@cejay0813: I'm with you. I see some gamers say they won't touch games under 60fps and, it's like, if that's your choice cool but I've played plenty of great games that are 30fps max. A lot of my favorite games over the years have on been 30 fps: GTA V (console version), the Arkham games, Uncharted 4, Horizon, GoW, Bioshock series (last gen), Mass Effect trilogy, etc.
@cejay0813: completely agree. I'm also of the mindset that better hardware won't necessarily mean 60fps becomes standard. We'll still see developers aiming or locking at 30fps in order to push visuals in other areas. "Resolution" and "performance" modes will become more common, possibly standard at some point, but I still expect to see developers sacrificing frame rate in favor of better visuals in other areas.
@cejay0813: completely agree. Horizon and GoW are great examples of what is still possible with the current hardware. The only complaint I could see is that better hardware would result in more games reaching 60 fps. As great as the would be I'd rather them wait at least another year and, ideally, get better hardware for cheaper.
That's the issue with rushing to the "next gen". Do it too soon and that "new" hardware quickly becomes dated. That's kind of what happened with the PS4 and XboxOne. They didn't push the hardware enough, likely to keep cost and prices low, and 2/3 years later they had to release mid-gen consoles.
@ilukey40: "Because at the moment PS4 is killing Xbox for exclusives and great ones at that and sadly the Xbox one x is nothing more than a slightly better games machine with nothing to make it a solid buy!!"
Exactly. So why announce a PS5? PS4 is killing it and has plenty of exclusives coming to look forward too. If they announce a PS5 then there's no reason for anyone to purchase a PS4/PS4 Pro and their exclusives will likely take a hit as well.
No complaints here just hope there are a few surprises outside of their "Big 4." It'll be disappointing if the show is only deep looks into these 4 games and nothing else. If that is the case then these games better blow us away. Hopefully we are getting actual gameplay (especially for Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, and Last of Us). More nom-gameplay trailers aren't going to do much to excite me.
@Oldgun: what does that have anything to do with an R rated franchise? Part the reason Deadpool works and is popular is because of the R rating. Going to PG13 takes away part of what makes Deadpool, Deadpool. You might not like what they've done with Star Wars but it's not like they went in and said "hey here's an element of Star Wars fan's like and appreciate about the franchise. Let's purposely change it!"
I'm not saying future Deadpool movies won't have changes because of Disney, and they might even push for a hard PG13 rating to reach a wider audience, but I'm not going to kill them for something they haven't necessarily done yet. All we know is that they asked for one joke to be removed, not that big of a deal. Every movie has lines and scenes cut and altered.
Now if we start hearing that Disney is heavily intervening and completely changing the vision of future movies, or forcing the movie to be a PG13 rating, then I'll be all for the criticism. Im just not going to get upset about something that they might, possibly, maybe do in the future because I'm making assumptions based on weak evidence.
@videogameninja: "all I can say is that imitation is the best form of flattery."
Completely agree. It's a part of the gaming industry, hell it's a part of business and the world in general. Imitation helps keeps things moving and evolving. Nothing wrong with being influenced by great ideas as long as it isn't a generic copy and paste.
In the case of Tomb Raider the series needed to evolve in order to avoid extinction and taking inspiration from Uncharted was a great way to go but they, smartly, did more than simply making Uncharted with a female protagonist. The game had more rpg elements and was more open than any of the Uncharted games that came before it, which did enough to make the game stand on it's own. Thought it was a great start for a reboot and with Rise they seemed to expand on those ideas.
Which one is better is certainly debatable and likely comes down to personal preference. I haven't played enough of the Tomb Raider games to fairly judge so I won't even choose between the two but Tomb Raider has gotten my girl into games a bit so it gets a bonus point for that.
@n9302347078: dude that's just absurd. Furious 7, as in the 7th Fast and Furious movie, is one of the highest grossing movie of all time (on one list it's 6th world wide). By your standard it would be 1 of the best movies ever. Avatar is always near the top of highest grossing movie lists and all I ever hear about that movie is that it was overrated. Black Panther just destroyed the box office and will make more off DVD, Blu-ray, and digital sales. Really good movie but one of the best of all time? I don't know about that (at this point it's probably top 10 if not top 5 in highest grossing movies depending on what list you are looking at).
Success and popularity doesnt mean quality. When it comes to movies the audience is pretty dumb. They want something fun, entertaining, and easy to digest. Nothing wrong with that but when you look at what film critics and film historians look for in terms of qualities for good films and good film making it's typically not going to be the stuff that draws the masses into theaters.
Also, consider some of the people that are seeing and buying these movies. A good portion of the audience are going to be kids. Are we really valuing their opinion when it comes to quality movies?
@spartanx169x: haha I know. I always think back to Michael Richards, the comedian that played Kramer on Senfield. Comedians can say whatever they want there's just repercussions. Definitely in agreeance.
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