@Celsius765 @lorider25 Look people I like Geno too but we all have to remember SMRPG came out in 1996 and there hasn't been any other references of Geno since that game. I'm not even sure how he would work in a Super Mario Bros game. I would perfer the he keeps his powers from SMBRPG but more than likely he would get the same power ups that Mario, luigi and the Toads get. Now Geno and Mallow in the next Smash bros would great additions.
@Getbacktogaming @ahpuck I'm telling you guys now, if voice acting is included in the next zelda, there will be a sh** storm complaints the size of super storm Sandy that will follow. As for me, as long as it's a quality Zelda game and not some BS with the name Zelda slapped on it with vocie acting (I'm looking at you Other M), I'll be fine with voices.
@xavvor1 I'm sorry but you've been waiting for nothing. The official name of Super Mario World was Super Mario Bros. 4: Super Mario World in Japan. Now you don't have to wait anymore and get on with you video gaming life.
@holhardy I agree somewhat that Nintendo is in a class of there own, and the games that were shown at their miserable E3 conference look like current Ps3/360 gen. However, no one knows what the true specs of the WiiU are yet so its a little presumptuous to believe that what was shown was the consoles full graphic capability. Nintendo has been very tight lipped about it. Not to mention that we've have seen this trend before when new console are released that some previously released titles are ported over to a new console(mainly Ninja Gaiden Sigma for Ps3). I guess my point is that we don't need to pass final judgement just yet bc of a bad E3 showing.
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