many games are good or even great but not every game is supurb or perfect. using the score titles as a discripter rather than the number is a better representation of this game. Personally i would have given it a 7 (good) for just the single player and the offline multiplayer but 6 or 7 is an execlent rating for a collection of 10 year old games that have a broken multiplayer component.
Reviewers have different taste thats why you go to different sites to get different opinons. IMHO GS is the most honest because they don't just give 8-10 to every major AAA release that comes around like other sites *cough*IGN*cough* (tried really hard not to call them out). i feel that they actually play and rate the games on there own marrit. my second choice in reviews would be giant bomb be cause it was founded by Geff Gertsmen and a original member of the GS review team and giver of GSs first ever 10 to Ocarina of time I feel that he still gives fair reviews on games even if he has become a grumpy old man in videos
I have an earlyer comment on halo but i'm just tired of people saying that this game deserves an 8-9 because every one else gave it an 8 or 9
@xantufrog @sg_hobbes agreed. Just to be clear I would like to mention that i gave it a 7 for being broken because i love halo and an 8 if it work. I wasn't trying to justify it being higher because of previous reviews or reviews from other sites. I'm probably preaching to the quire I like game spot because they tend to rate things lower than everyone else. good games don't always get 9 or 10s and they fallow there ratings titles like a 7 is good and a recommended buy, 6 is fair meaning its on the fence. Before 2008 they had only given 3 Perfect 10s ever and those were superb games.
There a 3 truths about halo 1. Its halo, 2. its good 3. people who like halo and have Xbox ones are going to buy this. The multiplayer woes are depressing because a big part of what made halo special was its multiplayer. However that is not to say that halo is only its multiplier like other modern shooters I.E. call of duty. I'm not saying call of duty is a bad game (quite the contrary bought new at launch COD 4-Ghost with the exception of world at war)but i feel there is still something special about halo that makes it magic.
The game play in halo at the time is of then regarded as a master class of mechanics. Bungie dose mechanics very well. Despite Destiny's flaws the underlying mechanics of moving and shooting still feel amazing, Mostly because the feel like they were ripped from the halo games. The story in the games at times can be convoluted and might i say down right stupid (halo 2's revelations that there are Multiple halo rings so that they can make the same game till the end of time) but it has spawned a rich universe of novels and other media.
But i digress back to this review. Halo MCC is a great COLLECTION of OLD video games that everyone has probably already played. I will not argue that it deserves any thing more than a 7 (come on its halo it deserves to be called good based on GS's current 10 point scale). Being one of the first and best representation of first person shooters on consoles(I am not forgetting about 007 or N64 Perfect Dark, the 360 remakes were bull shit.) it deserves your respect. People shouldn't shit out on it in an attempt at sparking the console flame war or justify there purchases of either console. People should just play the games, I promise you they are good and and worth trying. They are old but they are an excellent representation of what FPSs used to be on console and how far they come. Its sad that the matchmaking so far is a failure and i hope that it doesn't kill this games online community but the halo are best when you can get for of your friends sitting on a couch playing and laughing together in multiplier (online or off) or 4 player system link co-op.
I bought a PS4, play most of my games on PC (PCMR for life), and owned and played through every Halo to date (except Halo wars, I admit that was a fucked up cash-in on peoples love of halo games but a call back to what halo was originally going to be. ya halo originally was an RTS). But if i had a Xbox one I would have been right out there at midnight waiting in line rain or shine to get my copy of MCC. And if i knew someone with an Xbox one i would probably buy it any way so i could play in on their system and then get them one for XMAS if they didn't already have it.
--7/10 GS Rating Good (Non-functioning matchmaking at the time of review keeps it from going any higher. If they worked I would only give it an 8 because they are old games that every one played on last gen. the offline game/split screen multiplayer is still fun and a great value for your money and great games to boot)
P.S. I too am starting getting old. The first halo came out when i was 12 which is why it is so special to me. DON'T SHIT ON IT!!
Titan fall is fun i wish more people had palyed it on PC. It is the game that soured me on Pre-ordering and season passes. I have all theses maps an no one to play with this sucks. Preorder and season pass bundles arn't worth it
Can't tell the difference :) Already have a PS4 getting a one just for this. I really hope you can flip back and forth between the new cut-scenes and the original :)
From a gaming perspective yes VR is not a very social feature. it takes what ounce was on a screen for all to see and compresses it to to serve a single person. I'm all for online gaming but personally I liked playing online with the guy setting next to me even more. I miss the days of split screen
YES the sniper rifle ON FACING WORLDS was bloody over powered bu all the other team had to do was make it to there base and get theirs and shoot you off the top your base from theirs. SNIPER WARS!!!!!!! i miss facing worlds :)
you may or may not read this but i just listened to Friday the 10ths episode and it made me sad. What happened?? If i had itunes I would rate theses last 2 episodes as far down as i could. I expect better from the show that replaced the "hotspot". What happened to the game show that had special guest from the industry, that discussed gaming gaming news and events seriously. I really liked that it the guest that you had were really interesting to hear. 1/10/14 episode was so bad that it even made me miss Tom Magrino giving Neo Nazis a platform(i'm assuming that's what he was fired for and promising some kid and his dad, who called numerous times, $500 from Brendan Brendan Sinclair). Also i really hope that didn't go out live because ESRB description theater shouldn't be done live. I found your extra emphasis on the profanity was excessive and unnecessary for a live show at 3pm. Personally i would prefer that you remove the gameshow element from the show and bring back the hotspot proper but i know that's not going to happen so I'll ask you this. Please don't let Gameplay Devolve into a live shit show where everyone talks over each other and nothing is conveyed.
From a long time listener(Original hotspot - present)
sgthobbes' comments