can't wait to see the new xbox, hope all of those rumors about always connected and used game would be just rumors. Oh yeah i really hope Forza 5 would still be available in xbox 360.
If Yager gonna make a game like Dishonored or Deus Ex with the same quality story like Spec Ops: The Line, powered by Unreal Engine 4, i will be happy to get it!
i'm a fan of DMC series and i must say DMC: Devil May Cry is pretty good. It still have the same awesome gameplay and humor plus, it actually have a good story and great art direction. Yes, the new Dante looks and act like a jerk but it doesn't bother me much. Of all outsourcing that Capcom has done, Ninja Theory is certainly the best.
About Resident Evil 6 (and 5) which is developed in-house Capcom, let's be honest Capcom, your decision to change the direction of a zombie survival horror franchise into a stupid monster hunter action game is incredibly stupid.
GTAV will come and save the day! Kinda surprised that Bioshock: Infinite, God of War Ascension, Gears of War Judgment, and Tomb Raider are not enough to crank up the sales. Those games are AAA titles and except for GoW -which i'm not a fan of- are amazing games.
the music of Bioshock: Infinite and other Bioshock games are simply phenomenal. When i found a tear near the Chen Lin Gunsmith Shop that have the original Fortunate Sons played on it for couple of seconds i simply surprised, just like Booker and Elizabeth did, and then i found a recording of Fink that saying something about weird, unrecognizable music heard by his workers.
Will The Circle Be Unbroken is the best music in video games history, followed closely by The Best Is Yet To Come by Aoife NĂ Fhearraigh from Metal Gear Solid.
Why it always took so long for Nintendo to actually put an effort for their new gaming system? Anyway, better late than nothing. Hope Nintendo will do the same for Wii U (they probably already preparing something huge for E3)
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