I think Tsunekazu Ishihara was just being sarcastic when he made that comment. Either that or he just like David Jaffe always pumping up Sony and bashing the rest. Anyway I do think the Wii has the potential to "win" the so called console war but it is way too early to be talking about this now.
LOL. Its very funny reading from all of these haters getting their panties all in a bunch because of Nintendo and pokemon. Face it, numbers don't lie and Nintendo has already proved this even before Pokemon D&P came out. You know if Nintendo and everything about them is so kiddie, they why are people being so childish and complaining about them everyday. "Nintendo sucks, Nintendo won't win the console wars, etc", I'm glad you all have an opinion but nothing you can say will change that Nintendo is doing very well right now and their game are of quality. Will they win the console war, that remains to be seen but really there is never a ture winner. At least in the last 2 console war, no company ever went out of buisness os something (except maybe Sega but they're still around too). Nobody should wish for the demise of any console , its childish and makes yourself look like a loser.
slyfox_28's comments