Damn the trailer looked awesome i can't wait to play it this year and whats better can get it early due to EA access.I don't care much for the World War I setting but it's Battlefield so it will be awesome either way.It would be nice to have a co-op campaign though i hope dice makes it happen
@Mogan: I'm not saying the game wasn't good because it was i owned it for the XOne played over 200 hours until i got all achievements then got bored with it.The game sold great 15 million shipped is good numbers i was just saying it didn't sell 30 million that's BS.I wouldn't buy another bungie game due to the fact they are with activision i don't buy any activision games.I made a exception for Destiny due to bungie
Destiny did not sell 30 million copys the game sold 13 million at retail across all platforms and shipped around 15 million.There is no way in hell 15 million people bought it digital.It was a good game but could had been better if bungie would had stayed with microsoft instead of going with the worst publisher there is activision.I owuld never buy another bungie game after Destiny which is a shame bungie use to be an amazing developer
@gamingdevil800: It would be great for Nintendo to do that bring their games to the XOne and PS4 they need to leave the hardware part alone since they can't compete.
@gamingdevil800: That's what i have been saying once the NX flops like the Wii U did they will be a 3rd party developer along with doing their handheld
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