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Smash Bros. Character Idea. Pokemon Trainer (Hoenn)

Pokemon Trainer (Hoenn) Special Moves and Final Smash

Like the Pokemon Trainer (Kanto), the Pokemon Trainer (Hoenn) doesn't fight directly. Instead she uses 3 Pokemon, this time around the Pokemon are Mudkip, Grovyle, and Blaziken. Also, the Trainer is modeled after May from the Gen III games.

So, let's get to the moves!


Pokemon Trainer Hoenn (Mudkip, Grovyle, and Blaziken)


Special -Whirlpool: Mudkip quickly surrounds himself with a whirlpool. If an enemy is next to you it will trap them and cause damage. Also, this move reflects projectiles. Mudkip can also move a little bit to the left or right while using this. This wirlpool lasts for about3-4 seconds.

Side Special - Surf: Mudkip creates a wave of water that it shoots out to the left or right to attack enemies. Mudkip can charge this move so that it travels farther and so it does more damage. The height of the wave is around the height of a character. The wave can go through opponents so it can attack multiple people.

Up Special - Waterfall: Mudkip creates a waterfall under it to ride. This move can be used as both an attack and as a recovery move. Hasgood diagonal range and does a fair amount of damage.


Special - Leaf Blade: Grovyle quickly slashes the opponent three times. Move can be charged for more power and quicker attack speed. Doesn't do much damage but can cause a stun to the opponentfor some follow up attacks.

Side Special - Bullet Seed: Grovyle shoots seeds rapidly in the direction it is facing. If it is facing left it shoots the seeds left, if it is facing right it shoots the seeds right. The seeds, individualy,cause very little damage but can trap opponents to cause a bunch of damage.

Up special - Agility: Grovyle quickle rushes in the angle you choose. This move can be used to recover and to cause very little damage. Has pretty good recovery in the direction you choose.


Special - Ember: Blaziken shoots a fire ball in the direction it is facing. If it is facing left it shoots thefire ballleft, if it is facing right it shoots thefire ballright. The move has great range but poor damage. Requires no charge. Causes fire damage.

Side Special - Brick Break: Blaziken does a punch that has the ability to break shields. In order for the move to have a 100% chance of breaking an opponents shield the move must be fully charged. The move can still break a shield if not fully charged, but the chances of this happening are less likely. Also causes a fair amount of damage.

Up Special - Bounce: Blaziken jumps in the air and then kicks the ground. This move can cause damage when Blaziken jumps up into the air, and when Blaziken kicks the ground. When Blaziken kicks the ground it causes fire to surround its leg todeal fire damage. Move also works as recovery with good vertical range and pour horizontal range.

All 3:

Down Special - Pokemon Change: Blaziken changes with Mudkip, Mudkip changes with Grovyle, and Grovyle changes with Blaziken.

Final Smash - Triple Finish: All 3 Pokemon jump on screen, each using a different move (Hydro pump, Solarbeam, and Fire Blast), and fire a "beam" horizonaltily across the whole stage.


So, how do you all like it?

Back to Smash Bros.

As some of you may remember; I used to make a lot of blogs about ideas I had for Brawl and future Smash Bros. games. After doing some thinking I thought I might return to posting ideas I have for the future Smash Bros. games. If I do then you can expect to see blogs pretty soon on some of my Smash Bros. ideas, most of which will be about characters and stages.

In the meanwhile, I thought I would revive some of my older ideas so you guys can see some of the things I have came up with.


Mii's Special Move set + FS and Smash Moves

Special: Baseball Bat - With the baseball bat Mii can reflect projectiles. The longer you charge up the baseball bat the stronger and faster you reflect projectiles. He can also do damage with the bat.

Up Special: Tennis Serve - Mii tosses a tennis ball in the air, shortly after doing so the Mii jumps up to spike the ball. This works as Miis recovery move with great vertical range and poor horizontal range. Anyone who touches the ball or Mii (when jumping to spike ball) get damage.

