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I hope that, if this is true, options are given to those of us that already own a PS4. I mean who would want to own a lower powered PS4 if there is a more powerful option available.

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@Chernnunos: it's not opinion, it's fact. One way sites generate money is by article clicks. Gamespot is just going to create more movie related articles the more people continue to click and comment on these articles. They dont care about anyone's opinion about these articles as long has they appear to be popular.

It's just like the Batman v superman movie. The studio won't care too much about review scores as long as people are seeing the movie and the studio is making money. The reviews are secondary to ticket sales.

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@chaosbrigade: Snyder was responsible for the dawn of the dead remake? Honestly didn't know that. That was definitely a quality movie/remake.

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@Shadowscreem: I could also show you the rotten tomatoes or metacritic critics scores as indication that some of those movies aren't very well received. Like I said all a matter of opinion.

I personally thought man of steel was ok. I liked it on my first viewing but on my second viewing more flaws began to show. I loved 300 when I first saw it but it's been a while since I watched that film. Watchmen is a similar story. I don't think I've watched the entirety of that movie since it first came out on dvd. So personally I have no bias towards or against his movies.

I just know that from what I have heard from people (whether in person or on online forums such as this) his movies are typically love or hate. Typically applauded for artistic style and action scenes but lacking in terms of story and characters. Once again though matter of opinion.

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@jerger_gs: I typically prefer the darker more serious superhero movies. I loved Dark Knight (though Dark Knight Rises fell short of expectations). I liked man of steel on my first viewing but the second time around he flaws began to show. Winter Soldier was my favorite Marvel movie because of how balanced it was, definitely the most serious of the Marvel Universe films.

But basically what I am getting at is that being darker is good but doesn't guarantee the movie will be good. The Amazing Spiderman films were darker but that didn't necessarily make them good. I'm still excited for BvS regardless of reviews but i understand that I might not love the entirety of the movie. It is quite possible that is can still disappoint despite the darker tone.

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@jdmavs1979: being dark doesn't automatically make something good though. It's all about execution. If I, for example, like heavy metal that doesn't mean I am going to like any and every band that does heavy metal music. It's going to come down to how they execute and perform their music.

Likewise with comparing daredevil to Snyder's movies there is more to them than just being dark. Is the story any good? Are the characters well developed and accurately portrayed? Is the action any good (the fights scenes I've seen in daredevil have been awesome)?

I prefer the darker more serious movies myself but that alone isn't going to make a movie great.

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Edited By scottyp360

@andfx8: "There should be a little reprieve, but the fact it is not an Avengers clone should be viewed as a good thing"

I wouldn't want or expect it to be an Avengers clone but at the same time I'm not going to assume the movie has to be good because it is different. It seems like a ton of people are defending the movie based off the tone and mood alone. I like my superhero movies on the darker more serious side but that doesn't automatically mean it is going to be a good movie. There is such thing as being too dark and even if the tone is spot on that doesn't mean the story is going to be good, the characters are going to be well developed or accurate representations, the action is going to deliver, etc.

Some people just refuse to accept that it is a possibilty that the movie simply doesn't live up to the hype, regardless of the tone.

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@aceofspades187: not sure where you are looking but there are a ton of fans defending the movie. Some claiming to have seen it already (I never trust or believe these people) and some that haven't seen the movie but are blindly defending it because a grim dark Snyder superhero movie couldn't possibly disappoint.

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@Shadowscreem: matter of opinion man. A lot of those movies aren't universally considered good. Man of Steel's reception alone was a mixed bag. If you like Snyder's previous work I'm sure you'll like this but most of his work is hit or miss amongst viewers and I don't think he as made one truly great movie.

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@RobDev: nailed it. That was one of the biggest issues with Man of Steel. I liked that they took a darker and more serious approach but they took it to the point where it was dark for the sake of being dark, as if it somehow made the movie edgy and cool.

Even a comic like The Killing Joke, which is considered to be dark and grim, ended with a joke between batman and joker. I'm pretty sure even frank miller's batman stories had some instances of brevity