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My GS Birthday W00t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That made now 1 year that I make my GS' account. I must be thankful to:

-Omnimog: To show me this site

-Gabmaster: To be accepted in my first union

-Uas: To make all my banner and tags

-DPQ and Woozie: To stay crazy all the time and have great fun with them

-And All UGU members: To being so cool and make the best union ever

Hope you'll be happy too becuz me now, I'm happy...

I wasn't able to go on...

the internet the last 5 days becuz I didn't have school. What I hate the most to go on internet is that I always need more time. I cannot go on all the site I want and that's explain a liitle bit what I'll say... Gamespot will be my next cut-off. So if I doesn't have time and that I want to reach it, Gamespot will have no Slidy for a moment and when I say a moment, I say that I will return in July or somethin like that. Now, I'm here on GS, but later... I don't know. Hope you goes well.

P.S.: You remember these crazy girls who wanted to stole my piece of art( lol my story), if yes that's ok and if no, read my previous post. These girls don't let me again. Huggh! I hate them.

Brawl is so fantastico!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, you already know that, but now, I confirm it. I'll made a review on GS in the next week. This game is really better than a lot of others, maybe it's the best game ever. I even don't try all the things.( mostly the mini-game) Hope people will have it and get good fun.

SSBB is tomorrow for me

I reserve a copy to be sure to have it. I'm too hyped by this game. My deception is that I doesn't have Wii online, so no online battle for the moment. Who will have this game??? :P

Spring Break

I'm in my spring break time, so no school, so I will be less on GS. But I reached the level 22 Blaster Master. I have to find a way to come here more often.

Well... looks to an vacancy

Guys, something happens. Yesterday, my dad took my PC and took of Internet becuz of a virus. So no MSN. Plus my parents don't want know to me to go on GS. Anymore. How I'm typing this. At school for sure. So now, I won't be often as on GS :cry: . Sorry to everyone. Hope Uas you won't put my rank lower becuz of this forced vacancy... I will try tobe here if I could.

Now... For this week

Well... here the news

1. The girls fans

Niw that I kept my story in my locker, the girls want to see my story more. They me to bring always my story in Science's class. I f they could, they will broke my cadenas locker. Now, they kinda top crazy.

2. W00t! New games

I got news games recently. You can see them in my collection's list

That's all... I know there mostly anything this week, but what do you want

So far...

What happens in my week?

I receive finally my grades for the second term. The worst grade I have this term is in french with a 73%. I think I'm ok with that. If I compare with the first term, all my grade are lower, but it,s becuz of Xmas exams. They were thougher than the others exams.

Girl in my science's class always want to read the story. One of these crazies told to her mother if she can make a book with my story. she say yes. From now 2 posiibilities:

1. The girl was liying to me

2. The girl say only the thruth

When she told me that, I said likes this way" I don't wanna make a book, OK :evil:" I know that I miss chance to make a book. I pass of the no-one-care-about-me to the great writter stories. Only becuz a story. Now, I kinda deseperate by this. Why people always wants to see what other does? For bothering and insulting them? Maybe...

Tomorrow, I will got an activity day with school and the day after no school, so I will be playing game and make some Internet surfing. See ya later.

P.S.: O yeah! I forgot to say that level 21 now. I passed the cursed level 20.Youhou!