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#1 sixringz1
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i knew a few players cause i went to school with them (University of Maryland).  I met Vernon Davis and Shawn Merriman.  I also knew a few other players first hand that are either on the bench on NFL teams, practice teams, or playing overseas because i had a few of them in my major and would have a class w/ the same people throughout my time there.  I never met any basketball players for some reason though.  But it's real weird cause when i first walked onto campus and saw people like Steve Blake, i was like wow these are future NBA players.  But after a semester it all wore off.  They were just my peers.  I'd see a bunch of the athletes and as my time went on at the school the less i cared.  They were just regular people like me.  What was funny was when my friends would come up there that didn't go to the school, and we'd see someone on the bball or football team at a bar and they would be in aww.  I guess to them they still see them as somewhat of a celebrity since they are on t.v. and ready to be in the pros. But the one famous person that i know the best (Although it's been about 5 years since i've seen him and i seriously doubt he'd remember me) was Joe Frazier.  I used to work at this restaurant/bar and when ever he was in town, which was about once every month or two, he would always stop in.  I worked at the place for 4 years and we were on a first name basis w/ each other which was pretty cool.  But i gotta believe that if i were to walk right in front of him now he wouldn't remember me.  I remember one night where some drunk guy was being really baligerant and didn't believe it was him and started challenging him to a fight.  He even wanted someone to time it for 3 minutes like it was a real boxing match.  All they needed was some gloves.  Of course Frazier didn't even acknowledge the guy but it was rather funny, cause although he's older and A LOT smaller now than he was in his prime, i still would have put my money on him.
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#2 sixringz1
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i clicked on every part of that site and am astonished at the hatred towards Jordan. It does nothing but bash him. Like i said before, i don't respect any source that puts people down to get their point across, no matter the topic. These are once again opinions. Anfernee Hardaway was bigger, younger, and of course, extremely hungry to prove himself against players like MJ. And of course people like A.I. and stoudamire are going to be too quick for him, that's simple to understand. But the pooh richardson argument is terrible. He made it sound like pooh richardson consistantly gave him the business, which isn't true. Anybody can have a good, or even great, game or two. Hell, Jamal Crawford scored 50 points in a game once. And Antwan Jamison did it on back to back nights when he was in golden state. Basketball isn't like baseball. Great pitching will always beat great hitting, however great offense will always beat great defense, in terms of individual play. You should know that as a kobe fan since he will sometimes get extremely hot and unguardable against the best defenders in the league. I still never read any FACTS about why he shouldn't have been on the all defensive team, just opinions. I can just as easily counter every argument he made by stating that when it mattered, whoever he was guarding, he got the job done. You don't see too many highlights in the playoffs of somebody getting a game winning shot on Jordan (with the exception of miller in 98 when he pushed off). I do agree with one thing he said. I too believe scottie was the better defender of the two, and therefore should have been on the best player simply because he can make up for any lack of quickness or size by the length of his arms. Basketball isn't a game about proving your point, it's about winning. If bruce bowen played on the lakers, rest assured kobe bryant wouldn't be covering the better players, which i think is a bit exaggerated in the first place. Hell he was covering raja bell today, who is a solid player, but is a stand still player, and without a doubt, the 5 th best offensive player on the suns. Just to sum my opinion up since that's what you asked, i don't agree with the way the site was put together. It made its point by bashing jordan. It gave some decent arguments, but they were one sided and manipulative. It's like concluding that Kennedy's assasination was a conspiracy just because Oliver Stone said so, rather than listening to both sides. Basically what i'm saying is that it only talks about certain players that may have given him trouble every now and then, but doesn't talk about the times he did an excellent job defensively on top notch scorers. Penny didn't torch him EVERYTIME he was on him. To be objective you have to give the good with the bad, and i just didn't feel this source did that. But once again, and since it's what you asked for, THIS IS MY OPINION. That's all. I've said my piece and am done with the topic. I'm ready for baseball. GO SOX!
