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@jwrebholz: yeah I'll only preorder games if i plan on buying them day 1 regardless of reviews (like sports games) or for games I feel confident about (God of War, possibly Spiderman). If I plan on buying a game day one regardless might as well preorder and get whatever bonus comes with it but these days preorders aren't really necessary. Don't remember the last time I've seen a game sell out from stores day 1.

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@bbq_R0ADK1LL: I was thinking the same thing. It'd be one thing if we got an inkling of a release date, like the 2019/spring 2019 projections we saw for some games (though even then I don't see the point of preordering), but for all we know this game could be 1, 2, possibly 3 years away. Why would anyone even be thinking about preordering the game at this point let alone going out a putting money down.

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Edited By scottyp360

@Arguyle: Nothing wrong with it. I have no issue with games adding a battle royale mode, I expect every new competitive online game to have some sort of mode like it. I just think it's unnecessary for Dice to even "explain why it happened." No explanation is needed. We all saw where there's trend was going once Fortnite and PUBG became two of the most popular games in the world.

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@knolddasker: I mean most fans disliked the prequel trilogy, mainly Phantom Menace and Clone Wars, so chances are fans still would have dumped all over whatever Lucas would have done.

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"of course, a lot of the fans would have hated it..."

I honestly don't know if there's anything that could be done with Star Wars films that fans wouldn't end up hating. Biggest complaint about Force Awakens was that it was just way too similar to a New Hope. Then people complained that Last Jedi ruined the franchises and changed way too much. That doesn't include the dislike of the prequel trilogy. Hell even Return of the Jedi took a ton of flack for the wookies (imagine if the internet was around back then).

It's so weird to see a fanbase that simultaneously loves and hates the very thing they're fans of. The franchise isnt perfect, but it never was. The fans just built up this idea of what Star Wars is and anything that doesn't fit their vision gets criticized.

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Edited By scottyp360

@videogameninja: There were just so many little details from this gameplay trailer that made me think: this is where I felt like gaming would eventually go once technology allowed but seeing it in action is a sight to behold.

The transition from cutscene to gameplay (I couldn't see any noticeble difference in visual quality). The detail and expression on enemies faces making them look like living people and not generic videogame bad guys. The movement and animation of Ellie and the enemies. Their reaction to getting hit and taken damage, as well as the detail of the damage (shot in the face, axe to the face). Ellie pulling out, what I think was, a shard of glass from her shoulder. The way Ellie ran towards an enemy, seamlessly grabbed a bottle, and proceeded to throw it at the enemy in a fluid sequence (making me wonder how interactive the environment and random objecta are). Ellie going prone to crawl under a car and the way she positioned herself to aim her gun (as well as seeing her use her tumb to pull the hammer of the gun down).

I'm sure I could go on and on but I'm going based off memory from watching the video two days ago. Been trying to avoid watching the gameplay segment too much since this game is at least a year or two away. I don't need every game to have this level of detail, especially when it comes to the gore and brutality, but I thought this demo put other companies on noticed a bit. Like this is the level of realism and detail that can be possible.

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Edited By scottyp360

@TrueLink: unfortunately people will probably still argue that it is all done because of some political agenda. A character couldn't possibly be homosexual unless political views are being forced upon us. A strong female lead just isn't realistic in an action game/movie.

I just find it funny that in the history of media and entertainment we rarely see these scenarios and the few times we do people react like society is trying to be brain washed. Why shake the status quo when we could just stick with what has work for a century or so: strong, typically white, male protagonists. You know nice, safe, and reflective of real life (I would fill this with eye roll emojis if possible).

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Edited By scottyp360

@AloeVera4: right...we need more games with strong, heterosexual males as the lead. We never see that in gaming.

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Come on Square that's it? Maybe they saved a couple surprises for the Sony conference (found it interesting that a couple games were announced for PS4 and PC with no mention of Xbox One). Still wishful thinking for a FFVII reveal at Sony. Was hoping for an announcement of their rumored Marvel game but I doubt they would show it off next to Sony's Spiderman game.

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@aross2004: didn't watch the trailer yet but do people forget that a lot of beloved 80s action movies weren't that good to begin with?