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My Top 10 Favorite Smash Bros Characters

Like I did with the stages, I am going to make a list of my top 10 characters in the Smash Bros games (I'm going to use their Brawl data).

So let's start:


10. File:Toon Link Artwork.jpg

Reasons for liking: Only good Zelda character in the game, good down aerial attack, quick, great projectiles.


Reasons for liking: Best taunts in game, powerful specials, good smash attacks.


Reasons for liking: Heavy, extremely powerful, great recovery, fairly good chain grabber, can suicide K.O.


Reasons for liking: Great projectiles, can restore HP, good final smash, unique smash attacks, powerful throws.


Reasons for liking: Great projectiles, can restore HP, good final smash, arguably has the best smash attacks (overall), powerful throws.


Reasons for liking: Great air game, great recovery, good special attacks, good final smash (if used properly), glitches.


Reasons for liking: Best chain grabbers in the game, good final smash, good smash attacks, good special attacks.


Reasons for liking: Very unique game, Purple Pikmin give powerful smash attacks, Blue Pikmin have the strongest throws (overall) in the game as well as the best grab range, Red Pikmin are well rounded, Yellow Pikmin have unique throw property, White Pikmin have great pummel power and can be thrown far, arguable the best final smash.


Reasons for liking: Three characters in one, great final smash, Pokemon Change works as a great dodge move, Ivysaur has best up smash in the game along with powerful up and down aerial attacks, Charazard has great recovery (can fly) along with extremely powerful moves all-around, Squirtle is so quick small and unpredictable.


Reasons for liking: Has two moves that can OHKO, arguable has one of the best smash attacks (overall), great aerial attacks, can duck under projectiles, has bucket breaking, recovery move doesn't leave him helpless, good final smash, has a unique set of smash attacks, is awesome.

My Top 10 Favorite Smash Bros Stages

I thought, just for the hell of it, that I would list my top 10 favorite stages in the Super Smash Bros series, all of which come from Brawl and Melee. I will say what I like about them and such.

So lets start:


10. Temple

Temple as it appears in SSBM

I'm not gonna lie, my main reason for liking this one is for stale battles, wi-fi battles, and several glitches.

9. Distant Planet


I like this stage mainly because of the look and the hazards. Overall it is one of the better looking stages IMO, with the background and all. The hazards are also some of my favorite in the game. With water that can wash you right off to giant insects that will eat you! This stages allows for plenty of funny deaths, which is why it makes the list.

8. Mushroomy Kingdom

Mushroomy.jpgStage23 080123d-l.jpg

I like this stage because of how well it was recreated and how well it actually works. Both look like touched up versions of the old stages from the old Mario games, and they are fun to play in. The above ground stage provides a more offensive battle type with all of the room you have to actually fight. The underground stages forces you to take a more defensive approach sense there is much less room and K.O.s can easily be blocked by all the blocks. There are also several funny K.O.s that can happen here like falling in a pit or being pushed up by moving platforms. The music here is also pretty good.

7. Battle Field


I am going to be short and sweet with this one. It is simple, fair, and looks awesome. This is the best stage for a really fair fight.

6. Pokemon Stadium


I like this stage because of the changing. Each one of the four changes is great in their own way. The rock part provides much more height which allows easier vertical K.O.s and escape from projectiles; the water stage provides sort of a wall like barrier in the windmill that protects against K.O.s; the fire stage provides another type of projectile type wall in the tree; and lastly you have the grass stage which provides several extra platforms. The normal part of the stage itself is cool, as it is basic but has extra things (like two platforms and cubic ledges) which make it feel a bit different. Too top it all of all five of the different looks look cool. This stage also has great music.

5. Pokemon Stadium 2


I like this stage for the same reason I like the first one, and that is the changing platform. This time around you have four different changes along with the same basic one as the first Pokemon Stadium, but with better graphics. The ice one provides two tilted platforms along with a very slippery surface which can work with or against you; the flying stage is cool in that it makes your characters much lighter, this allows for easier vertical K.O.s and aerial dodges; the electric stage is cool in that it has conveyor belts which prevent people from chain throwing/grabbing or anything like that; and the ground stage will make you have to rely more on aerial attacks as there is a mountain in the middle of the stage. The reason I picked this one over the other is because of the better look, gameplay wise I like them equal. Also this stage has awesome music!

4. PictoChat


A simple stage and idea, yet so awesome. The thing to love about this stage are the drawings themselves. The drawings provide so much verity from hazards, to extra platforms, to environmental changes, to assists. Each drawing is so original and different from the others to where it forces one to change their fighting strategy for awhile. Another plus is that the stage provides no benefits to certain characters. The music is also pretty good.

