I thought of my own battle frontier (with some other people adding there ideas) and I wanted to get your opinion on it and if it would be a good one to have in gen 5 of Pokemon.
This is an updated version with 5 new facilities!
So without any more delay I present my Battle Frontier.
Returning Facilities
1. Battle Tower - This would work like it does in the other Pokemon games where you pick 3 (single battle) or 4 (double battle) Pokemon, and they all have to have different items. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
2. Battle Factory - This would work like in the other Pokemon games where you pick 3 (single battle) or 4 (double battle) rental Pokemon, and you get to switch them after you beat an opponent with their Pokemon. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
3. Battle Palace - This would work like the one in Emerald where you pick 3 (single battle) or 4 (double battle) Pokemon and they do there own battling, you have no control over them, just watch them battle. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
Facilities I made up
4. Battle Office - Pick 5 Pokemon, they can have same items. You then do a K.O. battle where you and you opponents Pokemon go head to head. If your Pokemon wins you get a check, loses it gets an X. You need at least 3 checks to go to the next trainer, 3 Xs you lose. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
5. Battle Store - Pick 3 Pokemon (single or double) with diferent items. In the battle store you start with 20 points. These points allow you to buy things for the next battle. You can buy items to help your Pokemon, items to hurt your Pokemon, a wheather condition, status condition on your opponents Pokemon, heal your Pokemons PP and HP, and skip a battle. Several things will cost more points, like skiping a battle or putting your opponents Pokemon to sleep. Several things will cost a fair amount of points like healing your Pokemon or giving your opponents Pokemon a bad item like toxic orb. Several things will cost less like having a certain wheather condition happen or getting a berry for your Pokemon. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
6. Battle Train - Pick 3 Pokemon. You will then face an opponent in a 3-on-3 battle where you and your opponent send out 3 Pokemon at once (6 Pokemon on the field). Pokemon can have same items. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
7. Battle Plaza - You will be given 3 (single) or 4(double) random Pokemon per match. You do not pick these Pokemon or see them before hand, you are just given them to battle with. After that battle those 3 or 4 Pokemon will be switched with other random ones you dont pick. So assuming you make it to the end you will have went throught 7 randomly generated teams. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
8. Battle Day Care - Pick 3 (single) or 4(double) Pokemon that are first evolutions (otherwise known as baby evolutions) that have different items. Second Evolutions, final evolution, and Pokemon without evolutions are not allowed. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
9. Battle Maze - Pick a full Pokemon team, they can have same items. You will then enter a maze, in the maze there are 7 trainers. You have to find the first trainer and beat them to get a hint where the next trainer is, then you have to beat the second trainer to get a hint where the third trainer is and so on. When you beat the last trainer he will tell you where the exit is then when you find the exit and leave you win that go throught. Each trainer has 4 Pokemon. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
10. Battle Nonagon - Has the same rules as Battle Tower but Pokemon banned in B.T. are not banned in B.N. not counting eggs. While Pokemon not banned in the B.T. are banned in the B.N. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
11. Battle School - Pick 3 (single) or 4 (double) Pokemon, items Pokemon are holding can not be used. Before fighting each trainer you have to answer a question, Pokemon related. If you anwser the question correctly, your Pokemon will be given items to hold. Anwser it incorrectly and your opponent gets the items for their Pokemon. The questions get harder as you progress. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
12. Battle Field - Pick 1 Pokemon, it can be any Pokemon you want, and go into a 1-on-1. Whichever Pokemon wins advances to the next trainer. The Pokemon can hold whichever item you want. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
13. Battle Baseball Park - Pick 3 (single) or 4 (double) Pokemon, items must be different between Pokemon. Before each battle you will be given a certain task you have to pull off. This can range from anything to beating the trainer in a certain number of turns to only being able to use certain moves. If you fail to complete the task you will get a strike. If you get 3 strikes then you will be kicked out of the facility, whether you win or not. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
14. Battle Graveyard - Pick 6 Pokemon, double or single, Pokemon can have the same items. Only damage-dealing moves can be used. Defense, Special Defense, and HP are minimized. Attack, Special Attack, and Speed are maximized. Pokemon's base stat total can't be higher than 550. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time.
15. Battle Island - Pick 3 Pokemon, doble or single, Pokemon can have similar items. In this facility there are no trainers, just wild Pokemon. You travel to different parts of the island, each part has a certain type of Pokemon. Cave has Ghost, Dark, and Psychic; Moutain has Rock, Ground, and Fighting; Volcano has Steel, Dragon, and Fire; Beach has Ice and Water; Jungle has Poison, Bug, and Grass; Plain has Electric, Normal, and Flying. Pokemon are not healed any time throughout going through the facility. 10 Pokemon per go through, 30 to reach F.B. first time, 60 to reach F.B. second time.
So what do you think?
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