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simpsons_28 Blog

Games you should play that you didn't.

there comes a time when none of you play games that you should play, for god only knows why, so here are games that get my full recommendation........which is hard to get.

System Shock 2: Oh god, scariest game you will ever play. There is nothing that strikes fear more than entering a new area in this game, the minute you walk into there you become scared that the next corner may hold your untimely doom. If you liked BioShock this game may be to smart for you.

Psychonauts: That horse has been beaten to much to delve into.

Unreal: A very pretty game. Even by todays standards I think Unreal looks fatastic, and the worlds are huge and fantastic. Unreal is worth the 10 dollars it is just for Great gunplay, a magnificent story, and beautfiul enviorments. I know that graphics aren't everything, and that isn't why the game is pretty. The worlds are beautiful to just look at because of their design.

I'm system; shocked! hurr hurr durr

System Shock 2, you all have heard of it, and if you haven't. GO PLAY IT, jesus.

But not many people have played system shock 1. Now while System shock 2 does render system shock 1 obsolete, SS1 is still a TERRIFIC game, that is hard to get into, but once you do it's a whole lot of fun.

One thing I've noticed is the System Shock series being overshadowed by Mediocre games.

System Shock 1 was overshadowed by Doom

and System Shock 2 was overshadowed by Half Life

odd, huh? those great games were overshadowed by those 2 games.

Hello again

Ah, hello there everyone, Jerkface, formerly known as "simpsons_28", here.

Your probably asking yourself, "hey simpsons, where the hell have you been?" and I'm going to ask you, "Why are you asking yourself? Shouldn't you be asking me!" well you don't because your stupid. Now go sit in the corner.

Well, I've been under a rock on mars for a while. Fill me in on anything exciting that's happening!

It's been awhile

You open up a new tab on gamespot, closing out of the porn you were recentley streaming. You, to your shock, see that simpsons has posted a new blog. You feel this may be a trick, just like its last blog posts. Maybe simpsons hates you all and is expressing this hate by posting fake blogs, you think to yourself, having to push up your dorky glasses. You decide to cool down by going to your facebook, you see a new post by some chick you want to get with. It's talking about how she's hanging out with her stupid friends and will post too many pictures of it when she's done. You like it, because you have no soul. You come back to gamespot to see thst Simpsons not only has a new blog post, but a new profile picture. You think that simpsons is just messing with your head. You than take a power drill and drill 2 individual holes in your brain. You begin to scream and bleed, but the blog is still there! You go crazy slamming your hands against the desk "THIS CAN'T BE POSSIBLE!" You yell, weaking your mother making her ground you from your pokemon.

Oh yes, this very is possible. And yes, I have returned, Being a robot with nothing better to do. I returned, I have quit many unions. Why? You have time for questions later.

You stare in awe at your computer screen, simpsons is back? You think, your mind boggled at the pure sentient thought of a jerk like simpsons returning to gamespot for lulz.

Things I don't hate


*Malfunction. Please exit the program*

(btw, this may be my last post ever because this website makes me want to drink Napalm.)

Things that aren't cool

Angry Video Game Nerd

Irate gamer

Youtube partners




Almost Everything on Machinima

The storyline for Modern Warfare 2

Ghost dying

No Episode 3

Left 4 dead 2

F.3.A.R not being by Monolith

Admitting I had fun with Halo Combat Evolved






Diet Drinks

Emo music

Kitty0706's new video being emo music

Half of the source community

The internet

there, happy?

3 things that freak me out.

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

It's pretty freaky when you think about it, I mean, all those people covered in those cast. Jesus.

Black Death

The bubonic plague that killed half of Europe must have been a freaky time to live, knowing that contact with anyone could lead to death. And the song "Ring around the rosie." is actually a song about the Bubonic plague.

Volcanic Winter.

Volcanoes, they'll burn you to death, and freeze you to death.