@kanekan-slaugh: You don't need gold on pc because you have to have windows 10 to play XOne exclusives play to crossplay with XOne gamer's.Of course the XOne exclusives won't save pc gaming and they won't sale on pc either never have never will.So not sure how long this will last?
That's the ugliest thing i have ever seen for a console and that is way to much damn crap to have just to play a video game i see this going the way of sony's 3DTVs
@ketsuhige: The Neo is only a 4teraflop so they couldn't show it after microsoft showed the Xbox Scorpio at 6teraflops.As far as sony changing anything they can't unless they want to lose millions and push back the release date next year.they are just gonna have to have an outdated console
Worst E3 press conference in years no new games shown for 2016 and no Neo shown my guess is since it's only a 4teraflops.No way they could announce it after microsoft announced the Xbox Scorpio for next year at a insane 6teraflops.It's to late for sony to go back and change things without pushing it back and losing millions if not billions of dollars.Seems they will have to have a outdated console next year
I couldn't even make it through the trailer i have to say i am surprised COD was even at E3 after seeing Battlefield 1 response and the treatment COD got.This trailer is already in the negative on youtube i guess sony doesn't have a choice but to show it since they are paying a truck load of money for early dlc
I thought this was a joke until now so no thanks ill pass capcom you guys are finished.I will stick with Resident Evil 6 remastered and picking up Resident Evil 5 remastered in july the co-op are a blast on those
That's good make sure the game is complete and ready to ship.The XOne has enough exclusives coming out holiday 2016 with Gears of War 4,Forza horizon 3,and Sea of thief's.Plus on top of that we have Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1 gonna be another great holiday.Glad microsoft is stretching out their exclusives through out the year
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