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What new about my week?

This was a long week this week.

Well, friends get a lot of trouble. I see all I can see. I needed to get some time alone. I could say that it's was the best thing I do. Now, I'm relax again and less confuse.

School is now too easy. When I talk of school getting easier, I was talking about math. We already learn Trigo and now we're talking about triangles and angles( already know that). I will surely take math 536 for the next year. 4 fun, with a friend, I calculate how many times the french teacher say the word " donc" and when he " begayes". He beats some record. So skoll easy.

About school, some people find in my agenda the notebook where I keep my storyline( sorry Omni). I hled it here becuz I go anywhere with my agenda and when I got some time and ideas, I write it there. So what happens next? So I picked off theirs eyes, but they read a little bit( like a sentence( sorry again)). And now all the ****said that I'm writting a book( well, kinda looks like to it). They think it's a story about space knights( They're d@mn stupid( But when you don't know( Sorry again))). So now I get popularity with some girlz( not interested by loving them) who wants to read it. So now, I have to escape these crazy fans. Plz, Omni, don't be severe and sorry.

For the one who don't see it, I got a new avy and banner made by Uas-2001. Thanx again Uas. That's all I have to say for this week.( well i hope it is)

A delivers from Ebay

This week, my dad receive anew package of Ebay. It was a xbox360 elit. We receive also 2 controllers and 2 games( Halo3 and Bioshock). Halo3 is great. I only play 2h30. And Bioshock,all the otherwise of what I thinked. It's suprisly good. Well, I play only 1 hour so...

School was boring likes everyday. My science teacher was replaced for some day. All my course goes well( like always). This was a long week, because my friends got problems and... bla... bla... bla.

I wrote my storyline. I wanted to write more, but I wanted to do somethingelse for the moment. Same for draw. Not a lot. Like only one.

Now, people around talk all about the meaning of life. Why they are obssessed by that? Well' I think that is the question that everybody thinks one day. Now, I don't know what to think about. Maybe on myself...

My week

I started the school the 8. I was happy to see my friends. I got new teacher in English. It's a girl now. I got go grades for my Christmas Exams. On this point, all qiuet.

I'll buy on GBA Final fantasy 1 & 2( 2 game in one). I want to buy... The orange box, Cod4 and maybe some others... I continue to keep my money for SSBB.

It's all what I had to say.

Why Chrono Trigger is so cool??!!

This week, my dad receive by Ebay, the legendary game on Snes, Chrono Trigger. After, I play only 10 min. and then I began to be crazy of this game. The gameplay is so nice. A mix of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Heart.( FF 13 gameplay(in the trailer) looks like Chrono Trigger gameplay). The graphics are great for a Snes game. The story is original and attractive. What in this game is not perfect?

Late Happy New Year

Well, I wasn't here for the New Year. So, now, I say it to all GS member. Happy New Year. Games ruckz!!:P

P.S.(@ Omnimog) My mother buys Final Fantasy 8. Cool huh?!

Tell you about my Xmas gifts

Hi everyone! The 2 last days, I was quite busy. And now, I'm ready to tell you what I receive for Christmas:

Super Mario Galaxy(OMG)

Assassin Creed(OMG)

Yoshi Island DS

The 7 harry potter book

cash( like everyone)

That was what I receive, but my brother and my sister receive other cool games like:

Super Paper Mario( a really confusing game)

Rayman Raving Rabbit( Don't know how to write it in English)

Brain Age 1 and 2( quite amusing)

Mario Party DS

Kirby Canvas Curse

So, that was my games I receive for Christmas. Hope you had passed a good one too.

Don't know what to do...( IMPORTANT CHOICE)

I'm sure that some people know what I will say in this blog post. I don't know what to do... Slowy, everyone turn to others web site becuz of Jeff things and then group of friends quit GS. They crush bit by bit GS and soon they will never have GS. So I'm in 2 choice: Quit or rest. I'm tired.... Tired of these glitch that happens all tee time, tired to wait to see somethings new... tired to lost some greats friends that I made on this site. The only thing I'm sure about this blog is that I will be there until the New year... After I don't know. I know that people want to keep me there, but I think that I cannot. And also, I don't wich site I should go. Some people say that IGN is a great one and there many people I will keep contact if I go there. I want to say to: DPQ, Woozie, Uas, all UGU members that I was some great times I pass with you, and I hope that I will goes well. For the instants between now and the New year, I will be less on GS. I will always check it out sometimes but not often. So that all.

My Xmas break planning

Hi! I wanted to inform what I will do in my Christmas break.I will surely play a lot of the games I will receive at Christmas. I will draw more and more( yeah, I draw some character). I will also continue my storyline that i'm doing. And, I will pass more time on Internet( mainly GS :P). I will see family( I waiting to see you Omnimog). I will read more info about working in the videogame industry( I took a book recently abut this recently( a nice book( a 2006 book))).

Hi! News...

I finish the school today. I'm glad to finish early before christmas( normaly, I finish the 21th december). I only had 3 this year. I think they were easy. i hope I will have good grades.

My father starts to buy full games. He buys a PSP with the daxter game. And now, he buys 2 games with it. He goes also on ebay and buy 3 games of dance with carpet, Chrono Trigger( YEAHHHH!), Mario RPG( YEAHHH!) and Kirby Dreamland 3( YEAHHHH!).

Day before Christmas:6 left

About FF13 storyline...

I just read the little bit of story that give us on ffworld and I see one thing... something likes a good news... The storyline looks like just oneI tried to do with my little sis, but it was to complicate for us to develop this story. So, 2 ways I could take this news. 1: I'm destinated to make video game story 2: Nothing... This is just by chance. I think that I should take it in the way number 2, but I'm too optimisc so I'll take it with number one. That is so great.