@bobafetthatesu: I see a butt hurt pc fanboy crying as always damn you guys are getting pathetic.Gears of War will never sell on a dying pc they already tried it.Plus the game isn't broken it's for hardcore players you just get wasted like a little bitch when you played it so you cry and put down the game like a 2 year old
Epic has done lost their damn minds it's safe to say microsoft getting the rights to the Gears of War franchise was great news for the fans.Epic is done if they needed a $100 million to make Gears of War 4 they are washed up of course i'm sure that was to make the developers rich like Cliffy B. did off of the other Gears of War games
@datriax: WTF are you playing Battlefield on?I have Battlefield 4 for the XOne at launch it was messed up for like a month and was fixed i never had a issue with it again.Battlefield Hardline played great no issues at all online so you might want to check your internet or maybe the platform you are playing it on
@wtf_666: Are you new to gaming or just stupid?All publishers do this it's been this way for years if it bothers you don't click on the damn article jesus christ people
I would love to see Bad Company 3 the 2nd one on the X360 is still my favorite Battlefield game.Hell i would take a remastered bundled of both Bad Company games.If they do a BC3 it needs to have 4 players co-op though through the campaign enough with gimping it
I hope micosoft bringing the highest rated racing franchise to pc doesn't hurt the quality of the game.I think it's a mistake and a waste of money XOne exclusives will not save pc they have already tried this. With Halo CE and Gears of War both flopped on pc while they sold 7 million each on the Xbox platform
smackdowner360's comments