Side Special: Golf - With this move Mii hits a golf ball to inflict damage. You can charge it up to make the golf ball fly faster, farther, and stronger. You can also be damaged by the golf club when Mii swings it.

Down Special: Bowling Ball & Basketball- In this move Mii will bring out a either a bowling ball or a basketball. The bowling ball does more damage but also makes the Mii move slower, The basketball does less damage but doesnt hinder the Miis speed. If used in the air the Mii will drop the basketball or bowling ball to the ground inflicting damage. Also the bowling ball disappears when it touches the ground, but the Basketball does not and can be picked up by other characters and your Mii.

Final Smash: Dogfight Plane - The Mii jumps in a dogfight plane and starts to fly around shooting projectiles at the other enemies. If an opponent gets hit by the plane or the projectiles they will recieve damage. You can control the plane and when it shoots the projectiles.

Special Abilities/Attributes - The Miis weight ****and power ****will be determined by how it is made in the Mii Channel. There height will be taken from the channel and there power and wieght ****will have to do with how big they are. Fat Miis will be stronger, slower, heavier, and not jump as high. Skinny Miis will be weaker, faster, lighter, and jump higher.

Up Smash: Upper Cut

Side Smash: Sword Swing

Down Smash: Cycling Donut



Special: Barry - Barry appears and quickly shields Paper Mario for a few seconds. He reflects projectiles and counters physical moves. The shield does damage to anyone who touches it.

Up Special: Carrie - Carrie appears to save Paper Mariofrom falling off stage. She can help Paper Mario recover a great horizontal distance, with good vertical range. Carrie disappears after a while so get back on stage fast.

Side Special: Fleep - Fleep appears with a box Paper Mario can control to attack opponents with. Hold the special button and move the analog stick to aim at opponents. Let go of the special button to unleash the attack. It will either inflict fire, electricity, or explsive damage.

Down Special: Thudley - Thudley appears to help Paper Mario slam into opponents. When used in the air Paper Mario quickly slams to the ground inflicting damage on opponents that touch him. When used on the ground Paper Mario jumps vertically in the air, inflicting damage, then slams down.

Final Smash: Tippi & Dottie - For Paper Mario's F.S. he summons Tippi and Dottie. Tippi hits the last opponent that attacked Paper Mario and kills them (if nobody attacked Paper Mario yet Tippi attackes the person clossest to Paper Mario), while Dottie shrinks the other opponents.

Special Abilites - instead of Paper Mario grabbing someone for a throw he throws Thoreau to catch them.



Special: Item Maker - Tom Nook will summon an item in front of him that becomes active after 3 seconds. He can summon up to 3 items at a time.

Up Special: Lamp Fling - Tom Nook Flings a lamp up in the air, then he pulls the switch and he gets thrown in the air. If the lamp lands on the stage you can use it as an item. This is Tom Nooks recovery move with good vertical range and decent horizontal range.

Side Special: Furniture - Tom Nook will slide a chair, couch, or t.v. across the platform. A chair is the most common and does the least damage, while a t.v. is the most rare and does the most amount of damage.

Down Special: Coins - Tom Nook will shoot coins out of his hands, like the way the Ice Climbers use Blizzard but with more range. It does damage to anyone that gets hit by the coins and reflects projectiles.

Final Smash: Raining Furniture - Tom Nooks F.S. has furniture falling from the sky. The bigger/widder furniture does more damage then the smaller furniture. Also some furniture stays on the stage that you can use as items.

Special Abilities - Tom Nook will have the ability to jump 5 times once airborn.



Special (Hitmonchan): Ice, Fire, Thunder punch - With this move Hitmonchan will either do Ice Punch, Fire Punch, or Thunder punch. Thunder Punch does the least damage but stuns the foe for a quick fallow up attack. Ice punch does the mid damage of the 3 and traps opponents in an Iceberg leaving them vunerable, but not as long as Thunder Punch. Fire Punch does the most damage and doesnt stun the opponent.

