@dhaynes25: Yup. The PC Port Beggars won't be getting many of the awesome games that can only be played on PlayStation. And same for me, I can't wait for Tales, FFXV and Persona either. Will play them all on PS4P also. :_
@darthsirrius: Every Samsung tv that is below the absolute top of the line KS9810, kinda sucks, at least compared to it. I'm sure your tv is just fine but you did say yours was top of the line, which would make it the KS9810 which is 88", not 65." At least you have a Samsung, it could be worse.
@aj87: PS4 Pro's frame rates in 4K may not be what gamers were hoping for, but it definitely won't stutter. If someone plays a game on Pro in 1080p however, they will get that 60fps that they were after.
@troll_elite: What if a person only plays single player games? If someone doesn't care about a competitive advantage (because they don't play that kind of game), I guess that changes a lot.
What happens if you buy a PS4 Pro and have a 4K tv, but not an HDR capable tv? It sounds like the only people who will be super "wowed," will be those with great quality 4K HDR tvs.
@stewart24: I think that if Neo is released this year, it's not going to beat MS. But I think the gap will be less than what the leaked specs suggest. If Neo's released next summer or even holiday 2017...I have little doubt it'll be just as powerful or maybe even more so. Sony is a high end company that likes to have the best, most premium products available. It's kind of their philosophy so we'll see.
@Thanatos2k: Same here. Even the GTX 1080 was really underwhelming...if you're expectations are as high as mine, everything will always be underwhelming to you.
Scooby_Dooo's comments