Name: Battle Tower
Facility Leader's Name: Shawn
How it works: Pick 3 (single, double, or triple) Pokemon, Pokemon can't be holding the same items. Once Pokemon are selected you will go into a standard battle against an opponent. Win you advance, lose your out. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 50 or 100 (your choice).
Battle Points Awarded: Medium (3)
Battle Frontier's Quotes:
Before Battle - "I am the ultimate Frontier Brain!"
After Battle - "You are a truly great trainer who can use Pokemon like no other."
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:
Moves: Surf, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Rest
Ability: Water Veil
Nature: Quirky
Item: Leftovers
Moves: Toxic, Gunk Shot, Hidden Power (ice), Thunderbolt
Ability: Aftermath
Nature: Bashful
Item: Black Sludge
Moves: Iron Head, X-Scissor, Bullet Punch, Night Slash
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adament
Item: Muscle Band
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:
Moves: Giga Impact, Hammer Arm, Little by Little, Punishment
Ability: Truant
Nature: Adament
Item: Choice Band
Moves: Outrage, Body Slam, Crunch, Hyper Voice
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Brave
Item: Life Orb
Moves: Windstorm, Hyper Beam, Outrage, Thunder Wave
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Quiet
Item: Focus Band
Name: Battle Factory
Facility Leader's Name: Brittney
How it works: You can do single, double, or triple battle. Before each battle you will pick 3 of 6 random/rental Pokemon the game gives you. You will then battle the trainer. After that (assuming you win) you will have the option to change Pokemon. You keep doing this after every battle. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 50 or 100 (your choice).
Battle Points Awarded: High (5)
Battle Frontier's Quotes:
Before Battle - "Only a true trainer can win with Pokemon they haven't used before."
After Battle - "You have bested me."
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:
Can use any of the Pokemon that aren't banned from the facility.
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:
Can use any Pokemon not banned from the facility.
Name: Battle Office
Facility Leader's Name: Tony Tim
How it works: Pick 5 Pokemon (single only), items that Pokemon are holding can not be used. You then do a K.O. battle where you and your opponents Pokemon go head to head one at a time. If your Pokemon wins you get an O, loses then you get an X, and if you draw a -. You need at least 3 O to go to the next trainer, 3 Xs you lose. 7 trainers per go throught, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 50 or 100 (your choice).
Battle Points Awarded: Medium (3)
Battle Frontier's Quotes:
Before Battle - "I have noticed that you have a lot of skill young one, may we battle and see whom the victor is!"
After Battle - "You have raised your Pokemon well, as even by themselves they were able to beat mine."
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:
Moves: High Jump Kick, Foresight, Blaze Kick, Mega Kick
Ability: Limber
Nature: Brave
Moves: Toxic, Wrap, Rest, Gyro Ball
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Sassy
Moves: Headbutt, Psychic, Nasty Plot, Hypnosis
Ability: Insomnia
Nature: Gentle
Moves: Power Whip, Wring Out, Chrunch, Cut
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Hardy
Moves: Afro Break, Megahorn, Focus Enery, Leer
Ability: Herbivorous
Nature: Adamant
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:
Moves: Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Psychic
Ability: Flame Body
Nature: Modest
Moves: Surf, Ice Beam, Thunder, Rain Dance
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Calm
Moves: Sandstorm, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Faint Attack
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Relaxed
Moves: Dark Pulse, Fly, Trickery, Shadow Ball
Ability: Super Luck
Nature: Jolly
Moves: X-Scissor, Confuse Ray, Cross Poison, Fly
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Serious
Name: Battle School
Facility Leader's Name: Mike
How it works: Pick 3 (single, double, or triple) Pokemon, items that Pokemon are holding can not be used. Before fighting each trainer you have to answer a question, Pokemon related. If you anwser the question correctly, your Pokemon will be given items to hold. Anwser it incorrectly and your opponent gets the items for their Pokemon. The questions get harder as you progress. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 50 or 100 (your choice).
Battle Points Awarded: Medium-Low (2)
Battle Frontier's Quotes:
Before Battle - "You must be a pretty smart trainer to have made it this far."
After Battle - "Your knowledge amazes me!"
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:
Moves: X-Scissor, Metal Claw, Crunch, Dig
Ability: Swarm
Nature: Impish
Moves: Flamethrower, Bug Bite, Stockpile, Swallow
Ability: Fire Flash
Nature: Timid
Moves: Brick Break, Crabhammer, Hail, Rock Slide
Ability: Shell Armor
Nature: Brave
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:
Moves: Stone Edge, Sandstorm, Ingrain, Confuse Ray
Ability: Suction Cups
Nature: Careful
Moves: Sky Uppercut, Blaze Kick, Extreme Speed, Dragon Pulse
Ability: Inner Focus
Nature: Lonely
Moves: Wild Bolt, Signal Beam, Power Gem, Thunderbolt
Ability: Static
Nature: Hasty
Name: Battle Baseball Stadium
Facility Leader's Name: Berry
How it works: Pick 3 (single, double, or triple) Pokemon, items that Pokemon are holding can not be used. Before each battle you will be given a certain task you have to pull off. This can range from anything to beating the trainer in a certain number of turns to only being able to use certain moves. If you fail to complete the task you will get a strike, however you will still move on to the next trainer assuming you beat them. If you get 3 strikes then you will be kicked out of the facility, whether you win or not. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 50 or 100 (your choice).