Special (Hitmonlee): Stomp - Stomp works just like the Pitfall trap. When used in the air it spikes enemies downward, when used on a solid platform they become stuck in the ground, and when used on a pass through platform they fall through the platform.

Up Special (Hitmonchan): Sky Uppercut - Hitmonchan jumps high in the air useing Sky Uppercut. If you touch Hitmonchan when useing the move you will be damaged. This also works as his vertical recovery move.

Up Special (Hitmonlee): High Jump Kick - Hitmonlee jumps in the air kneeing anyone who touches him at the beggining of the attack, once he reaches a certain point he kicks the opponents who got caught in the attack. This also works as his vertical recovery move.

Side Special (Hitmonchan): Mach Punch - Mach Punch works kind of like a mixture of Ike's side special and Fox/Falcos side special. Hitmonchan dash to the dircetion hes faceing, without any charge time like Fox/Falcos, and knocks opponents away, he moves at a moderate speed like Ike. This can also work as him horizontal recovery.

Side Special (Hitmonlee): Tripple Kick - Hitmonlee jumps forward and does 3 kicks on opponents, it gets a lot of horizontal range so you can use it from a distance and still get the opponent. It also works as his horizontal recovery.

Down Special: Swap Out - If you are playing as Hitmonchan you will switch to Hitmonlee, it your playing as Hitmonlee you will switch to Hitmonchan.

Final Smash: Rapid Punch/Kick - They have the same Final Smash except one hits you with punches (Chan), and one uses kicks (Lee). You must be at least two character lenghts away from the character for it to connect.

Special Abilities: Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan have the same special ability and that is they are not left vunerable after there recovery moves. Like Mr. Game & Watch, Snake, and Sonic.


Those were most of my old Smash Bros. ideas, tell me what you think.

I think I should blog more.

It has come to my attention that I don't blog a lot; therefore I will try and blog more.

Also, I want to know what you allthink of my new avatar and sig

My top 4 favorite video game villains in groups.

In this blog post I will reveal my favorite video game villain groups. These are villans that work together to make their own evil team to defeat the hero.

So here is my list!


4. The Rabbids - Easily one of the funniest and greastest video game villain groups of all time. The way they abuse eachother, they way they do completely random things, and the lack of true evil among them make them so great. How many villains would use hotdogs as weapons and would torture someone by making them complete games like throwing cows. I think it is the lack of true evil and their stupidity thatmake them so great.


3. Tetris Blocks - I know what you are thinking, the Tetris blocks are not villains, well if you think that..... YOU ARE WRONG! The Tetris blocks do many things that should make them be c*assified as villains. Constantly falling, testing your reflexes, your patience, your intelligence, and your endurance. On top of all that, the further you get the faster they fall which pushes your reflexes to the limits. I have gotten frustrated so many times with these blocks, that I feel they deserve a spot on the list.


2. The Koopalings - These guy make an awesome group just because they are all different. You have Larry who is sort of bad tempored and sporty, then their is Morton Jr. who is the big brute of the bunch, there is also Iggy who is the goofy smart one, also their is Lemmy the immature and playful one, there's Roy who is the cool bully of the family, also their is Wendy who is the only girl, and finally their is Ludwig who is the oldest and the leader of the bunch. Their different looks, personalities, and fightingst*le make them and intresting bunch and one of my favorite villain groups.


1. The Pac-Man/Ms. Pac-Man Ghosts - Their are several things about these Ghosts I like. first of all, they are all different. Their is Blinky who is the leader of this bunch, being the fastest and the one who trailes you the most. Pinky who is the smart one who usually ends up trapping you into your doom. Inky who is completely unpredictable and will trick you in many ways with him randomness, but still traps or ambushes you if given the opportunity. And lets not forget Clyde/Sue who is the idiot one of the group and does whtever the hell it wants to do, yet still manages to kill you. On top of all of their difference which can throw the player off, they also make a great team. 95% of the time you die in that game is because two or three of the ghosts surround you and trap you. They have probably killed more players then any other video game villain group this only goes to show that teamwork is the key to victory.


