You sir are correct, it seems the days of battlefield are over, :( Bf3 feels like Medal of honor which came out last year. It seems this year's top shooters will be gears of war 3, uncharted 3 and modern warfare 3. Battlefield 3 doesnt even touch a pie. To sum it up, DICE probably are making Bf3 to cater and gear towards casual and console players. PC gamers have no clue.[QUOTE="shahilsyed"][QUOTE="Messiahbolical-"]ROFL Best animations in any shooter? That title goes to Killzone 2/3 and Battlefield doesn't even come close. Ever shoot down a tree in BF3? The animation for the tree falling is almost PAINFUL to watch. How about when you kill some guy with a pistol and he goes flying through the air? How about pretty much every character animation in the game, aside from jumping over walls? They all look sloppy. The explosion animations are weak as f***. And ever tried swimming in water? It looks pathetic. Doesn't even look like you're swimming(not to mention you swim like Michael Phelps). And the graphics in general(ON CONSOLES, I'm sure PC looks great though) look very underwhelming by today's standards in a lot of parts of the map, especially the parts with foliage and the Subway. The city and Mall part look pretty good... but the console version graphics aren't on the same level as games like Killzone 2/3, Uncharted 2/3, Gears 3, Crysis 2 etc. Maybe they'll be better in the full version, but we'll just have to wait and see. And I never said COD was better than Battlefield. I said they both suck equally. They're two different styles of FPS that play almost identical(only difference is that COD has unbalanced perks and overpowered killstreaks and Battlefield has an unbalanced class system and overpowered vehicles that you can use at any time), and Battlefield's maps are much bigger. The difference is that COD is MADE to be an unrealistic run and gun arcade shooter, and it accomplishes that goal perfectly. And it's filled with content. Battlefield on the other hand pretends to be a realistic "tactical" shooter, and it fails miserably at that. And it has practically NO content. I've been fans of both series, but I'm not sure if I am anymore. I was actually more excited for BF3 than I was MW3(I didn't even like MW2 and yet MW3 looks exactly like MW2, so I was never too excited for it). But until I see some major improvements with both games, I probably won't be getting either. You don't have to act all butthurt about it, it's just my opinion. And I did like past Battlefield games(Battlefield 1943, Battlefield BC2... I've never been able to afford an amazing gaming PC), so stop acting like just because I'm disappointed and not impressed with BF3 yet means I'm just biased. There ARE some things I've liked about the beta, such as the controls. I've given it credit where it's due.XVision84
Okay, I give up, you two are hopeless. It seems you're ignoring what everyone is telling you, so there's no point trying to correct you any longer. Just go play CoD (and lol at DICE making BF3 to cater to casuals).
No, I'm not joking. BF3 DOES not feel like a battlefield game. As I said buddy, those old battlefield days you had with 1942 and BF2 are over. Bf3 is a game, feels too like MOH and COD. BF3 does infact cater to casuals. Just look at the snipers on BF3, when I get a kill, it feels so un-earned because BF3 hardly requires any skill or bullet drop.
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