@jski: I'd say that Shepard is iconic because he was an extension of the player. I felt a connection with shepard, the characters, and the world because they reacted to my choices and decisions. Of course most choices were minor and in the end the outcome was mostly the same but the journey and experience to get to the end felt personal.
"Its an opinion piece and should be treated as such."
And it should be viewed a such too. When a review discusses the good or bad of a game it should be assumed by the reader that these are the opinions of the reviewer. At the end of the day the reviewer needs to give a final, overall score and opinion. I don't know how that is possible withour thing ones own feelings into account.
I also didn't notice any part of this review that indicates "I don't like this noone will." I thought the reviewer actually went out of his way a few times to indicate how HE personally felt. For example, " It changed the way I thought about the entire experience, and for me, that lack of freedom undermined a lot of the fun." Nothing about that indicates "I don't like it and you won't either." This review tells us enough to allow the reader to determine how they will feel abut particular aspects of the game.
Umm that's any review ever. It is a personally opinion about a particular product. Are people suppose to ignore the things they like and dislike when writing a review?
"Also, the way microtransactions are implemented can differ from game to game"
I feel like there is a big misunderstanding surrounding microtransactions. I think most people see microtransactions and automatically generate an opinion that they are bad and diminish the value of the game. Like you said it will differ from game to game and person to person.
In Guitar Hero's case the microtransactions seem like a way to limit the users freedom and are a more costly alternative to dlc. On one hand it is cool that we are able to play these extra songs for free but it is really bothersome that we are unable to purchase the songs we like so that we can play whenever we want.
I think the issue here is how the microtransactions are set up. I like that you can technically play all the extra songs for free but it is ridiculous that you can't flat out purchase songs. I wouldn't want to have to pay money each time I want to play a particular song from GHTV. I also don't want to sit through songs I dislike just to find a particular song I do like. I feel like the current set up will be cool at first but as time goes on and people determine which songs they like and dislike most people are going to want to the option to just purchase the songs they want.
At this point I'm cool with it. Assassin's Creed is what it is. An assassin game that takes place in a different time period every year. At this point the game is more about exploring a setting than receiving new, exciting gameplay enhancements. If you are tired of it simply don't play and ignore.
For this Far Cry game I actually like that they are going back in time, so to speak. While they may be "milking" the series at least they are doing something different and not rehashing similar settings. I think this series was in need of a fresh setting.
Can't check out the trailer while I'm at work but I like the idea here. There are not many games that have tackled this time period so it is cool to see a game and developers use ideas that aren't played out.
2. I don't think a requirement for a memorable character is to be non-straight or to be transgender. Also don't know why it would be "hilarious" if the game had gay or transgender characters. Gay and transgender characters aren't suppose to be comic relief.
3. I've never played through a far cry game so I could be wrong but don't these games strive for more realistic scenerios oppose to fictional, sci-fi, mythical type storylines.
scottyp360's comments