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I don't play a lot these days!!

I saw that I stopped to play these days. Does it because of Christmas who approach in no time? Probably. I will try to continue to play Genji or Oblivion. I hope I will have great games for Christmas.

Dimension Cross: The Creator

Here my title of my storyline. I'm now writting near of the endings. I think I have to write 3 hours of plus and then I finish. I don't want to revealate more about it. I tihnk I have already write for 5 hours. I have to continue. The next time we will see Phil, I hope I finish it.:P

My dad is sick: he has the Guitat Hero Mania and others

Yesterday, my dad buy guitar hero 3. he loves truly guitar hero 2 so that was the reason why he buy it. Normallly, he just buy game for chrismas or birthday or , when it's for him, it's like 2 games a year.

I want to say what I receive for 400$ with my PS3( totally a great bargain).

- the kit of a PS# 60GB

-Adaptator for PS2 controller

PS3 game



-Ridge Racer 7


-MaddenNFL 2007

-Virtua Tennis 3

- Rainbow Six Vegas

- Genji: day of the blades

- Fight Night

-Call of Duty 3

-Marvel Ultimate Alliance

PS2 games

- Hot shot GOLF2

-Guitar Hero 2( withg the guitar)

- Grand Turismo4

I try Assassin Creed

That amazing. First with the prewiews I thinked that was like Prince of Persia, but this is way better than it. You climb anywhere. The is always the same, but you can do amazing moves. You have many quests. The city are enough big. The graphics are the top.

OMG!!! I got a PS3!!

I got a PS3. It' was already used for around 2 or 3 months and I got it for only 400$( ps3 60gb). Here the story:

All start 2 days ago, when my father say to me that we will go somewhere for business. So yesterday, I go to school and after I return to home. I eat mu supper and make a little tour on GS. At 5:45, Me and my father got in the car and describe to me what we have to do. I was quite excited. He says that he know a man who wnats to sell a PS3 becuz the man buys a Xbox 360. He has 11 games with it including Oblivion and the guide for Oblivion. My father says that I must not to do get excited, becuz we have to negociate prize. So we go to the seller( not really a saleman) and I tried Oblivion and Granturismo 4( the guy sells also PS2 gam). At the end, the guy said that he sells all this for around 4oo$. My father jumps on the occasion and buy the PS3. There was some boring sports game in what we buy, but we may exchange it to a Microplay and have Assassin Creed. That's all. I don't finish to plug on my HD TV so I cannot play now. In my next post, I will say what all I have buy for 400$( If I was the guy who sells his PS3, Iwill have sell the kit for 800$)

Does I have to make a union?

Do you think that I should make a union? Do you think that I would be a good leader? I'm not sure if i must do a union becuz I made one months ago and the union was boring. Please answer me...:?


For Halloween, I make some homeworks at home. I don't get out or duiguise myself. S o for Hallowee, I do nothing. And you what do you do?

What,s about my storyline now?

Ça faisait longtemps que je n'ai pas parlé de mon scénario en progression. Je n'ai pas encore de titre et je ne veux rien vous révélé encore. J'écris beaucoup. À peu près 1 pages et demi. J' ai hate de voir le résultat final. J'aurai peut-etre fini pour noel. Je vous raconterais d'autre détails plus tard.