Battle Points Awarded: Medium-High (4)
Battle Frontier's Quotes:
Before Battle - "You must be very good at completing tasks you are given."
After Battle - "I am very impressed."
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:
Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Destiny Bond, Spite
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Mild
Moves: Fly, U-Turn, Ominous Wind, Psychic, Tailwind
Ability: Early Bird
Nature: Naive
Moves: Surf, Ice Beam, Fake Out, Rain Dance
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Quiet
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:
Moves: Heavy Bomber, Light Screen, Confuse Ray, Grass Knot
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Relaxed
Moves: Outrage, Earthquake, Crunch, Sandstorm
Ability: Overconfident
Nature: Adamant
Moves: Sky Attack, Extreme Speed, Aura Sphere, Air Slash
Ability: Serene Grace
Nature: Bashful
Name: Battle Club
Facility Leader's Name: Ed
How it works: Pick 4 (single, double, or triple) Pokemon, items that Pokemon are holding can not be used. Before entering you have to pick 4 Pokemon that have one of these things in common: move, type, egg group, nature, or ability. If all 4 of the Pokemon don't share at least one of those traits then you won't be able to enter. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 50 or 100 (your choice).
Battle Points Awarded: Medium-High (4)
Battle Frontier's Quotes:
Before Battle - "I can see that your Pokemon work very well together."
After Battle - "I knew I should have used different Pokemon of a different category."
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:
Moves: Fake Out, Seismic Toss, Heavy Bomber, Stone Edge
Ability: Guts
Nature: Brave
Moves: Fake Out, Dizzy Punch, Sucker Punch, Retaliation
Ability: Early Bird
Nature: Brave
Moves: Fake Out, Energy Ball, Boiling Water, Rain Dance
Ability: Rain Dish
Nature: Timid
Moves: Fake Out, Dig, X-Scissor, Sunny Day
Ability: Chlorophyll
Nature: Jolly
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:
Moves: Blizzard, Wood Hammer, Ingrain, Earthquake
Ability: Snow Warning
Nature: Serious
Moves: Night Slash, Dig, X-Scissor, Poison Jab
Ability: Pressure
Nature: Quirky
Moves: Blizzard, Explosion, Flash Cannon, Mirror Coat
Ability: Ice Body
Nature: Modest
Moves: Blizzard, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest
Name: Battle Day Care
Facility Leader's Name: Nanny Lilly
How it works: Pick 6 (single, double, or triple) Pokemon, items that Pokemon are holding can not be used. Only first stage Pokemon and baby Pokemon are allowed. Non-evolving Pokemon, second stage evolutions, and final stage evolution Pokemon are not allowed. Before each battle you will see the 6 Pokemon your opponent is using and you will have to pick 3 of your Pokemon to use before that particular battle. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 5.
Battle Points Awarded: High (5)
Battle Frontier's Quotes:
Before Battle - "Aren't these little Pokemon so cute!"
After Battle - "My Pokemon were lacking in cuteness and that is why we lost."
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:
Moves: Thunder Wave, Rain Dance, Thunder, Sweet Kiss
Ability: Static
Nature: Hardy
Moves: Fake Out, Brick Break, Hi Jump Kick, Bullet Punch
Ability: Guts
Nature: Hardy
Moves: Flamethrower, Thunder Punch, Sunny Day, Confuse Ray
Ability: Flame Body
Nature: Hardy
Moves: Surf, Aqua Ring, Bounce, Confuse Ray
Ability: Water Absorb
Nature: Hardy
Moves: Counter, Mirror Coat, Encore, Destiny Bond
Ability: Shadow Tag
Nature: Hardy
Moves: Selfdestruct, Little by Little, Double-Edge, Counter
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Hardy
Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:
Moves: Seed Bomb, Sludge Bomb, Flash, Energy Ball
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Serious
Moves: Dig, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Double-Edge
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Serious
Moves: Take Down, Waterfall, Dig, Ice Beam
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Serious
Moves: U-Turn, Discharge, Facade, Wild Bolt
Ability: Static
Nature: Serious
Moves: Gear Saucer, Discharge, Flash Cannon, Thunder Wave
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Serious
Moves: Explosion, Shadow Ball, Stockpile, Psychic
Ability: Aftermath
Nature: Serious
The IVs of the Pokemon in the facilities are 16 in each stat.
What do you think?
(There is also the Battle Underground but it wouldn't fit, it is basically a Battle Tower with legendaries)
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