shahilsyed's forum posts
They're just pissed off gamers that don't like COD so they dislike the video.The preorders are through the roof so I doubt the majority is giving the finger to COD. That's pretty not right to say, they are probably tired of the same rehashed games over and over. I remember before MW2 came out, all it's videos had so many likes and so many positive stuff going. Black ops did get fairly decent reputation and MW3 is fail. All its video are more dislikes, well mostly.[QUOTE="shahilsyed"]Yes because most gamers these days go on youtube to look for gameplay and majority dislike the videos. All the BF3 having been getting 95% like. Youtube is the source for gamers these days basically. Lto_thaG
I am really disappointed with this game and this is not even out. Normally when it is a COD games, I always get really hyped for it but WTF is this? This trailer looks so bad, worst trailer I've seen in a while and also no first person footage. I've watched some gameplay videos and the game looks terrible. It does look fun but it is the same crap again as MW2. I hated MW2 and this plays exactly like it, even Hutch approved of it. I love how people are saying this game has new guns, well it is true but 75% of the guns existed on other COD games. They should have a total new gun list instead of having guns like M16 in every game. One of the most overpowered perks besides from Juggernaut is back from COD4 which is Overkill. Also I love how people are saying they got rid of Commando, OMA, Nukes when they were 'clearly' removed from Black ops but then Black ops turned out to be broken game too(RC XD Hardline, Ghost pro, second chance)
1. All the patches like commando, oma being removed, why couldn't have they been removed from MW2? Why do they have to release a $60 game for it.
Also I love how people are saying MW3 have totally revamped and have new killstreaks or pointstreaks or whatever. Nearly all the killstreaks or poinstreaks exist in MW3 also exist in MW2/Black Ops. Seems that the only new kill/pointstreaks the mini chopper, the drones and juggernaut which will be overpowered as hell. Basically all they did is get all the killstreaks from MW2/Black ops and catogorize into 3 groups calling them Assault, Specialist and Support. Thats not new, all they did is categorize and name it different which is now called 'pointstreaks'
2. Why couldn't have all this killstreak thing be released as a DLC?
The perks are almost indentical, the sounds sounds so awful compared to Battlefield games. Also I can see that the Support killstreaks being underused and I can see everyone using assault and specialist. Also the maps looks perfectly geared towards camping. The Game 'Kill Confirmed' seems pretty interesting though I think the wager matches were better. Also this game mode is blatantly ripped-off from games like Crysis 2 so just that COD fans know so no way is IW being original but it is cool to see this.
Also LOL at the top comments on all MW3 vids and all the more dislikes and likes. Its funny. Seems like no one cares about MW3.
No you're WRONG. It didnt effect everyone who bought a 360. I got effected but my friends didnt. Also 360 RROD could be easily repaired within a day. I repaired mine and I got it fixed.RRoD, because it effected everyone who bought a 360. PSN hacking only effected those with a PSN and information that was worth stealing. Both were bad though.
Once again; the correct answer is RROD was worse and that's what the poll will dictate.[QUOTE="Mozelleple112"][QUOTE="BloodyFalcon007"]
What do you think would be more damaging? A broken console, or your identity stolen?
Lol. You think that its worse to have a broken console than to have your identity stolen?
No it's called OPINIONs. You cant just make your opinion a fact. Who cares what the poll says. Some people agree that Outage was more worser and most agree that RROD was worse. I personally think PSN outage was more worse, it was a huge scare for people like who had their credit card on the service. Not everyone was affected by RROD but for PSN outage, every single person was affected. Also you can just get your xbox repaired and get it fixed. PSN outage was far worse. Xbox RROD was nothing, it was no scare and it was not a problem at all.It is a fact, COD is geared much towards kids and casual players as BF is not. I also think all the kids who are getting BF3 will probably get rid of it after a month. It has no killstreaks.
Yes because kids find it easier to play COD, where BF takes skill.Of course your going to run into more kids in COD it has millions of more people on it than BF
Also, I was playing, some kid was on a mic, he went down and he was like this players are trash. Ok, so you go down and the blame automatically goes to your teamate:roll:
Also I am normally on party chat mostly, are there any adults playing this game? Also millerlight, as far as I know, I found no kids on battlefield on the pc, there may be kids on the consoles though.
I just started to play Moon again for zombies and shangri la. Also for the very first time, I started to talk on the mic with people so I can communicate, use teamwork and get to a high round. I was disgusted by how many kids where on the mic. I found no adults, older than 18 playing the game. I really had to wonder why the parents allow their kids to play a over 18 game. Dont they really care? Anyway, I am serious with this but the youngest player I found on was a 6 year old which is a no joke. And the oldest I found was a 15 year old. Also 80% players were playing the game casually and werent really good. Also I found alot of kids who werent talking had '98' '97' at the end of their gamertag which makes me think they were born on 1998. I never came across a single kid on battlefield, at least on the pc which I game on. My Question is do any adults/mature people still play call of duty or have they moved on to other games? I was really expecting some guys I could chat to and game and have fun like I do with left 4 dead. Anyway, anyonr agree?
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