Swat 4 I think I have ever of that, but a long time ago. It must be an old game to. I will look up some videos now!
I loved the missions that were in banks or in the plane as I mentioned. It was awesome that there were so many possibilites. Sending different squads through different entrances and then yourself going solo. Game ruled and still does.
sexygirl6t9's forum posts
wow calm down. also lol @ the post above me.Man reading all the posts so intent on CS being the BEST FPS ever. Pointless releasing an update it will just create the BIGGEST moaning bunch of PC gamers ever known to man. I would like to see a Counter Strike 2 but if there are so many players in this ELITE bracket of the old one is the best BLAGH BLAGH CSS sucks due to one Pixel out of place on the gun model for the AK47 or the Maps are not as well balanced! I mean i think half of these people try CSS get owned and hate it another quarter tried it and generally preferred the original then another quarter just follow the so called elite players who stick with the original due top Kudos.
Make me wanna VOMIT reading some of the PC gamer posts on here i swear. Now thanks to this attitude instead of an update to Counter Strike we get to see Portal 2 instead. Also more than likely some of my silly logic may apply to why we havent see Half Life Episode 3 yet. This constant whining from computer game players has to be effecting some things it would be interesting to see how much it affects current products or how little. Poor Dragon Age 2 another example of what is most likely a well made game shot to bits by forum posters.
I love how some if not most of the posters who make any comment about preferring which CS especially 1.6 use the much fabled words of IMO < God stop using this as a reason to state something then kinda **** out of any challenge. Its your opinion that you prefer the original but do me and others a favour SHUT UP and allow CS2 to be released without ragging on it from the 1st Screen Shot or even before it conceived. Raghhh
[QUOTE="sexygirl6t9"]Why? So just a new CS with better graphics? I sure hope not. The Original Counter-Strike was perfect. It was balanced very well and had one of the strongest game communities for years. Counter-Strike Source was good as well although it wasn't perfect when it came out. I played CS for 10 years straight. Playing at a competitive level online and at tournaments with great people made it irresistible. Other than Starcraft (in Korea) it was the most competitive online game. So many tournaments with huge cash prizes all around the world There's only so much you can do. What are they gonna add a Single Player campaign? They already added stupid achievements to compete with games like CoD and redid the UI and Scoreboards.Lucianu
CS 1.6 still is good. 16.000 servers on average, full of players 24/7. It's as popular as it has ever ben.
I didn't say it was bad. I don't know if they added achievements to it like Source though. 2002-2007 were the best years for competitive CS. I stopped seriously playing in 2008 and quit in 2009. I have only played Source a few times since at a friends and it's just boring for me on Public servers. Like I said you can't do much to the game now. They are just trying to copy CoD to hook new players or keep others playing. I wouldn't play another CS built on a new engine with new graphics.
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