@stomponyahead I didn't like perfect dark zero because the schematics of combat were too sluggish. Takes way too many shots to off someone when considering how wide and quickly your sight recticle expanded. Characters were far too slow and the aiming was just flat out bad. I liked call of duty originally because it's aiming was nothing short of perfect. If more games had aiming like it did, I would certainly be more inclined to purchase them. The guns don't really interest me in CoD because they are just real world variations of each other. Resistance I got into but the online community is almost dead.
It's called a free market. Amazing how these companies are all for capitalism when it helps them but as soon as they feel they are losing money, suddenly the system is flawed. When they realized "Hey..... people are taking us seriously when we say they are stealing by downloading! Even though copying data doesn't cost anything!" They realized they could take it a step further and use secondhand dealers as potential "loss" as well. I own a business.... now...with that kind of thinking... I could say that the guy down the street who also deals with the same kind of business I do, is stealing from me and responsible for my potential losses. Simply because he set up after I arrived. These companies are a bunch of simpletons who are bloated with greed.
Bayonetta was quite awesome. Dunno why it sold terribly. Only problem I had with it was Bayonettas absurdly long legs. The sexual humor in it, I personally enjoyed and the combat was pretty indepth. Plus there were quite a few unlockables as well that DIDNT REQUIRE YOU TO PAY FOR THEM. -eyeing capcom-
I agree. EA's money making methods are problematic and the worst is that others are hopping on board. Capcom to name one. The main problem I have with a lot of EA games is the online passes and dlc as cokemusheen mentioned earlier. Online passes are bull and don't need to be there. DLC has gotten out of control and not in a good way. A lot of EA games have to have online multiplayer to have any amount of fun with the game as well. From what I understand there was even a report on steam that if you purchase an EA game and don't play the game in over a year, they take away the license to play it and you have to purchase the game all over again. The DRM in Crysis was another serious problem. You can only install the game 5 times before you have to buy it again? No. Go F yourselves EA.
i just hate drms... i hate system implemented with xbox live. My old xbox that died had the stuff i downloaded on it. however i took the hd and bought a new arcade 360. BUT now i have no internet connection to claim my licenses and furthermore i believe i have to be logged in at ALL times to watch the damn things now. i no longer purchase things online. If i want it that bad ill find a cracked version or something somewhere else. This DRM has pushed the limits of consumer trust. I may miss out on a lot of good content (course a lot of the content shouldve been included with the original packages anyway but thats a whole nother article) but i dont care anymore. Theres no damn point if i cant access or play with it when i want to.
i never liked the round arcade sticks. Oddly enough though they always reminded me of the big gumballs you see at candy shops. Makes me want to try and chew on it. LOL
Im into the shippuden series. Ive seen damn near all of it. Gaara was the most violent but even his moves are "censored out" so to speak. black blood showering down? come on... Id like to see a mangled disfigured corpse left behind from his sand attack or SOMETHING. christ.
Also.. is it neccessary that they always have to SHOUT the name of their special moves in shows and games? maybe some mumbling or something if its an actual magic spell but if its just a channeling of ki or what have you.. then just stfu and do it or simply shout and do it.. we dont need a name for it.
sharpshooter188's comments