got a poker party planned for next Saturday the 14th. I have 24 guys coming, 3 tables of Texas Hold 'um. Should be fun.

Oh, and I hit 10,000 posts today :)

Talk to you guys later!!