should be able your share your games with friends without bringing your whole console. thats part of the reason that disk games still exist so that there portable.
but as a tactical move for bisnessus good on you Microsoft for protecting developers and hopefully giving them a cut of used games sales because i don't think that part was mentioned.
I wonder if Sony is thinking about the same thing and just didn't say it. that is the only reason i think of for EA to pull its online pass program across the board
@Grenadeh mostly true Max payne was a whopping 32 GB on pc. But if i can fill a 500 on a PS3 i don't see why i can't fill a 500 on a. XOne especially with full digital games and a PS3 blu ray currently maxing out at 35GB i'm sure they can fill it. MS didn't mention digital downloads but you know it will be there
@john82wa @sebman2112 @Grenadeh with microsoft's plans for used games the way it is you proably won't beable to use that external drive with any other xbox one or a computer to keep users from hacking saves
@HadOne2Many most industries have been around longer than their annalist take movies the first one came out in 1878. tell me about somebody 135 years old who still reviews movies and i won't call you a fucktard
the only thing that interested me about the xbox one was the cable box functionality. the only problem with that is I don't watch sports or play in fantacy sports leagues, I generally don't watch that much tv, i don't use/check skype, twitter facebook or any other social networks, and i already have a tablet for surfing the internet from my coauch. So what dose the Xbox one offer me? more Call of Duty(a game i stopped playing 2 years ago) hurray.
thanks but no thanks. I'm glad I started investing in PC Gaming earlier this year if only Microsoft would bring halo or any other of there exclusives back to it.
Agreed. If you wan't to cut out the used game market switch a all digital format then i will continue not supporting you. If I buy a disk it is mine and i should be able to do whatever i want with it.
@Oogazi liked your comment untill the PC gamer thing. PC is where it started and consoles are beginning to move in their direction. they are slowly becoming PC that are attached to your TV. except their less useful
sgthobbes' comments