so...a writer to one of the most violent video game franchise agree that video games is too violent? I hope this won't mean that Gears of War 4 will be a simulation city game where you build Sera after the war is over (hopefully without always online requirement).
@Hurvl @sensei_hEnRY lol! no doubt that EA have a bad business strategy, but like it or not, they have some good developers on their hand and those developers produced great games.
this is a good news, i love Spec Ops: The Line and it deserve at least a nomination for best third person shooter in 2012 in my opinion. As long as Yager could pull out something as story-oriented as The Line, i would be happy to get it.
I can see the point in the awkwardness, i don't do romance when i play as female Shepard and i can't imagine how awkward it would be if there is a scene of Faith kissing a guy in first person perspective.
But, as long as the game is good and the character is great, the romance won't make me refuse to play it. I always find that female character have more interesting interaction with NPCs in video game. For example the interaction between female Shepard and James Vega, their chemistry is so great and i really like the awkward reaction from Vega when my character tease him, it's something you can't get when you play as male Shepard. Also when Lara Croft must save one of her friend who try to impressed her, it feels more natural than the obvious damsel in distress scenario. Also when Lara give him a kiss in the cheek, that is cute in my opinion.
Up until now, the reason i probably won't get Remember Me is because of clunky combat mechanism. Not because Nilin is gonna kiss somebody.
Thank you for leading the company that published some of the greatest game i've ever play in this gen: Dead Space (2008), Mirror's Edge (2008), Mass Effect 2 (2010), Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (2010), Medal of Honor (2010), Dead Space 2 (2011), Battlefield 3 (2011), and Mass Effect 3 (2012).
wow, i've imagined for this game for a long time, but i imagined it as an fps, a non-lethal, realistic, team-based fps. I don't know if video game can be a right medium for this kind of activities, i also worried about how the game developer can maintain their position as neutral regarding the issue of any riot. Good luck with your game!
if it's true, i hope those people know how to cooperate and focus only on one thing, delivering the same holy-shit-this-game-is-very-awesome-experience i had when i play ACII, because ACIII failed on that.
my opinion, what Mr. Kojima wanted to say is it's okay to mislead the story of a game through trailer, not mislead what the players can do in the game. For this i'm very agree, take a look at Resident Evil 6's 4 minutes trailer, it gives us too much of the story. I hate spoiler and i want to be surprised when i playing the game. This is why i wish Lara Croft's first kill is not shown on the crossroad trailer. Imagine if they never showed that scene, it would be more intense and emotional because it's the most important part of the story.
the only Superman game i played is Superman return by EA Tiburon on my PS2 and oh my gosh that game is awful, the only thing that's good about that game is fly as high as i can and then fly down with incredible speed into the center of Metropolis. The sense of speed and looking at the city slowly getting closer and more detail are amazing. Realizing that, making me think that Superman game is not a bad idea, you can actually make it good. If game developer could not make it as a gritty, story-oriented game like Batman Arkham series, they should making it ridiculously epic with giant enemies, brutal melee combat, crazy flying sequences, and creative, physics-defying set pieces...damn, PLATINUM Games should be the one making it!
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