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#3 sixringz1
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i hope you aren't defending that thing because if you are you are just a jordan hater rather than an objective fan.  And by the fact that you actually told me to look at that has me leaning that you are bias towards kobe and not objective.  That was honestly the dumbest thing i've read.  "96-98 Jordan had no business being all defensive player".  I minored in english in college and that quote right there would get you failed in a class.  You can't state something like that in an opinon based manner with no support.  Why shouldn't he have, because you say so?  that's obsered.  I have no respect for anyone who feels they have to bash the competitor in order to make their side look better.  It's like politics.  If you are the best you don't need to bring up dirt on your opponent.  That's why i respect people like bill mahr who, when talking about things like politics, show no bias and state the facts for both sides.  And that is how i feel i am w/ this topic.  I am objective in realizing you can't compare eras, however IN MY OPINION, Jordan is the best i ever saw.  But if you support that crap in the link you sent, then that is just stupid.  it was all opinions and no support.  I could come up with something like that and say the exact opposite in favor of Jordan and it still wouldn't be, in any way, credible.  I'm begining to wonder if i'm the only person on this board that gives an HONEST OBJECTIVE OPINION W/ NO BIAS TOWARDS ANY INDIVDUAL PLAYER.  Which is a shame, cause if that's the case i shouldn't have posted in the first place because no matter how many facts you lay out there, you can never compete w/ a fan.
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#4 sixringz1
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i was trying to help explain a previous post who was saying that stuff on behalf of jordan, but wasn't saying it clearly. I definitely agree that it's harder to get to the basket through a zone, but at the same time it's easier to shoot over a zone as well. This is where kobe is slightly above jordan, IN MY OPINION, long distance shooting. Not necessarily all 3 pointers, but about 20 feet and out. Also i understand you don't get as many shots w/ a dominant center, HOWEVER, the shots you do get are far less contested because of that center drawing all the attention. Don't get me wrong, Kobe is a hell of a player, but in MY OPINION, i feel jordan AS A WHOLE IS BETTER. Just my opinion. I completely respect other peoples opinions as long as they are of valid players that they argue for. (I had some guy in college w/ me a couple years ago have the nerve to say Jason Williams is the best point guard in the league, NOW THAT IS SOMETHING ELSE). But Kobe is a legit argument. Trust me, i had this same argument at an old job before kobe and shaq had even won a ring, except it was between MJ and Magic. Just like i'm sure there were comparisons between bird and magic, wilt and russell, and so on. The bottom line is it's all subject to opinion, and mine goes to jordan, that's all. Personally, if he ever gets a cut throat attitude in him, i feel lebron james can put an end to this argument all together. The guy is 21 and an absolute genetic freak. He SHOULD only get better. But 10 years from now, it will be kobe vs lebron rather than mj. Then 10 years later it will be lebron vs someone else. That's the fun of all this cause it's impossible to compare eras.
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#5 sixringz1
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when people say there is better defense in jordan's prime it's because of the rules.  I understand that kobe gets covered like a blanket and continuously double teamed, but so was jordan.  The most noticeable difference is hand checking.  Anybody who has ever played the game of basketball KNOWS HOW BIG OF AN IMPACT HAND CHECKING HAS.  When you are aloud to constantly have your hands on someone, it is rediculously harder to be a consistant player night in and night out for 48 minutes.  It gets really frusturating, trust me.  Even though kobe might have to deal w/ double teams and aggressive defense, THEY CAN"T TOUCH HIM and that is a serious advantage to the offensive players.  Ask anybody who's ever played high school, college, playground or any other recreational league.  Personally MY OPINION is that Jordan is the better player as a whole.  Kobe can definitely hang w/ him in scoring, and is a slightly better 3 point shooter, but other than that i feel Jordan is superior in all other categories.  Once again this is MY OPINION, and that is what this whole thread is -OPINIONS.  However facts like the hand checking rule, and overall defensive intesity that isn't as prevelant today as 15 years ago, are hard to deny. 
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#6 sixringz1
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[QUOTE="JML897"]His Boston bias is a little annoying, but besides that he's the best baseball journalist there is IMO.Ngamer05

