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Bowel of Chiley review

Bowel of chiley is Mr. Bungle's second demo. It is 14 songs of funk and metal mishmash. You may be thinking, "WOW! That sounds amazing! 14 mr. bungle songs? It must be the best thing since Yahtzee gave out pudding!" Well naive idiot


this is a horrible piece of crap it is. Being fair, I will point out the only good songs.

Definition of shapes: Sure it sounds like they stuck a pillow over the amps while recording, but it at least SOUNDS good. It sounds better on Godda**it! I love america.

Carousel: Once again, it sounds better on the follow up, but it at least has a catchy beat.

Evil Satan: A remake from "Raging wrath of the easter bunny" sounds better than the original *GASP*

Cottage Cheese: Horrible music, yet hilarious lyrics.

Jumping (part 2): A fun little reggae song.

You Can't Make Me Mad: A fun 50's esque song.

() the actual song name: Has a fantastic ending!

7 out of 14, yeah, quite an album :|

I rejoined one Nintendo union but....

That does not mean I like Nintendo in any sense of the word. sure the Wii is creative, but I'm going to quote myself here. "The Wii is creative, but a sandwich with dirt and bugs on it is creative to, but does that make it any good!?"

Also, Mr. Bungle was creative and good, WHY AREN'T THEY POPULAR!? You don't see your mom dancing to a rousing chorus of "Squeeze me Macaroni" or "Girls of Porn"

The nerve of some people.

Tough desicions

So in our school we have a computer class where we type the most words per minute. I'm a really fast typer, and the best student in the class. So here is my tough desicion.

Today I was typing and I almost got 100 words when, get this, a giant black hole opens and demons start emerging from it trying to kill the guy sitting next to me. What do I do!?

Mr. Bungle Demo tape tracks that should have been on S-T

Mr. Bungle's self titled debut came with a lot of Demo re-recrods, (Squeeze Me Macaroni,Egg,Carusouel,Slowly Growing Deaf,and Love is a fist to name a few) but other GREAT tracks just nearly missed the cut.

5: Evil Satan (From "Raging wrath of the easter bunny" and "Bowel of chiley") One of BOC GOOD tracks (since that demo tape, is well, bad.) it's a shame this didn't make it on there, I mean, it does have scatting, and Mike probably didn't want people knowing him as "Mike Scatton"

4:Cottage Cheese (from "Bowel of chiley") The lyrics are dirty and hilarious! IT WOULD HAVE FIT SO WELL WITH THE REST OF THE BUNCH!

3:You can't make me mad! (from "Bowel of chiley") that's a lie, a lot of things make them mad.

2: Defination of shapes ("Godda***t I Love America!") THE ONLY GOOD SONG ON THAT ALBUM >:(

1: Mr. Nice Guy ("OU818") :D one of the best songs ever made

those songs should have been on Self titled, since none of them would fit on the music the devil though up for "Disco Volante" or the surf-rock of "California"

A Harry Potter Nerd's outlook on the book titles

My rant starts with "Order of the pheonix" which in reality, isn't the best title for the book. I would have called it, I don't know

"Harry Potter and the department of mysteries" "Harry Potter and the lost prophecy" "Harry Potter and the ministry of magic"

Mainly because the actual Order of the pheonix isn't in it that much, just for the first few chapters and the battle at the end.

And Half-blood prince has a pretty lame story (For the titles sake) before I start,


I mean, the real prince is in the third to last chapter it's just like,

"Snape you killed dumbledore!" "I'm also the half blood prince, k, thanks, bai!" *leaves*

I would have called it, "Harry potter and the secret riddle" "Harry potter and the pensieve of dumbledore" "Harry potter and the lightning struck tower"

that is just a harry potter nerds outlook.

Faith no man review and my views on rap

Faith no man was the short lived band, yup, not FAITH NO MORE, suprised? "Simpson's not listening to Faith no more! My dear lord! Is the sky raining puppies?" Well you smart @$$ punk, yes I am.

Song of liberty: The best of the two singles, it has a mad bass line,a kick butt drum beat, and a guitar riff I replay over and over. The vocals...are....uh....okay? He sounds like a middle aged man to be honest. But still a terrific song. 8/10

All quiet in heaven: Eh...the instruments are good. But Mike (Morris, not Patton or Bordin...lot of mikes in the band.) does a hilariously bad vocal job at the chorus. An okay song at best, not as good as Song of liberty. 6/10


Rap music seems to be the crapper in the music industry, Rap comes from "Hip-hop" and hip hop meant something, rap doesn't. Hip-hop from the 80s and 90s were usually about the discrimination of black people. New aged rap is about wearing chains, baggy jeans, and mistreating women. Oh! and shooting down rival gangs and dealing drugs. I don't hate ALL rappers, The ones I DO hate A LOT are, Soulja boy (The Dr. Seuss of rap, but Dr. Seuss at least didn't suck.) Lil Wayne (sounds like a 6 year old robot.) and 50 cent (AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL)

I know ALL new rap isn't about Violence and sex, but a lot of it is.

Faith no more: Introduce yourself review

One of THE best Faith no more albums.

1.Faster Disco: A very slow disco song :P 9/10

2.Anne's song: SHOULD HAVE BEEN A HIT! 9/10

3.Introduce yourself: The kind of song that jumps in the room, kicks you in the face than leaves. 9/10

4.Chinese Arithmetic: 3rd best track on the album. 9/10

5. Death march: The opening is kind of humorous, but it just isn't really catchy. 7/10

6. We Care A Lot: I like the original version better. 8/10

7.R'n'R: the second best song on the album mainly for the amazing chorus, "The sun burns. Now that I can feel it, how did you ever stand it?" 10/10

8.The Crab Song: "Introduce Yourself"s "Epic" the best song on the album. 10/10

9. Blood: It's okay.... 7/10

10. Spirit: Sounds a bit like "Greed" off of "We Care A Lot" 8/10

Album Reviews: We Care A Lot by Faith No More

1. We Care A Lot: The title track and one of the albums bests, a hilarious tougne-and-cheek song poking fun and many bands claiming to be helping people. 9/10

2. The Jungle: One of the best songs faith no more have made. 10/10

3. Mark Bowen: A song about an old guitar player. It has some of the best lyrics on the album, and is pretty good, the lyrics are what you should be expecting. 8/10

4. Jim: A guitar instrumental, showcasing all of Jim's talents. 9/10

5. Why do you bother? My favorite song off the album. 10/10

6. Greed: A hilarious song pointed torwards Chuck's haters, while the lyrics are great, the music sounds disjointed. 7/10

7. Pills for breakfast: Another instrumental!? A good song but overstays its welcome. 8/10

8. As The Worm Turns: Another one of the albums high points, the keyboards and guitar set the atmosphere and Chuck's voice only goes to push it further. 10/10

9. Arabian Disco: A very catchy disco beat with a great chorus. 9/10

10. New begginings: Never cared for this song much.. 7/10

final score: 8/10

A good album, but Introduce yourself was where they began to shine the most.

suicide mouse video

O_O this is not as awesome as Mr. Bungle, not even close.

Well I followed "kitty0706" tips on how to find this video funny, and it works :D

I have a tip of my own.

"2 ways to find "Suicide mouse funny"

1:Watch the "Kermit frog 2girls 1cup reaction video" and pretend he is watching suicide mouse.

2:The ending sequence with the mickey head, voice him over and make him say, "WHOS YOUR DADDY!?"