More interested in updates that have to do with single player portion of game. Have no interest in multiplayer. Would say maybe one of my grandchildren in the future would possibly enjoy it, like other single player games I own, but can't since multiplayer portion of games have a limited life span. Popular when first released, and dead a year later.
Next time they should aim for a single player game. I buy pretty much all AAA titles but only if they have a decent single player campaign, and I purchase ALL single player only games. They may as well have made it free to play like most other multiplayer games, guess it will be in about a year.
@Hiraishin: Maybe you have a poor digestive system, been buying food there for years never gave me the shits. Only fast food place that did, along with food poisoning, was McDonalds.
Like Taco Bell, hell it's better than McDonalds from whom I've gotten food poisoning from 3 times. Wish they had offer for any purchase you made and not just that box meal. Yes you can enter with "no purchase necessary" but who wants to go out and purchase and mail off a post card. Honestly, does anyone do that anymore?
Microsoft has a very poor games selection when it comes to mature rated, single player games because they only care about multiplayer. Nothing I care for on that platform so far that I can't play on PS4 or PC. Always owned both platforms last two console generations because they both had great game releases that I couldn't get on PC, but not this time.
@kgallis21: Never used it on the PS2 or PS3, and if Xbox One's backwards compatibility this time is anything like the horrible job they did with the xbox 360 then it will be very poor. PS2 and PS3 (when it was first released) were backwards compatible with ALL their games the day you bought it. Didn't have to wait for it to be added to some list. Didn't play much old games on PS2, PS3, or XBOX 360 but the few I tried on the Sony systems ALL worked, on xbox 360 only about ONE worked all the others weren't on their LIST.
As far as the Xbox One Microsoft needs to release decent games. Owned both SONY and Microsoft consoles last two console generations because they both had great releases that I couldn't get on PC. This console generation however Microsoft has released nothing that makes me want to purchase their system, nothing I can't already play on PS4 or PC that I want. Maybe by the end of next year they will have a better selection to entice me to purchase it. Come on Microsoft release some decent, Mature rated single player games already, instead of concentrating only on multiplayer games.
@ZamboniGamer: Physical copies only save you how long it takes to install since you don't download the whole game but install it off of the bluray. They take up the same amount of space.
@samtrouch: Well as far as Drakes Deception a large chunk of that was the 3D files, which are no longer present since there are no 3d games on PS4 like there was on the PS3. They also may have condensed the graphics better.
shellcap's comments