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@cboye18: "Too many remasters, indies and money-grubbing, online-focused games released for this generation."

End of the day it's a business and with how expensive game development has become it's not surprising to see developers finding alternative ways to make money instead of relying on making risky AAA games. With indies or free to play game its low risk high reward. These games typically aren't costing a ton to make and if they happen to be a hit (like we've seen with games from Minecraft to Fortnite) they can be extremely profitable. Similar with Remasters. Pretty easy to gauge interest in a remaster and if it will be worth the cost.

"By this time of its lifespan the PS2 had much more worthy and unique games available."

Part of that was that it was cheaper to make games back then. This I why we see such an increase in indies. Cheaper way for developers to get their ideas out. I also believe it was easier to innovate back then compared to now. Games like GTA III and RE 4 were extremely innovative and influencial for the time for ideas that are common and basic by today's standards. I think developers are at a point where they don't know what the next innovation for gaming needs to be, maybe it's in the VR landscape. As a result I think you see developers making the best game they can possibly make based on popular ideas and trends instead of coming up with ideas we've never seen before. And I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I'd love to see more new and unique ideas but I won't complain much about a good/great have that isn't exactly innovating.

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Edited By scottyp360

@snugglebear: my bigger gripe about Amazon is the shipping. Im glad I'll still have an option for 20% off once the GamerClub membership ends but I liked the option of store pickup and the guarantee that I'll have the game on launch day. There's been times in the past where I've preorder a game from Amazon and got them a day or two later. Not a big issue in the grand scheme of things but that's one of the main reasons for preordering an item. To get it right when it comes out.

I'll also miss getting an extra 20% off games when they go on sale.

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@tnielsen2010: my guess is that they just weren't seeing a benefit. They probably focused on the sales numbers of videogames and were either losing money or just not benefitting from the program.

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@Yomigaeru: I'm thinking it was either that and/or publishers not being happy that there games were being sold for 20% off regardless if they were brand new or on sale. You could get some great deals on games just by waiting a few weeks after release when a game gets its first sale. I remember buying my brother UFC 3 just weeks after release for like $32 (on sale for $40, $8 off with the 20%). That's a brand new $60 game for nearly half the price not even a month after release. Can't imagine publishers being thrilled about that.

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@RossRichard: well, technically there is 1 good reason not to have the membership and it's knowing someone that has the membership. One of the big flaws of the membership from Best Buy's perspective. If you know/knew someone with a membership you could just give their info when asked and reap the benefits. You lose out on the rewards points but well worth the money saved.

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@ballashotcaller: it might not be worth it to them. I wouldn't be surprised if they are losing more money than they are making because of the membership (3 new games already saves you more than the membership). I even wonder if publishers are the ones forcing Best Buy to end the program. 20% off every game, including games on sale, is a lot for a 2 year membership that can easily be abused (I've been using my friends membership since he got it years ago).

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Sucks but it was great while it lasted. Should have known this was only a matter of time. It really was a "too good to be true" deal.

I wonder if part of the issue was that Best Buy did little to regulate or restrict the membership. I never had one myself but my friend does so whenever I buy a game I'll just give them his number and take advantage of his membership. Gotta imagine the membership hurt best buy more than it helped.

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@m4a5: Gamespot review scores often seem to be outliers from what I noticed. Usually rating games slightly lower than average, occasionally rating games a little higher.

With this game it seems like the bugs and glitches really just ruined the experience for the reviewer and I can't blame him. It would be difficult to enjoy almost any game with the issues that have been reported.

I would like to see a game like the re-reviewed once these issues are cleaned up. A month from now, maybe even a couple weeks from now, this could be a different, more polished game that's actually pretty good and current review scores wont be accurate.

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@nibbin1191: " I got a gamebreaker in the 1st ten minutes."

That's insane man. Don't know how a developer could release a game in that state. Maybe they plan on releasing a big patch on the official release date but still. I have to imagine even a slight delay would have helped. Better than having the first impression of "this game is a buggy mess."

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Edited By scottyp360

@bat725: wasn't really that hyped. Fans of the original were excited and I think others were hoping the game would greatly improve on the original to deliver a quality game but it's not like this was God of War, Red Dead 2 levels of hype.