i only play MGS4 and i can say that it have the best English dub for Japanese game. Especially for Hayter's performance, really like him. Kojima Production's decision to replace Hayter is just as upsetting as Ubisoft Montreal's decision to cast out Michael Ironside as Sam Fisher. Still gonna get the game but i will miss that voice.
i'm really glad that 343 Industries keep the Chief-Cortana story. For the first time, i actually care for both of them, when there is an interference in the HUD and Masterchief asked what's going on, and then Cortana answered 'it's me', i feel terribly sad for her. I feel this emotion to get the mission done as fast as i can so i can help her. Please tell your writer team, that they have done an amazing job!
as long as you can keep your promise, i would be happy to play new Assassin's Creed every year. But make damn sure that every new game bring so many new awesome features like when you make ACII. That game is like a whole different game compared to Assassin's Creed.
no surprised on the great graphics, but I hope there will be animation for entering or exiting vehicle in the finish product and also our character's shadow. Oh i like that we can give suppressing fire command.
kinda sad reading this kind of news. I only play NES and i'm not a fan of Nintendo's games (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc.) but i want them to succeed. Because they are the very reason video game console still exist, hell if not because of them, there will be no PlayStation.
take it easy Square Enix, those games are amazing (don't play Hitman though), especially Tomb Raider which just came out not so long ago. I'm sure it will sell more.
sensei_hEnRY's comments