One sure way to find out if you've a jasper chipset is to turn power brick upside down and look at the label-if you see 150 watt output on it you've got a jasper,if however it says 175 watt output you've got a Falcon chipset-still a good version though!Hey, this is my first post on the forums, but i was wondering what the Jasper chip is and if my xbox has it in it. I bought the Pro package like 3 weeks ago, and it came with the kung fu panda, and lego indy game haha!, but i was wondering if it's in my box, and what are the best way/s to prevert RROD.... oh yeah, what is a noob:oops:
sizzlingdviper's forum posts
If you get problems with a new 360,most shops wont give you a straight exchange,but will refer you to Microsoft,saying it's not their problem as warranties/repairs are always dealt with by Microsoft.I bought my Elite 2-3 weks ago from Argos and it clearly stated on receipt-excluded from 30 day return cover.
i am just curious, i have no idea whether my Xbox is freezing because of my Hard drive or what. But it does seem to freeze a lot on GTA IV and rarely on L4d and alot more on The Orange box. it just recently started freezing on The Darknesss! It usually does when im playing madden.
but the thing about this is that it usually freezes on the LOADING screens. Rarely does it freeze during actual gameplay. I just hope im not screwed because there are some games where it doesn't freeze at all.
anyway, here's your chance to discuss your freezing history with your Xbox. If you have any suggestions or warnings for people with freezing issues, please post them here!
my new Elite i bought 2 weeks ago hasn't frozen at all yet and my previous 360 Pro.-i had for over a year never froze.
my xbox broke its third game today and u know what game it was........CALL OF DUTY 4, i'm getting really pissed of with it! the amount of $$$$$$$$$$$$ its costing me, ITS ALREADY BROKEN SAINTS ROW AND HITMAN
If your 360 is scratching your discs?-Have you got your 360 on uneven surface or carpet?-Cos you need it on a solid surface,also if you move your 360 with a disc in it you will scratch your disc even if 360 is turned off!
This is probably going to sound really dumb, but how do you get xbox live silver? I do not have a 360 but my friend does, and i am getting one very friend cannot usehis xbox livegold trialbecause it says he needs silver. also, if i buy a 360 off ebay, is there any way that it might not have silver. cheers.
Yep-when you create your gamertag and sign in for 1st time you get 1 months gold free and then it reverts to silver account if you dont set up some way of paying for gold account-cheapest option being by yearly or quarterly payment cards available from most good game shops and places like
Yep-worth a buy at low price-i originally owned it with my launch 360 in 2006,and recently re-bought it with my Pro.360
That's it-if it says on label on underside of power brick 150 watt output,then you've just got yourself a Jasper 360.I bought my Elite only 2 weeks ago and got the 175 watt staff was useless, got home 150w output..jasper?
i think it's just a case of lucky dip-most shop staff won't have any idea of what you're talking about when you ask about falcons and Jaspers!
I Very much doubt it,unless they cant find the spare bits to repair yours.It was manufactured in Dec 06, but i bought it in June 07, i sent it in for a drive issue in June 08 and they said they replaced the motherboard. Is there any cahcen theyll give me a HDMI replacement?
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