"Damn grampa. You didn't have to kill him!"
I think that's how Riley said it when grandpa punched that other old guy and killed him.
"Damn grampa. You didn't have to kill him!"
I think that's how Riley said it when grandpa punched that other old guy and killed him.
[QUOTE="-Kirbyangel-"]All types of Metal including Metalcore. I'll be checking out a couple of your favorites too.
My favorites are Bullet for my valentine, Avenged Sevenfold, Killswitch engage, Nightwish and As I lay dying.
metalcore=not metal :)
anyway, mine are Ensiferum, Wintersun, Children of Bodom, Nightwish, Blind GuardianSonata Arctica, Stratovarius, and Opeth
I 'baint much of a metalcore fan, andI'd definately agree with dante on Ensiferum, Wintersun and Blind Guardian. Ensiferum has got to be one of my all time favourite bands.
To that, I'd add Butterfly Temple. They're relatively unknown outside of slavic countries, but they're a terrific band. They mix folk music with metal quite nicely. Metsatoll is an Estonian folk metal band, and they're also wonderful. Finntroll is a good folk metal group, but I'm not a huge fan so I'm not the best source for them. Vintersorg is a viking metal band, from Sweden. MÃ¥negarm is similar to Vintersorg, so I'd suggest them too.
Epidemia is a good russian power metal band who recently was nominated for a big european music award or some such dealy-do. All their albums are great and they kind of have a bit of Blind Guardian in them and they sing about LotR quite often.
If you are a fan of metalcore try AMATORY. They're a russian metalcore band and as far as that type of music goes they seem good. Like I said, I'm not much of a metalcore fan.
Fekete Sereg is a Magyar thrash metal band, worth a listen for sure.
In Extremo is a mittelalter (medieval)metal band from Germany. Give 'em a listen.
For traditional metal I'd have to say Aria is probably the best that I've ever heard. They're russian (notice a trend?)
And of course, Metallica is good, but I seriously doubt that you've never heard of them, so...
Have fun and if you're curious check out some of the bands on www.metal-archives.com
Most all of 'em if not all of 'em are on there.
I've actually never even heard of any of those songs.
I played Crysis at my friend's place today. I wasn't a fan of Crytek before, and I'm not now. I never liked Farcry even one bit. I found Crysis to be goodgraphics with some run of the mill shooting and a boring alien story. He continues to tell me every little detail as it comes up. I thought that Farcry was one of the most overrated fps games ever created and Crysis is just like that. The suit mechanics don't revolutionise anything. That's like saying the magic mechanics in Dark Messiah revolutionised the genre. CoD 4 at least has good multiplayer.
Crysis is like Bioshock. It was so overhyped that it couldn't fail because it would make thousands of people look like fools for foaming so much over it.
My friend works at a certain store by the way. He doesn't want me to say what one, but it's a larger one. Don't care if I'm believed, really though. Not like I'm getting it either way.
I played Crysis at my friend's place today. I wasn't a fan of Crytek before, and I'm not now. I never liked Farcry even one bit. I found Crysis to be goodgraphics with some run of the mill shooting and a boring alien story. He continues to tell me every little detail as it comes up. I thought that Farcry was one of the most overrated fps games ever created and Crysis is just like that. The suit mechanics don't revolutionise anything. That's like saying the magic mechanics in Dark Messiah revolutionised the genre. CoD 4 at least has good multiplayer.
Crysis is like Bioshock. It was so overhyped that it couldn't fail because it would make thousands of people look like fools for foaming so much over it.
I was completely satisfied with the single player. When I played the demo I was thinking, "This better not be the game I was waiting for all this time." After the 1st mission on the ship I remembered why CoD is one of my favourite franchises. The game never felt laboured in any way. I'd rather have it be short and sweet than long and dull. I'd also rather have a new CoD for the PC every 2 or so years than one every 4 just so the single player can be a few hours longer.
Also, the multiplayer is the most fun I've had online in a long time. I've yet to see a bunny hopper and I've been on quite a bit. I haven't seen many ground humpers either. The only complaint I have is the amount of people who spam noob tubes and then die just to get two more instant kills.
[QUOTE="shamuk"]Ever heard of sharking? Some people are saying its almost an epidemic there. Dunno if its true, but thats like the only place I've ever heard of that does that. Oh, and loli's are pretty creepy, but beauty pageants are kinda off, too. At least in my opinion.
I wouldn't say it's an epidemic, but things like that are certainly abound, but I would really look on that as an embarrasing incident than some traumatic sexual abuse (and in any case, Japan still isn't a country that has equality of the sexes which is the first hurdle they have to overcome before this).
Is it rather that lolicon and sharking and all that is the result of Japanese sexuality first and foremost or that these actions are the result of the material available? My guess is on the former, in which case your argument would hold no water (not that it can be proven either way without figures to show a correlation).
Oh, I wasn't saying that sharking was caused by lolicon or anything like that. I was just saying that I heard it was a big deal there in response to another person saying Japan had a low incidence of sex-crime. It may not be widespread, but it certainly grabs attention. I wasn't meaning to argue anything. Most pedo's never touch a child in any country anyway. Is it wrong to think about it? Well, nobody can stop a person from thinking something either way. Acting out a fantasy is far different from having one. I'd never buy the stuff though. It disgusts me. Like foot videos.
They can strike when they start writing things worth getting paid for. Zeke129
Amen to that. They've proven that no matter how terrible you are you can always be worse. Like a bottomless pit with balsa wood floors every 300 ft. When you think you've hit rock bottom, you fall through the floor and keep going down.
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