That is my list of the greatest video game group villains!

Battle Frontier Idea (update)

I thought of my own battle frontier (with some other people adding there ideas) and I wanted to get your opinion on it and if it would be a good one to have in gen 5 of Pokemon.

This is an updated version with 5 new facilities!

So without any more delay I present my Battle Frontier.


Returning Facilities

1. Battle Tower - This would work like it does in the other Pokemon games where you pick 3 (single battle) or 4 (double battle) Pokemon, and they all have to have different items. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

2. Battle Factory - This would work like in the other Pokemon games where you pick 3 (single battle) or 4 (double battle) rental Pokemon, and you get to switch them after you beat an opponent with their Pokemon. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

3. Battle Palace - This would work like the one in Emerald where you pick 3 (single battle) or 4 (double battle) Pokemon and they do there own battling, you have no control over them, just watch them battle. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.


Facilities I made up

4. Battle Office - Pick 5 Pokemon, they can have same items. You then do a K.O. battle where you and you opponents Pokemon go head to head. If your Pokemon wins you get a check, loses it gets an X. You need at least 3 checks to go to the next trainer, 3 Xs you lose. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

5. Battle Store - Pick 3 Pokemon (single or double) with diferent items. In the battle store you start with 20 points. These points allow you to buy things for the next battle. You can buy items to help your Pokemon, items to hurt your Pokemon, a wheather condition, status condition on your opponents Pokemon, heal your Pokemons PP and HP, and skip a battle. Several things will cost more points, like skiping a battle or putting your opponents Pokemon to sleep. Several things will cost a fair amount of points like healing your Pokemon or giving your opponents Pokemon a bad item like toxic orb. Several things will cost less like having a certain wheather condition happen or getting a berry for your Pokemon. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

6. Battle Train - Pick 3 Pokemon. You will then face an opponent in a 3-on-3 battle where you and your opponent send out 3 Pokemon at once (6 Pokemon on the field). Pokemon can have same items. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

7. Battle Plaza - You will be given 3 (single) or 4(double) random Pokemon per match. You do not pick these Pokemon or see them before hand, you are just given them to battle with. After that battle those 3 or 4 Pokemon will be switched with other random ones you dont pick. So assuming you make it to the end you will have went throught 7 randomly generated teams. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

8. Battle Day Care - Pick 3 (single) or 4(double) Pokemon that are first evolutions (otherwise known as baby evolutions) that have different items. Second Evolutions, final evolution, and Pokemon without evolutions are not allowed. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

9. Battle Maze - Pick a full Pokemon team, they can have same items. You will then enter a maze, in the maze there are 7 trainers. You have to find the first trainer and beat them to get a hint where the next trainer is, then you have to beat the second trainer to get a hint where the third trainer is and so on. When you beat the last trainer he will tell you where the exit is then when you find the exit and leave you win that go throught. Each trainer has 4 Pokemon. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

10. Battle Nonagon - Has the same rules as Battle Tower but Pokemon banned in B.T. are not banned in B.N. not counting eggs. While Pokemon not banned in the B.T. are banned in the B.N. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

11. Battle School - Pick 3 (single) or 4 (double) Pokemon, items Pokemon are holding can not be used. Before fighting each trainer you have to answer a question, Pokemon related. If you anwser the question correctly, your Pokemon will be given items to hold. Anwser it incorrectly and your opponent gets the items for their Pokemon. The questions get harder as you progress. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

12. Battle Field - Pick 1 Pokemon, it can be any Pokemon you want, and go into a 1-on-1. Whichever Pokemon wins advances to the next trainer. The Pokemon can hold whichever item you want. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