No doubt 

Without a doubt the most knowledgable person in his field.  regardless of whether you feel he's bias or not, the man knows his baseball

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#7 sixringz1
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all this MJ is a bad teamate because he got in a couple fights in practice w/ teamates is a joke.  Kobe did the same thing. He got in a physical altercation w/ shaq, not to mention he isolated himself from everyone on his team during the first half of his career.  Jordan cheated on his wife but so did kobe.  I'm sure they've cheated on their wives more times than we can imagine, not just what's been documented.  But i take the same approach as what one of the previous posts said - WHO CARES ABOUT OFF THE COURT, IT"S ON THE COURT THAT MATTERS. None of us know these people personally and are part of their social lives so who are we to judge their character.  We are all fans of what they do on the court, not whether or not they are husband of the year.  And as far as the altercations in practice, i have no problem w/ that because anybody who has ever played a sport knows that it is extremely competitive and tempers can flare.  But fighting w/ teamates is just like fighting w/ your brothers.  You may hate each other at the time but a couple hours later you are eating and laughing w/ them and everything is fine.  So please stop w/ this nonsense.  If you have an opinion on who's a better player than use the ACTUAL SPORT ITSELF AND WHAT THEY DO IN THE SPORT as the argument, not some non game issues.  Oh and by the way, Michael Jordan is the best player ever.  Kobe needs to win at least one championship as Batman and not Robin (just a little analogy. ha ha), win a few MVP's, and be the leader he needs to be.  He's getting better in the leader category, but i honestly don't see the others happening. 
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#8 sixringz1
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i watch him at end of games and it's almost like i'm back in the mid 90's watching jordan.  But that's really where the similarities stop to me.  I watched this entire game and in the 2nd and 3rd quarter i'd say roughly 90% time he got the ball in the offensive set he shot it.  It's one thing to be efficient and score a lot of points but wow, he put up like 45 shots in this game.  that's rediculous.  It seems with him it's all or nothing, there is no middle ground.  Earlier in the year he would often not even put up 20 shots in a game, which isn't enough, but his assists and rebounds were up.  But during this streak, especially the last 2 losses where he only had 2 assists total, he's shooting too much.  If they're going in that's fine, but if it's not your night you gotta get the rest of the players involved.  Even the commentators could see what was going on.  Everytime he touched the ball in the 2nd and 3rd quarter tom tolbert would be like "you can count on him putting this up".  There's no other player i'd rather watch in the 4th quarter, however i'm not too sure that i'm really interested in watching him the other 3, at least not consistantly.  In the 4th quarter you know the shots are going in and the decisions will be good, but in the other quarters isn't always like that, and tonight was a perfect example.  Never the less, he is one hell of a player.  Just my 2 cents
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#9 sixringz1
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[QUOTE="sixringz1"]i don't understand why you all are basing a season award like the MVP and using this 4 game stretch as your argument. If the MVP was given based on the best week long performance than yeah he deserves it, but to give it to him just based on a week and not take into the fact that the rest of the year he has been struggling just to keep this team in the playoff hunt, that is rediculous, and shows that you are speaking as a kobe fan and not an objective basketball fan. Now if he can continue this for the remaining month and lead his team up into the 4th seed or something like that, than you can mention him in the MVP race, but otherwise he is just having a hell of week. Please keep in mind i'm not bias towards any of the MVP favorites, but one thing i am bias to is that you HAVE TO BE AT AN MVP LEVEL THE WHOLE YEAR, AND YOUR TEAM MUST BE IN CONTENTION AS A RESULT OF IT. Just using what i said i would have to give the award to Nash AS OF NOW because his team, regardless of all the stars on the team, is a below 500 team when he's out of the lineup, but when he's in the lineup they are arguably the best team in the league. Like i said before, i'm not a kobe hater by any means, but you CAN"T give a SEASON AWARD LIKE THE MVP BASED ON 4 GAMES. It doesn't work that way.dkhw

