Since my parents provide a key component to keeping my daughter out of daycare I have the joy of seeing them nearly every week. Not a big problem by any means since I love my parents and was fortunate to have a dad who was very into videogaming even before I was born. The problem in their visits isn't that my dad refuses to try any new videogames (to avoid getting addicted again) but that they always manage to argue pretty fiercely at least once during each visit. And many times the arguments stem from their ultra-messy house. If you want an idea as to how messy, just watch any episode of Clean House and that's exactly what you'd see. The arguement always expands to include me and helps to remind me of something I always seem to forget about, and it goes like this:
Parent: "Our house is just to much of a mess to even know where to start to clean! And I can never get your mother/father to even help!"
Me: "Then start in the basement and work your way up. You have to start somewhere."
Parent: "Well then you should probably come over and take care of YOUR junk that's down there if we're going to start in the basement."
Me: "Exactly what junk are you refering to? All my junk seems to have found it's way into my house thank you very much!" (And that is true, they bring me literal junk I would have rather seen thrown out, but instead gets added to junk here for me to sort through in the rare times of the year where I want to clean and get rid of junk).
Parent: "I'm refering to all those old videogame systems you have." And my mom tends to group my dad's old Atari 2600 in that since I played it so much, though I know he would never let me take it. And since the Atari 7800 is mine the 2600 would only serve as a sentimental throw back to old school gaming days.
Me: "Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about those. I really should get them one day."
And so I am back at square one remembering my literal treasure trove of a basement and yet not being able to get such treasures since I cannot find the time to make a trip back to the house. Let alone actually walk through the house due to all the other junk in it. :P So before I forget about all the cool retro gaming hardware and titles I do have at my parents home, I'm trying to select the titles that GS still recognizes and that I still remember. There has to be at lest 50 old Atari 2600 carts, an assortment of Atari 7800 carts and then over a hundred floppy disks of old Commadore/Atari computer games down there which I know I'll never be able to remember them all. The best part is I know these will never leave the house because my dad will fight along side of me to make sure they never get sold. He will also likely fight to make sure they never leave that basement either so the only way I can ever play them again is to travel through the mess of my old home. :lol: Really, my family is quite normal in most regards. ;) So for any old school gamers that visit my gamespot page, feel free to drop in titles that you can think of that fit the systems listed above, I'll likely have it but have just forgottten about it. I've remembered nearly all the Genesis and SNES titles I still have and there is no NES up there. Since we had the working Atari's my parents thought that was enough. :? Silly them I know. The only rule I am enforcing on this look back to old school gaming is this: no one is to complain about age (tclvis this means you too!) because we can all take solace in knowing that we're "seasoned gamers," and not old farts. :D
Well you'd be surprised what you'll find in piles of junk. As suspected, my parents decided to help sort through some piles of junk to keep me from setting foot in their home; yeah they want my stuff out but don't want me coming to the house. :? But if craziness is a by product of having kids then I can already feel it setting in. :lol: Anyways, it turns out my brother located a NES system in a garage sale after I had left the homestead, years ago, and it was unearthed just a few days ago. Seeing as how he is in Arizona and has been giving most of his old games to trade in for PS3 games here in Indy, the NES has now been placed in my care. So in addition to sifting through junk for atari 2600, 7800, 800, commadore, geneis, sega cd and SNES games, NES has now been added to the list. I'm beginning to feel like I'm opening up a gaming museum instead of reclaiming beloved games from my past. There's no telling what will be unearthed next...
More digging from the Mom has turned up some PS2 and PS1 games my brother and I had stashed away because neither of us wanted to take them from the home. Most probably need to be sold but there was one game in there that I might keep: Soul Edge. I know it got a pretty rough score from GS, but it was the ONLY fighter I ever got good at and that's something because I am really bad at fighters. Let's just say I was usually the punching bag for my friends on Street Fighter and Tekken. :? A functioning Mac Plus (with a working harddrive and copy of Wizadry 1 and 2) have also surfaced so it may be time to open the museum after all. ;)
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