13. Battle Baseball Park - Pick 3 (single) or 4 (double) Pokemon, items must be different between Pokemon. Before each battle you will be given a certain task you have to pull off. This can range from anything to beating the trainer in a certain number of turns to only being able to use certain moves. If you fail to complete the task you will get a strike. If you get 3 strikes then you will be kicked out of the facility, whether you win or not. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

14. Battle Graveyard - Pick 6 Pokemon, double or single, Pokemon can have the same items. Only damage-dealing moves can be used. Defense, Special Defense, and HP are minimized. Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are maximized. Pokemon's base stat total can't be higher than 550. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

15. Battle Island - Pick 3 Pokemon, doble or single, Pokemon can have similar items. In this facility there are no trainers, just wild Pokemon. You travel to different parts of the island, each part has a certain type of Pokemon. Cave has Ghost, Dark, and Psychic; Moutain has Rock, Ground, and Fighting; Volcano has Steel, Dragon, and Fire; Beach has Ice and Water; Jungle has Poison, Bug, and Grass; Plain has Electric, Normal, and Flying. Pokemon are not healed any time throughout going through the facility. 10 Pokemon per go through, 30 to reach F.B. first time, 60 to reach F.B. second time.


So what do you think?

Pokemon MMO idea.

Do you think there should be a Pokemon MMO? I think it would be a pretty cool idea. Going online with thousands of other people, battling with others, explore dungeons, catch Pokemon, team up with others for battles and dungeon explorations. You could also copy your Pokemon from Platinum, SS, and HG use them, or you could migrate the Pokemon you caught in the MMO are transfer them to your Platinum, SS, and HG. Think Pokemon Mystery Dungeon mixed with the main series Pokemon games with online thrown in. It wouldnt be exactly like that, but that would be the basic idea behind the game. You would also be able to trade with others and mabye compete in some mini-game styled games. Mabye it could also work as a way to get rare Pokemon and items you can normal get in the normal Pokemon games (Platinum, SS, HG, etc). It would also have voice chat so you can talk smack to all the people you are playing against. Finally, the game would place you in groups of people around your level. So someone using all legendaries wouldn't get paired up with someone using baby evelutions for battling. As far as trading and dungeon exploring go well... you can trade with whomever and explore dungeons with whomever.

Thats my idea for a Pokemon MMO. I think it would be a cool and fun idea. The MMO wouldn't have to be exactly how I described, that was just my idea. I would probably want there to be a few more Pokemon before making a MMO, mabye like 600+ Pokemon. So probably by a Gen 5 would I like to see a Pokemon MMo. It would also have to be for the console, because a handheld wouldn't be able to handle all that.

Who else wants a Pokemon MMO?

Battle Frontier I thought of for gen V of Pokemon. Tell me what you think

I thought of my own and I wanted to get your opinion on it and if it would be a good one to have in gen 5 of Pokemon.

So without any more delay I present my Battle Frontier.


Returning Facilities

1. Battle Tower - This would work like it does in the other Pokemon games where you pick 3 (single battle) or 4 (double battle) Pokemon, and they all have to have different items. 7 trainers per go throught, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

2. Battle Factory - This would work like in the other Pokemon games where you pick 3 (single battle) or 4 (double battle) rental Pokemon, and you get to switch them after you beat an opponent with their Pokemon. 7 trainers per go throught, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

3. Battle Palace - This would work like the one in Emerald where you pick 3 (single battle) or 4 (double battle) Pokemon and they do there own battling, you have no control over them, just watch them battle. 7 trainers per go throught, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.


