@MrMan2000 You are so right. It's funny how just Wii U is in the article's title and nothing about sony or MS. Basically you have to read the entire article to know that sony and MS are included in this as well. Makuch is not a true journalist in my opinion. More like "shock jock".
@hella_epic And here again is the typical "why WiiU will fail" talking points. I'm glad you and the rest of the fortune tellers out there have your crystal BALLS all shined up because all of you seem to know what lays in the future. Can you guys also tell me how much the Next Box or PS4 will cost? Will we see a new COD, Gears or Halo game come out? Does the world really end on 12/21/12? Will Sega ever release a new Shining Force game or remake the entire Shining Force 3 in the States? Don't hold out on me you guys. You all seem to have the inside info.
@Toysoldier34 @Nismology I couldn't have said it better myself. If he did give any reason to this, Game Spot sure didn't print it. Useless story in my opinion.
@HonorOfGod @PillyChickle I don't blame him for thinking it's just Nintendo. Look at the title of the article. You wouldn't know that he's also talking about MS and Sony as well unless you read through, but thats Game Spot for. I swear they have it out for Nintendo sometimes.
@xOhDamnItsJrx It's not just this website that nitpicks. It seems like some who have a voice in the gaming community be it reviewers, analysts, or whomever seem to nitpick a great deal about the most stupidest things that are common when a new console is released. It seems to be more apparent when its a Nintendo console that has these issue. I guess I have to ask do they just hate Nintendo that much?
@Getbacktogaming Yes you are the only bothered by that. I don't mean to come down on you and Rayman is a great game in it own right, but your issue to me and a lot of other people it pretty ridiculous.
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