When games stay the same people cry "Oh noez, rehash!!1". When they change it's "Oh noez, ruined franchise!!1" Make up your minds. You hardly know anything about the new Resident Evil or Devil May Cry but they are already "ruined", It's completely impossible that they just will be good games. Who cares if they are different as long as they are good? nethernovaThe problem with that line of thinking is that some people like the original story line and to completely remake it (DMC) is just plain stupid. The story was good. They made their games and even had one from when Dante first started his business. The fourth added a new character element in passing the torch to a new half-demon who is just as badass as Dante himself, minus the whole being shishkebabed on his own sword and just pulling it out while making some whitty comment about the damaged clothing. From what I've read, this new Dante is like some emo punk-wannabe kid who acts like the majority of teens in America. Sure you have the chance of your audience relating to the character, but I thought video games were to entertain and escape reality rather than turning into some after-school-special.
RE is coming up with a different game play style which is going to turn a lot of people off who like the previous style. Unfortunately, a lot of developers are seeing the cash rolling in from the CoD and MoH series and they want to jump on the wagon. RE has the setup for it, but it's always been more of a co-op game rather than squad based.
I don't doubt that the new games will be enjoyable for gamers, but the fans of the franchise are going to be upset about the change.
My thoughts on who's next? Uncharted. I get the feeling that Uncharted 3 is going to fall flat and then Naughty Dog will either toss the series aside to work on something else while they come up with how to fix it or just re-tool the story into something different.
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