@reduc_ab_: I think MS is doing both man.. Did you not watch E3? MS has brought a lot of new games and content to the table this gen. Its not going to stop.
@zerofrust: Poor people dont know how to hustle.. When PS4 and Xb1 came out, I was in between jobs. I hustled and every 2 weeks I would run to gamestop and add more funds to my console pre orders. I ended up getting both PS4 and Xb1 the day they both came out.. People crying on here probably have no jobs and sit around all day doing nothing. They probably got their consoles as a gift because they couldnt afford it. They need to get out and hustle. No one cares how you do it, just do it then nothing is expensive..
@Mr_Mark_Legion: The thing with Scorpio and Neo, ESPECIALLY Scorpio is that any game you see on PC, whether it be regular game or VR will come out on probably both but definitely Scoprio. VR, if it really takes off the way its supposed to will be easy. Thats what I like about this whole Scoprio deal.. If you want VR, on both sides you have to upgrade. Neo will work better for ps4 VR games and Scoprio for Xb1. Imagine Halo in VR?????
@pops4657: Say what you will man but Xb1 and PS4's graphics are MUCH better than X360s and especially PS3s. Its night and day. I just played Witcher 3 on my PC last night and I cant believe how much better it looks over the console versions. I'm more a console gamer but I do have a high end gaming rig also. The Witcher 3 on PC stands above anything. I still cant get over how awesome the game looks..
@stage4saiyan: I honestly think Sony actually does pay people to be super negative against everything else. Why wouldnt they? MS and Nintendo fanboys you can tolerate, the Sony (only) fanboys are by far the worst. Halo can get a 12 out of 10 and it still wont be good enough but then they will tell you Killzone is a great game.. LOL. If its not on PS then it sucks, thats their mentality. At least Xbox and Nintendo fans can acknowledge a good game on another platform.
@StonerDemon: I doubt Sony will come out with another console come 2017. They still are in finacial shambles even though the P{S4 has been selling well. The Neo and VR are costing them MILLIONS and if for some reason the VR doesnt sell well, thats a huge loss. So 2018? Maybe but with Neo coming I dont see a competing console from Sony coming any soon.
@streamline: I have a feeling this console will be set up like a pc's graphic options. Obviously not everyone has a 4k tv and yes I know the Scorpio can down scale but I'll bet we will be able to customize the graphical options. I cant wait for this console AND it will run VR like nothing!
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