@PrpleTrtleBuBum: agree with that. Personally I'm just done with the Fox X-Men. Logan was great, I'm cool with Deadpool, but after Apocalypse I'm ready for something different. I don't have any confidence in the Phoenix movie.
Also wouldn't want Marvel rushing XMen either. I'd be cool with a small cameo or Easter egg that leads to an MCU X-Men movie down the road but I wouldn't want it any sooner than 2020. I think if Disney presents us with an XMen movie that looks and feels different than the films that came before it then people will quickly be excited and on board. At the very least it'll get their attention.
"Thank God these days it's considered a commercial failure if a movie doesn't return the budget three or four times over."
That can be a gift and curse sometimes though. I feel bad for the good movies that didn't make enough money to be considered successful. I've heard the new Blade Runner movie was really good, and visually a masterpiece, but it didn't make nearly enough money to be considered a success.
@spartanx169x: for the most part I agree with what you are saying but, in terms of movies and TV shows, there have to be some guidelines, that's what ratings are for. I doubt you are advocating for this but I wouldnt want shows on Nickolodean and Disney Channel having the same freedoms of HBO and Showtime.
"Of course I also respect the producer and or owner's right to censor content if they so choose in making/producing/paying for said content."
This is the main part of it though. End of the day it's about making money and businesses are going to do what they feel will make them money and/or make them look good. Take comedians for example. Sure they can go onstage and say whatever they want but most are going to want to avoid jokes that will hurt them financially. These days all it takes is one wrong comment or joke and it could be career suicide. Even the offensive comedians are going to be smart about it and know when to push the envelope or when to dial it back.
@n9302347078: "None of them, even Logan, really have a truly coherent story"
What's incoherent about Logan? It's pretty straight forward. That said I don't really have issues with Civil Wars story either.
But really none of the superhero films have stories that are going to blow you away. Plenty of good movies but nothing that, storywise, you are going to say is up there with the best movies of all time.
@n9302347078: @n9302347078: what objective factual standards are you talking about? Besides box office numbers you've done nothing to prove that Civil War was factually and objectively better. Movie critics, the people that are paid to critique movies objectively, gave both movies high praise. If one was better by "factual objective standards" then critic reviews would indicate that. I like both movies. No issue with people saying Civil War better but your reasoning simply makes no sense. Civil War was inarguably more successful but I'm simply talking about the quality of the movies. Making a lot of money doesn't improve the quality of the movie. Civil War could have made all the money or no money at all, those sales arent going to change the actually quality of the film.
You are the only person I've ever encountered that uses box office numbers as an indicator of film quality.
@Kyrylo: just because you disliked it doesn't mean fanboys are the only reason it's well received. You made the claim that you and "a bunch of people" (edit: sorry you did not say this) have been disinterested with spideys latest adventures. Sorry to break it to you but there's plenty to indicate that you are in the minority. Disney is going to go with what makes them money and they've been doing pretty damn well as of late.
EDIT: Sorry I attributed another posters quote to your comment. Apologies!
@n9302347078: we'll just have to agree to disagree then. If you want to tell me Civil War is the more successful movie then I agree but I don't know anyone that takes in box office numbers when determining the quality of a movie. If people were asked to watch Logan and Civil War and then determine which movie they thought is better I highly doubt anyone is going to want to know box office numbers to make their decision.
There have been movies considered all time great films that didn't do well in the box office.
A movie like The Last Jedi is the perfect counter example. Everyone saw it, it made a TON of money, and was well received critically but many people that saw it questioned the quality. Just because a movie makes a ton of money and a lot of people see it doesn't mean they like it or it's good.
@anti-hyperlink: but we have no idea what the joke even was. I could see if we knew the joke or saw the scene and could determine if it crossed a line but we don't know anything other than it having something to do with Disney. I think most companies in Disney's position would do the same if a movie they are associated made a joke at their expense and knowing Deadpool's humor it wouldn't be surprising if the joke went a little too far for Disney.
But my main point is things like this happen all the time and goes unreported. Why get upset because of the one time we actually hear about it.
@DarthLod: Soo by that logic every person, comedian, movie, tv show, etc should have the freedom to say any joke they want. I'm not for censoring comedy. The political correctness is making comedy difficult these days but there has to be some line drawn to prevent the comedy from going too far. Comedians will run their jokes by people before going on stage and embarrassing themselves.
Even beyond comedy, movies and TV shows will always have lines they can't cross and sometimes it goes beyond the TV/movie rating. Sometimes it isn't even necessarily about crossing a line and simply comes down to "a person with more power made a decision and we have to abide by it." That's just part of the entertainment business and, really, life in general.
Wish we could have gotten a hint as to what the joke was. This just seems like clickbait to get people talking "OMG Disney is censoring Deadpool!!" Every single movie has cuts for scenes and dialogue. Imagine if there were reports everytime this happened to a movie?
@PrpleTrtleBuBum: you might be disinterested in Spiderman but have heard more positive reception to this new Spiderman than negative. Maybe part of it is people not liking Andrew Garfield and the Amazing Spiderman movies but I haven't heard many complaints.
People haven't exactly been thrilled with the XMen franchise. It's had it's ups and downs and I'm sure most of those movies don't hold up quite well now. A lot of people would be more than happy to see the MCU introduce their own version of the team. I know I'd rather see a new take on XMen then for them to continue with the current franchise (Apocalypse sucked me dry of any optimism I had for the series).
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