@dinosaur_teeth: I don't envy them because I'll get to play this on Pro in native 4K with enhanced graphics features, plus there will still be some good mods (well yeah nowhere near as good but still).
@iandizion713: It's a reveal video...guess you could call it a concept. But, since they showed Skyrim on it, I have no doubt in my mind that it'll be on Switch.
They wouldn't show off any games that aren't going to be on it. That would be stupid.
@simplytheebest: You're also not special for saying I'm not special lol. Take a chill pill and the Scorpio will have about 4.5TF more power than the XB1S, so another XB1 or not, it's not exactly the same thing. There are differences.
Plus I have no doubt that everyone in the world, billions of people will buy Scorpio's in the holiday season of next year. They will also all buy new Ferrari's, multi-million dollar mansions and private tropical islands. What's your point?
@bacontophat45: Says a person who has never seen good quality HDR in action. The difference HDR makes on a high end tv is like night and day. Like black and white vs colour. Like 2D vs 3D. Like VHS vs UHD Blu Ray. You get the idea.
@davillain-: A true next-gen console which will be 2 generations behind PS4 Pro and MS Scorpio. Still, I like the games that Nintendo has, it's got some of the best exclusives so I'll be buying day one also.
Scooby_Dooo's comments