Not a fanboy. I'd consider myself a videogame fan (sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, etc). I just feel like recently when there are a bunch of anticipated games set to release in one year a few of them end up receiving delays.
I also wouldn't be surprised if Horizon wasnt released until 2017. It will definitely not come any earlier then fall of next year. I do expect Sony to have a couple of surprises though. This year was a quiet year for Sony with exclusives (off my head I can think of The Order, Bloodborne, and Until Dawn) so I would expect Sony to step up their game next with exclusives and content.
What made the Xboxone lineup look good this year was that the ps4 had no big exclusives in the second half of the year, their lineup was better by default.
It won by default. In terms of a gaming system PS4 looked like the better bet when both consoles released and with PS4 getting the quick early lead most people bought the console that their friends already owned.
Personally I enjoy both consoles but to each their own.
You stated it perfectly "it's about the games u enjoy the most". Screw the whole "this console is so much better!" argument. If you enjoy the games on one console more than the other that's great, but both consoles have their pros and cons, great games and bad games.
And I have to disagree about the Last Guardian being an "overhyped indie". It might be over hyped and it might not be the great game people have been expecting but it is certainly no indie. The game is very much a big budget, big studio game.
Well atleast Microsoft is finally focusing on exclusive games. They aren't trying to sell their console based on the kinect, tv functionality, their online service, cod exclusive maps, etc. It seems like they finally understand that people buy gaming consoles, first and foremost, for the games and exclusive games are a major difference maker. I don't know how good these games will turn out to be and I don't see xboxone lifetime sales catching up to the ps4s but if Microsoft is going to lose the sales battle this generation this is how I would want them to go down, "swinging" by focusing on exclusive games.
In terms of console sales it is unlikely the Xboxone can catch up to the ps4 but I like that Microsoft is finally giving attention to exclusive titles. It is ironic that xbox 360 had a huge sales lead over ps3 despite not having many acclaimed exclusives, they are off to a far better start with the Xboxone in terms of exclusives.
There are many reasons the PS4 has a sales lead but I think one major part, that you touched on, is the marketing with games like Battlefront, COD, and even Destiny last year. These games were marketed as "must play on ps4" and people could have been fooled to believe the games were exclusive to ps4. I have a buddy, who owns an xboxone, tell me a few weeks ago "Battlefront looks awesome but why is it only on ps4?" I corrected him but I understood his mistake. The majority of the commercials for the game promote the ps4 bundle with no sign of "also on xboxone". Destiny ads were similar. So even without having an extensive exclusive lineup this year Sony was able to market multiplatform titles as must play on ps4. Add that to the fact that most people have friends that purchased a ps4 over an xboxone and it is clear why Microsoft exclusives still aren't carrying xboxone sales over ps4 (not talking total sales but month to month)
While I am excited for the future lineup for the Xboxone (it's starting to feel like owning both consoles is worth it) I hate these headline statements "Next year will be the best lineup." What else is the executive of a company going to say? "Yeah our competition has the better lineup next year" or "our 2015 lineup was so good we won't be able to top it." I like the confidence and I agree that the lineup looks promising but I'm not going to just trust the word of someone who's job is to promote their own product.
Typically the games arent product that will get you trampled. Some of the newer games might go quick but typically if you get toff a store around opening time you can grab the game you want no problems. Console bundles might be a different story.
scottyp360's comments