EA just die. Please. When BF3 becomes obsolete then I guess we are all out that extra $50 of dlc then huh? Idiots couldn't even include basic bots to play locally. Oh but that's right. You want other people to pay out more to set up their own game. Then you want a code to input to even access the multiplayer. Go **** yourselves EA.
@Hurvl But if they didn't apologize for it, the vast majority would think they were a terrible company. Everyone is just catering to one another. When you get companies that do whatever they please like EA and somewhat recently, CAPCOM then things tend to go down the pooper. I respect the fact that they apologized for the "offensive" item but I would probably respect them more if they just stuck to their guns since it isn't an actual GAME related issue. Just extra stuff with the premium package.
@PlaWeird Awesome. Had a few paragraphs of well thought out debatable points, then the page forwarded to the next video. Sigh. Basically, you are right in the sense of things staying the same. As in they shouldn't. CoD being a prime suspect of this. I just feel that the franchise has taken a horrifically wrong turn. I used to play the SH and RE games because they were scary.
Now it's like playing gears of war. I was quite miffed with RE5 being in daylight and requiring a coop partner. But when I saw "zombies" with AK-47s, I finished the level then just quit; because at that point it had just become a bad gears of war game completely.
RE6 supposedly had survival horror elements in Leons campaign. But with another coop partner, and the fact that the game showed you where to go specifically, on top of what I assume are linear rooms and corridors (going off of the demo here), I would never feel lost or helpless. I would know I've got back up and if nothing else, then something for the zombies to go after. However, even that is bothersome because if your coop partner dies then you are done.
If you have time check out Jimquisitions video on RE6. It basically screams desperation to be a hit title.
@bhmg I agree. PlaWeird, I really don't think you know what fearful, oppressive, tense atmospheres are. If you want to play the mainstream action games then hey.... have a blast man. It just sucks because the crowd that prefers the fear (i.e. myself and bhmg) are left out in the cold.
I gave up on survival horror games. Everything is just an action flick now. RE and SH were my favorite series by far and rightfully so. But then they BOTH became action games. Well shit. I have not played a genuinely scary game since Amnesia. Gonna try to give Lone Survivor a try if I can get a pc.
@lostn Dead Space was a joke. It was startling. Not an oppressive atmosphere that brought fear. You had monsters jump out at you. Plus, with the arsenal that you had, you could easily deal with the threat.
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