Facilities I made up

4. Battle Office - Pick 5 Pokemon, they can have same items. You then do a K.O. battle where you and you opponents Pokemon go head to head. If your Pokemon wins you get a check, loses it gets an X. You need at least 3 checks to go to the next trainer, 3 Xs you lose.7trainers per go throught, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

5. Battle Store - Pick 3 Pokemon (single or double) with diferent items. In the battle store you start with 20 points. These points allow you to buy things for the next battle. You can buy items to help your Pokemon, items to hurt your Pokemon, a wheather condition, status condition on your opponents Pokemon, heal your Pokemons PP and HP, and skip a battle. Several things will cost more points, like skiping a battle or putting your opponents Pokemon to sleep. Several things will cost a fair amount of points like healing your Pokemon or giving your opponents Pokemon a bad item like toxic orb. Several things will cost less like having a certain wheather condition happen or getting a berry for your Pokemon. 7trainers per go throught, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

6. Battle Train - Pick 3 Pokemon. You will then face an opponent in a 3-on-3 battle where you and your opponent send out 3 Pokemon at once (6 Pokemon on the field). Pokemon can have same items. 7trainers per go throught, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

7. Battle Plaza - You will be given 3 (single) or 4(double) random Pokemon per match. You do not pick these Pokemon or see them before hand, you are just given them to battle with. After that battle those 3 or 4 Pokemon will be switched with other random ones you dont pick. So assuming you make it to the end you will have went throught 7 randomly generated teams. 7trainers per go throught, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

8. Battle Day Care - Pick 3 (single) or 4(double) Pokemon that are first evolutions (otherwise known as baby evolutions) that have different items. Second Evolutions, final evolution, and Pokemon without evolutions are not allowed. 7trainers per go throught, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

9. Battle Maze - Pick a full Pokemon team, they can have same items. You will then enter a maze, in the maze there are 7 trainers. You have to find the first trainer and beat them to get a hint where the next trainer is, then you have to beat the second trainer to get a hint where the third trainer is and so on. When you beat the last trainer he will tell you where the exit is then when you find the exit and leave you win that go throught. Each trainer has4 Pokemon. 7trainers per go throught, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.

10. Battle Nonagon - Has the same rules as Battle Tower but Pokemon banned in B.T. are not banned in B.N. not counting eggs. While Pokemon not banned in the B.T. are banned in the B.N. 7trainers per go throught, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.


So what do you think of my Battle Frontier?

My Top 3 fav. Video Games franchises.


Why, because its epic on so many levels. Just the thought of a bunch of Nintendo characters, fighting on stages inspired on the franchises, with 4 players is awesome! I also like how instead of tring to get rid of your opponents health you have to knock them off stage and I lke the wide variety of moves you can use. I also like how they tried to make story modes for the series even though they are not that great. Lets also not forget the awesome music they have on the game and the fun, mini game type modes that come with it. They also never overpowered the bosses but never made them so easy to where you feel like you got a free win. Finally, it also has the most replay value of any fighting game I ever played.

2. Pokemon

Why, because its so fun and requires so much strategy. Unlike most RPGs you can have so many different types of team combinations and there are so many different types of moves. There are different types which adds a rock, paper, scissors element to the game and so many tactical strategies to where nobody really uses the same one. Even the concept of having monsters battle each other, training them, and catching them is awesome. Lets also not forget the amazing replay value and the fact that there is so much to do once you beat the game and some much side stuff to do. Finally, is the 2 on 2 battles which is probably the most important change to the Pokemon games next to the new types and wi-fi.

1. Mario

Why, because he does everything. Sports, RPGs, Platforming, Racing, Fighting, Party,the list is endless for Mario. Mario is a franchise that will never die and will always make great games!

Idea's for Mario's Next Big Game.

1.Super Mario Time Travel

2.Super Mario: The Anti World

3.Super Mario RPG 2

4.Super Mario and Sonic: When World Colide

5.Super Mario Universe

6.Grand Theft Auto: Mario Style

7.Super Mario: Revenge of Bowsers Children

8.Super Mario: Battle for Mishroom Kingdom

9.Paper Mario: Domento's Revenge

10.Super Mario and the Star Of Light

11.Mario Bros Z

Those are some of my ideas, I have more but these were my favorite. Now lets hear your ideas.