I...I think I'm a vampire or something:
sergioalb64 Blog
'My First Kiss' Story
by sergioalb64 on Comments
Yep; here it is, the story of my first kiss.
Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico
Winter 2000, mid December
Palmore Junior High
Sergio Gonzalez - Age 12
Xitlali Rodriguez - Age 12
Here's the basic pre-info. I've never been popular at school, but one weird thing happened one day. A..um...'not beautiful' girl named Maria Luisa talked to me for a while, and she kept doing it over and over again. One day, she called me and said...
"Sergio, will you be my boyfriend?"
Believe me, that was AWKWARD. A girl asking a guy?!? I just felt so...uncomfortable, 'cause she was considered a hideous monster amonst the ****oom, but she was nice and she had just asked me to be her BF. I said yes...but to be honest I didn't really mean it.
Then I met her; Xitlali. She was a new student and she was GORGEOUS; I still remember her beautiful hair and smooth skin! Er...let's back off a little bit. She was great, and one time for some weird reasons I was left alone with her on the ****oom! We talked for a while and I felt totally in love with her and her amazing personality. One day, I wrote a note and asked my best friend back then to send it to her. The note read:
"Hi Xitlali. You're amazing, and although I would love to ask you this in person, I can't, because I'm too shy...
...will you be my girlfriend?"
The note came back to me, with a YES written on it with red ink.
I felt great! We talked a lot more now, but we never went anywhere besides school. One day though, the inevitable happened; Maria Luisa found out. As mean and even horrible as this sounds, I had actually forgotten about my 'girlfriend'. She wasn't really mad, but she was really sad and she cried. Again, this was mean, but I didn't really care about her at the moment; Xitlali was my world. Maria Luisa just stopped talking to me for a while, but eventually she did so again and we were back to just good friends. One day though...
One day my best 'friend' kept telling me and Xitlali to kiss. We didn't say yes, but we didn't say no either. One time, when we were alone on a hallway...
Tongue wrestling! It felt really weird but really good at the same time. It lasted about...five seconds, but it felt much longer than that! That was my first, and so far only, kiss. Eventually, I found out that Xitlali had gone back to her old, rich boyfriend that bought her rings and nice things. Later on however, a note was passed around, from Xitlali, asking me to get back together. I, however, never got to see that letter, but I know it was true (a teacher even told me!). I don't know what I would've said...
So yeah, I was a mean guy back then, quite selfish. This is a really special story for me though, and it brought back a ton of memories. I hope you liked it!
sergioalb64 - 1 kiss so far, but a GREAT one!
Me VS My Sister
by sergioalb64 on Comments
If you have a brother or sister, you know how difficult such a relationship can be. Me and my sister get along fine, but in the past things were quite crazy.
First of all, when she was born, I was jealous of the attention she was taking away from me. I don't exactly remember, but my mother said that I used to throw shoes at my sister's crib while she was on it. Who could blame me, right?...Well yeah, that wasn't right, but I didn't know better :P
Then as we both grew older we fought more and more. One time I pulled her hair and she tried to pull mine, but I had just gotten a hair cut and she failed :lol: One other time she bugged me and I chased her around the house for a while until I tripped and hit my head on the edge of a wall. I touched the top of my noggin and noticed that I was bleeding :)
Oh, and one time my sister was looking at someone from my grandparent's two-story house. I sneaked behind her and pushed her; she fell and broke a leg! It was very funny because she kept screaming in pain as I laughed my heart out! That's one of the best memories in my life, because...NO! Just kidding, that didn't happen!
So we used to fight a lot, but we never got injured or took things too far, gladly. Now we just go our ways because we're really different, but we know that if things go bad we have someone to help.
Any similar stories you would like to share?
Coming soon to my blog; the amazing story of my first kiss!
The irony of a DS fan
by sergioalb64 on Comments
Hey there, how are you? I'm fine, and I wanted to share some crazy stuff with you.
As most of you know, I'm a crazy DS fan. Well, I'm crazy alright; crazy enough to write PSP articles for my site! The webmaster is on his honeymoon and I'm charge of the site, on both DS and PSP aspects. I wrote a preview for the PSP game Dragoneer's Aria, which is a turn-based RPG with an interesting Mana-based battle system and a seemengly-good story. I just wrote another PSP article discussing upcoming PSP games for the month of August.
Here's a revelation; I used to dislike the PSP, mainly because it was the DS's competitor. However, and I don't want to offend any PSP fans out there, but things look great for the DS, and I seriously don't see the PSP as a competitor anymore, just as another option in handheld gaming. If the DS can sell twice as much PSPs worldwide, then the DS is safe, and I can start to like the PSP. So, I do; I actually want one!
So there you have it; one of the world's biggest DS fans likes the PSP and will probably get one next year or so. Interesting... :D
I am NOT a kitchen guy
by sergioalb64 on Comments
It was incredibly hot and we were out of Coke. I decided to make some lemonade. BIG MISTAKE.
It took me about half an hour, we're out of lemons and I made a sugary, lemony, sticky mess that I had to clean up. Oh, and the lemonade wasn't all that great.
At least it tastes like some sort of accomplishment...
Meet Mr. Lard
by sergioalb64 on Comments
Character design thumbnail for my animation class. I don't really like him; I don't think it's very original, but my professor liked his proportions a lot, so...yeah :) What do you think?
The Bouncing Rabbit, my first GIF
by sergioalb64 on Comments
Hey there. Just wanted to show you my very first GIF (one of those animated cartoony-like movies). Here it is:
It's supposed to fun a little faster, but oh well. Hopefully you notice the little extras I put in; when the rabbit hits the ground, he makes a different face, same when he shoots up again, and also notice the ears moving at the end.
GIFs are cool. I hope to make more sophisticated ones in the future. I'll probably make a few game-related ones too.
I have a website...sort of
by sergioalb64 on Comments
Well, some of you know I write DS articles for a website (portablevideogamer.com). The webmaster is going on a road trip, and guess who's in charge of the site? Yours truly :) Here's my first self-published article:
It took me a little while to get used to the whole HTML concept, with the 's and the src=img=http and all that stuff :) I'll do fine though. Unfortunately, I'll have to handle PSP news :( Just kidding; I kinda like the PSP now. Kinda :D
By the way, if anyone has writen any DS / PSP reviews on recently-released games and would like to contribue to the site, just let me know and we'll publish your review and give you full credit!
Off to homework; Photoshop isn't going to learn itself! Wait...did that make sense? :P
EDIT - Hmmm...I used more emoticons than usual :):D:P:lol:
EDIT 2 - Made some fake DS Lite colors:
I want THIS emblem!
by sergioalb64 on Comments
I mean, come on; 2 DS Lites, 102 games, tons of DS accessories, and a dusty, non-played GameCube overshadowed by a dual-screen portable? I've deserved this emblem for a while now, but supposedly it's not given anymore. That, my friends, stinks; some guy has no DS games on his collection but he's got the emblem! Oh, the irony!
I'm so MAD!
Another fact about me...
by sergioalb64 on Comments
My phone conversations. Basically, I get nervous when talking on the phone, and I say things that don't make sense. Here are some examples:
SOMEONE: Hello, can I talk to *insert name here*?
ME: Actually, she...I mean he's not here right now.
SOMEONE: Oh ok, I'll call later then. Thank you!
ME: Thank you...I mean...ugh...
And dumb thinks like that, saying 'hello' instead of 'goodbye' and the like. I really don't know why; it's safer and more 'private' to talk over the phone rather than face to face, yet still I do this. Anyways, pretty cool Mario phones, eh? I want the Mario Kart one; I have the Mario Kart radio / alarm clock :)
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