@RedLegZeff yeah, a gaming laptop would be a better choice. I also like those small consoles, i would love to see PS4 become smaller than the first slim version
so, you buy a $1500 tablet and $100 docking station, connect it to your HDTV with HDMI cable, and then connect xbox 360 wired controller to play it...what's wrong with a $250 ps3 or xbox 360? Yeah you couldn't play it on the go but still, you can only play it for two hours with full charged battery. I'd rather wait to go home to play Bioshock: Infinite on my PS3. But if a $2000 Porsche designed smartphone can be sold, why not this?
So let's assume that there are a lot of people that is 'ready', are you ready too? Seeing how DRM failed in every level (into the point where honest gamers must suffer the consequences).
15% for me. Your 'graphically stunning' game doesn't have enough power to make me play it to finish. It's boring, repetitive, and easy. Here are the list of average (or less graphic oriented) looking games that have far,far more appeal and immersion than Crysis 3 (and 2):
Bioshock Series (Unreal engine 2.5 and Unreal Engine 3)
The Walking Dead: A Telltale Game (modified Telltale tool)
Journey (PhyreEngine)
Rayman: Origins (Ubiart Framework)
Dishonored (Unreal Engine 3)
Mass Effect series (Unreal Engine 3)
Dead Space (modified Godfather engine)
Mirror's Edge (Unreal Engine 3)
Resistance series (Insomniac Engine 1,2,3)
Call of Duty series, yeah sue me, i think CoD is soooo much better than Crysis 2 and 3 (iD Tech 3, IW 2.0, Treyarch NGL, IW 3.0 and uh, well, the rest is just mods of this engine)
never play Half Life, System Shock, Portal, and any Nintendo exclusive but i'm pretty sure those games are better than the shinny looking Crysis 2 and 3. If you still think that Crysis 2 and 3 are great just because it can simulate frog's leap (yeah, i watch that trailer), just give your engine to another developer that care more about good gameplay and story and less about photorealistic graphics.
good to hear this news. Criterion's Hot pursuit and Most Wanted are big disappointment. Well, Hot Pursuit is actually pretty good but the lack of splitscreen mode really pissed me off (same to the rest of NFS games after that title) while Most Wanted is a cheap, stripped off version of the original game. If you want to make a big buck easily, EA, release HD remake of Underground and Underground 2 (with new cars of course).
I'm so happy that i'll be able to play new Batman Arkham series this year. Rocksteady have raised the standard pretty high, please try to keep up Warner Bros. Games Montreal. I had disappointment over the third game on some series lately (Mass Effect 3, Assassin's Creed 3, Dead Space 3, and Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel), i really hope this one would not fall into the same trap.
i hope they will release it in physical disc because if it's a dlc, i can't download it. And i hope this will be funny (smart or stupidly funny), have over the top action, and of course lots of things and side missions to do, like the original Far Cry 3, which is one of the best FPS ever.
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