@pad242: You should buy a shiny new Neo once it's available. Then there won't be any awesome games you'll miss out on cause you'll have all the consoles (like me). Although, we'll both need the NX too as it'll have great exclusives too.
@luis2113: Of course, anything is possible. They could even be really nice and mail all of their PSN account holders, Neo's for free. At least tomorrow we should know for sure. If it turns out to launch in October or November (even December), I'll come back here and upvote myself lol
This is complete BS about the Neo maybe launching next week....I haven't read anywhere else on the internet about an imminent launch. Most sites think October or November.
@juanwelan: A game like this? I'm gonna delectate in it and take it slow. Been waiting too long to play this to just zoom through it, but whatever floats your boat.
@iaruelas: Cry us a river, it's obvious the PS4 is a huge success, a bigger success than Xbox One so far (will probably stay that way too). Laughing at us "idiots" won't change any of that in any way and sales of Playstations will accelerate even more once Neo launches and probably some more from PSVR sales.
@Coolboy420x: If they were such close buddies, why was Sony President surprised when Phil announced a Scorpio release for late next year? I don't think either company cares about destroying the other, but they are friendly competitors. Believe me, they both want to win, don't share secrets or business strategies with each other. They both do their own thing and hope for the best.
@dlaney34: There's just one problem with that though...not everyone believes that it's really Sony causing the delay. Some people think it's all Bethesda and because Microsoft paid them money to delay on PS4. There's no proof of what is really causing the delay though, only conjecture.
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