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@overachiever89: wondering the same thing. It's great that we have the option to play a game like Mass Effect but that is a series that needs to be played in its entirety. It would be like having the option to watch Star Wars: A New Hope but not Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi.

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@lunchbox2042: another over priced accessory? How can you even make that claim against Sony when Microsoft is the one that initially made the Kinect an Xboxone requirement, because the system supposively couldn't work without it, only to later lift the requirement and make the accessory completely useless (haven't seen or heard of a kinect related game since the Xboxone launched).

VR was coming one way or another, I think it is smart for Sony to capitalize on it. It seems like companies are actually interested and invested in VR, unlike Kinect, so success won't rely on Sony but more commercial success (do these things sell and do people like them). Preorder sales seem to indicate many people are interested.

And overpriced? It's actually one of the cheaper options for VR available.

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@Noj_Leakim: agree that the movie is better the second time but I still wasn't crazy about it. it's a lot to take in at first so the second viewing is easier to follow, allows you to pick up more on the little things, and understand the motives a bit better.

But even after the second viewing I left the theater liking the movie a little bit more but still not loving it. It was good but nothing great and I think that's the most disappointing thing about this movie. At no point was i blown away. It was strongly average for me.

I'm hoping that the extended cut is able to take it a step further where I can actually say that I like the movie but that might be a lot to expect from an extended bluray release.

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@Noj_Leakim: "The problem seems like you are trying to force what you think are the version of the characters onto the screen instead of taking them for what they are."

This is one of the issues for me. This is suppose to be DC big movie universe and instead of using the most common and accepted versions of these characters they chose to do something quite different.

I don't know if there has ever been a Lex Luthor like that in the comics. To me it struck me has making him different for the heck of if it. It seemed like they mimicked Joker from the Dark Knight a bit.

Batman wasnt bad. I didn't mind that he killed but it also struck me has going with a different version of batman just to be different and maybe shock people. Superman is also darker than in the comics.

This wasn't the make or break aspect of the movie for me but it certainly threw the movie off a bit.

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@Raphy_Turtle: "You go see Batman v Superman for the spectacle. Not for the plot."

firstly I disagree with this. I don't think I have ever seen a superhero movie strictly for the spectacle. I might not be looking for an Oscar winning story but I want a story that is going to keep my attention and interest (Dark Knight and Winter Solider were two of the best at this).

Now even if you go strictly for the spectacle I still don't know how you can enjoy the movie. The first hour plus is all plot and it's not all the interesting. When the spectacle final occurs we are treated to a pretty good bout between the two heroes, better late than never, with the worst resolution ever. Then comes the "epic" final battle which isn't anything special. It's cool to see wonder woman in action, as well as the trinity working together, but it wasn't "edge of your seat" type action.

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Edited By scottyp360

@Tekarukite: well said. Some make this out to be the worst superhero movie ever and it's definitely not that bad. However there are also those that are convinced this movie was one of the, if not the, best superhero movies ever and I think they are just a bit in denial and basing off their love for think he characters.

I agree with your take and am hoping that the eventual extended bluray is able to improve the overall story and movie.

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@hyru99: I'm a big Batman fan, wouldn't quite say a superman fan but I do like DC and the Justice League. I wasn't crazy about this movie and I've actually seen it twice already. The first time I was definitely disappointed, even after hearing about the bad reviews. The second viewing allowed me to get a better grasp of the story but I still didn't like it as a whole.

I mostly agree about Dark Knight Rises as well. A few good moments (Bane breaking Batman's back being the highlight) but I remember being a bit in denial after seeing that movie. I'm actually afraid to watch the movie again because I know it just won't be as good as I want it to be.

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@90wushuman: sorry man didnt read your entire post but got the jist of it. Having also seen the movie twice I did enjoy it a bit more my second time (it is a lot to take in a first) but my overall impression remains the same, it's an alright to good movie. It's not as bad as some critics and fans are making it out to be but it also isn't as good as the fanboys loyalist would have you believe.

For me it mostly comes down to this: there are some good ideas and moments in the film but the overall execution doesn't reach the spectacle it should have been. There should have been moments that left the audience awe struck and it just didn't happen for me.

And on Jesse Eisenberg's Luthor. I don't like what they did with the character, because that's not what comes to my mind when I think Lex Luthor, but he wasn't awful in terms of acting (he played the role they wanted). I thought he was entertaining. But what I really didn't like was getting the vibe of "why is this Lex Luthor basically Heath Ledger's Joker without the clown make up?" I think they deliberately tried to mimick The Dark Knight's Joker in attempts to give their film an iconic villain and it backfired on them.

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@nl_skipper: I don't think any comic books fans wanted it to feel. I was certainly looking forward to this movie going in, despite the negative reviews, and still left disappointed. Same for the people I went with.

Really it's the same as any other Snyder movie. People either absolutely love the movie or hate it with a passion.