The warranties Well out by now anyhows-Cos they haven't made the 60GB for a couple of years or more now+taking out the hard drive wouldn't break the Sony warranty seal anyway.Wouldn't taking out the hd void the warranty? Would they still fix it or send another one?
sizzlingdviper's forum posts
Well ive heard that here in UK that they give you a straight swop-on your front door-refurb model for around £135 with only 3 months warranty-So i sold my as spares and repairs and now got a Slim 120GB.I am sending in my beloved launch 60GB PS3 to Sony for repair or refurbishment (?real word?).
Can someone with similar experience tell me what Sony is going to do with my console? Are they going to repair it or are they going to replace it with another 60GB refurbedPS3?
I know they are not going to send me a slim, since one of the options they give you is to pay $119 to trade my old 60GB for a refurbished slim unit or pay $149 for the repair/refurb service.
Of course I balked at this suggestion and decided to keep my 60GB console since(have it fixed) since it is fully BC and getting more and more rare.
So, will they fix it or just send me a refurb console?
Go ahead and buy it-Blockbuster got it pre owned at cheap price at moment if you're in UK-I bought it from them 2 weeks ago-£7.95-and again saw it advertised in todays paper.
How did you get your PS3 and when. And also how did you get the money to pay for it. I had to sell my PS2 which makes sense because my 80 gb model is not backwards compatible.And I had to sell my Wii (no problems their.) And i had to spend $320 for it from Dell.comstrider_m16
I got my PS3 120GB slim completely free with my new mobile phone contract!-Feb 2010
I sold a ylod 60Gb on ebay recently and got £65-approx $75 plus postage and the guy was even good enough to post me back my game that was stuck inside.Does anyone know the trade-in value for a ylod 60gb ps3? My ps3 has got ylod for 3rd time after being repaired twice and it's time for a slim. I was trying to hold out on my 60gb until my tax return came and then transfer the data over but it looks I will lose the data (unless someone knows a way to get it off the hard-drive with the unit dead.)
I read several posts ysday on Gamespot that PSN was under maintenance and users from around the globe were unable to sign into PSN-It might be just this?The latest system update cause my PS3 to be unable to log on to PSN. Im hoping the new update will fix this.
I bought it 2nd hand,but in A1 condition for about £8.50-bowt $11.00 from ebay,and Yep-Great game,and i was surprised when it was said that there would never be a 2nd version.ok so its been a long time since the first came out and every where it is still 50-60 dollars. anybody else think that they should have came out with a second heavenly sword.
Yes-Of course i did-I don't want to lose my PSN online features and anyway,i've got a 120 slim and the OS feature wasn't on there in the first place.the one that removes the OS feature, I still haven't, even though I never used that feature. But I think I might have to since theres no way to get onto psn
Only when i have a few beers while playing.If you're having these problems on a regular basis then you really should restrict your gameplay of these type of games to a minimum,otherwise you could go on to develop serious health problems.
I'd like for the Slim PS3s not to make the loud clicking/cracking noises it does once it warms up,and B.C. would be good.
Also when your messaging one of your friends on PSN,that they get some sort of indication that you're writing a message to them same as on windows live/facebook etc.-Cos theres nothing more annoying than you're composing a long message to a friend and they go offline before you get a chance to even send your message.
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