You are not a basketball fan, because you don't even know what the hell you are talking about. For Christ sake, Kobe HAS been playing like MVP the entire season. He has been constantly playing well to keep the Lakers in the playoffs. These last 4 games are result of Kobe's ambition to keep the Lakers in the running. And also, do you really know the Lakers, even basketball? Kobe plays next to second-rate teammates. Only good player Kobe plays next to is Lamar Odom. Last time I checked, it's impossible to be the best team in NBA with two players. Let's see who Nash plays next- two all-star and two players that are considered top 20 players in the league, pure scorers, and three-point shooters. Let's see who Dirk plays next- Howard, Terry, Harris, Stackhouse, Diop, Dampier. It's suprising that Lakers are even in the running for a playoff spot, considering how terrible this team really is and Kobe is the only thing preventing this team from becoming an instant lottery team. Let's see Nash go to Lakers and struggle to keep Lakers in the running like Kobe and let's see who the real MVP is. Let's see Dirk go down with the Lakers. When choosing a MVP, media has to take into consideration that Kobe plays on a crap team and it's impossible for one man no matter how good he is to keep the Lakers in the elite of the West. And who the hell was saying we should give Kobe MVP for 4 games? That was only you...

Know basketball? you must be crazy. i seem to be the only one on this thread that doesn't have a bias towards any of the players in contention for the award. And of course, individually players like marion and stoudamire are all stars but look how that TEAM plays when he is not in the lineup. They won 30 games before he got there WITH THOSE SAME ALL STARS, and look at their record the last 2 years when he hasn't been in the lineup. They are like ten games under 500. When kobe misses a game, there is nowhere near that dramatic of a change. And the final thing you said about me being the only saying that we are basing this on 4 games - PLEASE TAKE A LOOK BACK AT THE INITIAL POST IN THIS THREAD, READ IT OVER A COUPLE TIMES, THEN COME BACK AND SAY I"M THE ONLY ONE BASING IT ON A COUPLE GAMES.  THE WHOLE THREAD WAS STARTED BY GIVING THE STATS TO THOSE GAMES AND THAT"S IT.  YOU FAIL. You need to open your eyes passed your blatant bias towards one particular player, and listen to other people's arguments. Kobe is the BEST player in the league, but prior to this stretch of games he WAS NOT EVEN IN THE DISCUSSION FOR MVP, but now he is. Wake up! You don't see the correlation between this stretch and the award. Trust me, whether it's nash, nowitzki, kobe, or freaking brendon haywood, i couldn't care less who wins. I won't lose a damn bit of sleep over it. But it sounds to me like it will take a piece of your heart if he doesn't win. Calm down, don't be so angry. it's not that serious
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#10 sixringz1
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[QUOTE="sixringz1"][QUOTE="romocop33"]he should win the mvp. the lakers would be horrible without him. and nash is not a 3 time mvp. no way is he as good as jordan, kareem, bird, magic, etc.LiL_PiNo
Nothing like listening to a fan. This guy has the week of his life and all the sudden he should win the MVP which is a SEASON LONG award, not a WEEK LONG award. I will agree w/ you that the lakers wouldn't be as good w/out him, but if you look at the numbers over the last couple years the lakers have a better record when playing without kobe than the suns do playing w/out Nash. And to then sum it up by saying that he isn't as good as jordan etc. is just the dumbest thing i've ever heard. He isn't as good as jordan or magic, but the award doesn't measure that, it measures most VALUABLE to their team not the best player. The funny thing about all this is i couldn't care less who wins the award cause i'm not a fan of any of them to the extent to state bias comments, but to give the guy the award based on 4 GAMES, that's a joke

Can Steve Nash score 81? Can he score 50+ games 4 times in a row? Steve Nash is good, but I think Kobe deserves it more.

No he can't but at the same time kobe has never had 20+ assists in a game like nash has done a couple times this year, so your argument fails. They each have their own things, that make them great.  they are 2 completely different players so you can't compare the scoring numbers of a 2 guard to the scoring number of a pure point guard.  the same way it's not fair to compare the assist numbers of nash to kobe.  they each bring different things to the table. Once again, i'm not campaigning for either, i'm just saying what in the world does one week of play have to do with the SEASON award of MVP