I wish more games ere developed this way and more major gaming news sites took this game and space sims more seriously. This game has already raised more than 16 Million from crowdfunding alone and pioneering a new way to develop games by giving it to the gamer super early. not to sound like a shill but head over to www.robertsspaceindustries.com for more information and daily updates on starcitizen
In my Opinon it wasn't the auction house that killed it. It was the lack of veriaty and new ideas. in diablo II you each time you played through the lvls were sudo randomly generated making it different every time you started a new character. D3 the lvls and maps are identicle no mater what play through your no it just gets slightly harder. D3 uses the same lvl design and order as D2, forest, desert, mountian, Heven/hell. Kinda wish there was a way to shake this up and the arcane century or whatever the F it was called was awsome. This may be stigma from the auction house talking but it felt like you got better loot drops more often in D2 as well. I was always excited to keep playing and farming for more loot because it was fun collecting sets. also **** ALWAYS ONLINE BULLSHIT, i couldn't play a game that i had preordered for a week because of it
"The Wii U is the only version of the game where you really get to experience first-hand how OPSAT works for Sam and how it feels to actually operate it," no idea how its going to be implimented but i'm already calling bull shit. also confused it says no offline multiplayer and then says every mode plays on the gamepad except offline multiplay? WTF dose this game have offline multiplay or not?????
i understand that the whole idea is to make money and that the easiest way to do that in repeat customers but some times i wish game companies would just make great one offs. At the begenning of this last console cycle we had a lot of new ip along with the sequels. 2 years into in all E3 had to offer was the sequels to the same 6 games that came out the year befor (sad face)
saying that you don't start untill you can build a franchise off of it is really sad because then nothing new and interesting gets made untill you milked it dry (Assassins Creed had alot of good will when it launched and 2 came out) or a new console is released.
@lifemeister PS# arlead dose what you said in your first coment as well and ya i don't think thats how MS's cloud works i think you still have to redownload the game to the new console.
I'm still excited but now i'm worried. what made mirrors edge special was that it was like nothing else. hopefully EA doesn't change too much from the original formula.
sgthobbes' comments