The innovation of the x1 is up for debate until the cloud and kinect prove to actually improve games. All the entertainment stuff isnt innovative to gaming or gamers its just a way to attract a non gamer crowd (which isnt necessarily a bad thing). The ps4 may not be doing anything drastically different but the power of the hardware over last gen, which x1 will have as well, will allow developers to innovate games (the kinect can possibly give x1 an edge if it proves to not be gimmicky features).
To be honest the most innovative gaming hardware being developed is the occulus rift. That can, and possibly will, change gaming in the future.
I dont see how this is news worthy. "Both companies believe that their new console is the future of gaming." Really? Because I was afraid both companies lacked confidence in their product and were going to tell us not to waste our money.
I dont think its neglacting gamers as much as we think. It almost as powerful as the ps4, they stated that they have a good amount of exclusives in development, and it will get all the multiplatform games. Ms is trying to change the way we think of videogame consoles, which is hard for us gamers to accept. The best analogy I can think of would be cell phones. 10-15 years ago cell phones could only call, text , and play games that mad nes graphics look like works of art. Now we have smartphones that do so much its hard to imagine having phones that dont have aps, internet, cameras, and quality games. The x1s capabilities allows it to be marketable to more people than the ps4. Only gamers will buy the ps4 but its possible people will buy the x1 with no intentions of gaming or because it is capable of gaming and muchmore. Ps4 will be the gamers choice no doubt but ms is hoping to reach more than just gamers with x1 which from a business stand point can work out in the long run.
Before I say anything I want to start by saying I will be getting a ps4 when both consoles launch. With that said the x1 really is an impressive machine. Ms and ps4 have two opposite approaches here. Sony is saying we are building a gaming machine for gaming fans first and formost, while ms is saying yeah our system is a great gaming machine which gamers will appreciate but for eveyone else in the world look what else it can do. Ps4 will take sales at first, due to price and the fact that gamers will be the first to get these consoles, but once the non gamers realize what the x1 does it will it will be the leading seller. I can see businesses, school, parents, entertainment junkies buying the x1 for non gaming purposes. For a gaming console the price might not be right but for everything else it does its a steal (cheaper than tablets, laptops/computer, smartphones, etc)
Good point. The scale of the games is another reason the graphics are usually not state of the art. Gta games always push the limits in terms of size. Gta ivs graphics were great for the time, although is was a dark game and the colors seemed dull. Gta v looks like gta iv with a fresh coat of paint and polish, which is not a bad thing at all. Imo this game looks great considering the size of the game and how much stuff is going on at once. I dont know how anyone could expect much more from this gen of consoles. There might be pc games that look better but not many console games compete, especially considering size of the game
I think its a combo of both. The games probably werent 100% ready to run on the xone so instead of risking running into problems by using the system (framerate issues, crashing issues, etc) using pcs was a way to optimize the performance of the games. I cant imagine the games will look any different on the xone once release.
Considering how similar the consoles are in terms of hardware and what they can do (minus x1 kinect abilities) exclusives are typically a deciding factor on what system to get. Im somewhat in the same boat as you. Instead of halo, gears of war is the only exclusive for 360 that I really enjoyed. Ps3 on the other hand had many exclusives thatI was interested in. For $100 less ps4 sounds better to my ears. The way I see it no matter which system you choose (assuming you only get one) there is going to be at least a game or two that your gna want to play on the other system
I alway think its unfair to compare games (as well as movies and music) that are different genres. Some people like shooters more than action/adventure games and vice versa. It more about what type of game you prefer. you might be able to compare the stories, graphics, and production quality (sounds, framerate, how well the game performs online) bur actual gameplay is more a personal preference.
I dont think developers would waste there time on 4k games when no one has 4k tvs. Cable doesnt even support 4k yet so even if we do get 4k games it will be quite a few years down the road. Remember when 3d tvs were going to be the future? Sure we hsve movies in 3d (a select few that are actually worth it) and some games but its not the perfered video source. Developers will wait and see if 4k becomes mainstream to the public.
scottyp360's comments