First off I apologize for any first time vistors who happen to visit my area and read this somber posting intead of my usual light hearted ones. I must admit that this is my only outlet anymore for gaming or even problems I face. I refuse to use MySpace, UTube, or any other contraversial internet site. I trust GameSpot only because of the people I have been blessed to cross paths with and am glad to call friends. So, if you are expecting a light hearted, humorous posting, please drop in another time and I will do my best to put something together a little more entertaining. For now, I need to share my struggle with SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, in the hopes that anyone else who suffers it without knowing will find proper treatment for it before they travel the same road as me.
If you have never heard of SAD, or SDD (Seasonal Depression Disorder as it was called when I was in college), look it up in WebMD or any other web based health site. I'm not an expert on it in terms of explaining it; I only know how it feels and how it has affected most of my adult life. I notice plenty of other mental disorders I'm sure need professional help: OCD, Crowd Anxiety, perhaps even chronic depression. I received help from professionals at my work right before I was married and did notice improvements in my mood and outlook on life. The problem is, just when I began to show good improvement my counselors and psychiatrists left the hospital system. The only follow up I received from my employer was a letter stating that I could continue to receivemedication that I was on so long as I phoned into a particular line each month to request refills. Don't get me wrong about medicines, since I know first hand that they DO help. They do not, however, offer a long term help without any kind of counseling along with it. I took myself off the drug and did my best to use the few stress management techniques I had learned. I vowed never to go back this branch of this hospital if at all possible.
Four years later I find myself in a far worse situation. I've lost contact with nearly every close friend I've had since I was in sixth grade on through college, my brother is two time zones away and works an off shift, I havn't seen many of myextended family members (save one grandmother who does live in town) in nearly two years, and I realized just today at my wife's family gathering just how much I don't fit in and feel completely removed from them all. SAD hit me hard tonight and so did my anxiety about being in crowds ofpeople. As much as I tried to deal with it with what I know,none of it worked and I know I let my wife down with having to leave early since Ibattle for two hours the urge to vomit and a headache that spanned the entire left hemisphere of my brain.I want this to stop but I don't trust the help my work/insurance will provide and there is no way for me to get outside help without spending a good portion of my families' life savings on in outside network help. I'd change jobs if not for that fact that the closests hospital hiringlab techs is a two hour drive away and I have even more problems driving on interstates and battling an age old problem of falling asleep at the wheel when driving for extended amounts of time. I wonderful sub-clause on my mortgage prevents leaving the area for new employment unless I want to pay a very sizable penalty for selling the house to soon. I continue to search for hope, and new ideas, but as it has been for the past year only God knows how I'm going to get out of this. I'm just waiting around in the dark until He shares a little insight with me.
The point in all this, and there is one I promise, is not that SAD or any form of depression is incurable. What I want any reader to know is that if you do notice any symptoms of depression PLEASE get out there and get some help for it before it gets worse. Don't let it consume you like it does me. If you are still under your parents insurance take advantage of this and get some help before you get locked into having to deal with nitwits who would make better grass whispers than counselors for people who really want their help to feel better and learn ways to make themselves feel better all the time. Medicine and therapy can work so long as it you find people who are willing to search for the right ones that fit your needs. Because unlike everything medical science wants us to believe, not every one will respond the same way to every treatment.Thanks for stopping in for all w. I who do read this. I promise I'll be looking for some help too, though likely not from our own resident numbskulls.
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