3. WarioWare Inc.


Mini games mixed with fighting equals win! The normal part of the stage is fairly simple with one medium sized platform and four smaller, floating ones; but then it goes into mini game mode. The mini games are quick, short, and from the actual WarioWare games. Beating them gives you a reward, while failing at them gives you nothing. The mini games are all fairly different and all have different levels of difficulty. The games will also require you to change the way you are fighting for a good 5 seconds in order to survive. Sometimes it comes down to a situation like this: I could either A) try to complete the mini game, or B) just keep attacking my enemy. This stage provides a much more unique battling experience.

2. Smashville


Surprised? Well don't be, this stage is awesome! The music and background, along with overall look of the stage, is just amazing. This stage provides no hazards whatsoever so you will never be cheaply killed and you can't cheaply kill others; it's all skill. Projectile users can't spam thanks to the moving platform above; and let's not forget the morning/day/night cycle that matches real life time, along with K.K. coming on Saturdays. So much win in this stage.

1. Delfino Plaza

Delfino Plaza.jpg

OMG! This stage is full of the most win. It looks better than any other stage in the game, the music is sweet, and fighting on this stage is more fun than doing so on any other stage thanks to all of the different locations it takes you. I can't say much more other than it is perfect!

My Battle Frontier



Name: Battle Tower

Facility Leader's Name: Shawn

How it works: Pick 3 (single, double, or triple) Pokemon, Pokemon can't be holding the same items. Once Pokemon are selected you will go into a standard battle against an opponent. Win you advance, lose your out. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 50 or 100 (your choice).

Battle Points Awarded: Medium (3)

Battle Frontier's Quotes:

Before Battle - "I am the ultimate Frontier Brain!"

After Battle - "You are a truly great trainer who can use Pokemon like no other."

Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:
Moves: Surf, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Rest

Ability: Water Veil

Nature: Quirky

Item: Leftovers

Moves: Toxic, Gunk Shot, Hidden Power (ice), Thunderbolt

Ability: Aftermath

Nature: Bashful

Item: Black Sludge

Moves: Iron Head, X-Scissor, Bullet Punch, Night Slash

Ability: Technician

Nature: Adament

Item: Muscle Band


Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:
Moves: Giga Impact, Hammer Arm, Little by Little, Punishment

Ability: Truant

Nature: Adament

Item: Choice Band

Moves: Outrage, Body Slam, Crunch, Hyper Voice

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Brave

Item: Life Orb

Moves: Windstorm, Hyper Beam, Outrage, Thunder Wave

Ability: Inner Focus

Nature: Quiet

Item: Focus Band


Name: Battle Factory

Facility Leader's Name: Brittney

How it works: You can do single, double, or triple battle. Before each battle you will pick 3 of 6 random/rental Pokemon the game gives you. You will then battle the trainer. After that (assuming you win) you will have the option to change Pokemon. You keep doing this after every battle. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 50 or 100 (your choice).

Battle Points Awarded: High (5)

Battle Frontier's Quotes:

Before Battle - "Only a true trainer can win with Pokemon they haven't used before."

After Battle - "You have bested me."

Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:

Can use any of the Pokemon that aren't banned from the facility.


Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:

Can use any Pokemon not banned from the facility.


Name: Battle Office

Facility Leader's Name: Tony Tim

How it works: Pick 5 Pokemon (single only), items that Pokemon are holding can not be used. You then do a K.O. battle where you and your opponents Pokemon go head to head one at a time. If your Pokemon wins you get an O, loses then you get an X, and if you draw a -. You need at least 3 O to go to the next trainer, 3 Xs you lose. 7 trainers per go throught, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 50 or 100 (your choice).

Battle Points Awarded: Medium (3)

Battle Frontier's Quotes:

Before Battle - "I have noticed that you have a lot of skill young one, may we battle and see whom the victor is!"

After Battle - "You have raised your Pokemon well, as even by themselves they were able to beat mine."

Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:

Moves: High Jump Kick, Foresight, Blaze Kick, Mega Kick

Ability: Limber

Nature: Brave

Moves: Toxic, Wrap, Rest, Gyro Ball

Ability: Sturdy

Nature: Sassy

Moves: Headbutt, Psychic, Nasty Plot, Hypnosis

Ability: Insomnia

Nature: Gentle

Moves: Power Whip, Wring Out, Chrunch, Cut

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Hardy

Moves: Afro Break, Megahorn, Focus Enery, Leer

Ability: Herbivorous

Nature: Adamant


Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:

Moves: Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Psychic

Ability: Flame Body

Nature: Modest

Moves: Surf, Ice Beam, Thunder, Rain Dance

Ability: Water Absorb

Nature: Calm

Moves: Sandstorm, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Faint Attack

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Relaxed

Moves: Dark Pulse, Fly, Trickery, Shadow Ball

Ability: Super Luck

Nature: Jolly

Moves: X-Scissor, Confuse Ray, Cross Poison, Fly

Ability: Inner Focus

Nature: Serious


Name: Battle School

Facility Leader's Name: Mike

How it works: Pick 3 (single, double, or triple) Pokemon, items that Pokemon are holding can not be used. Before fighting each trainer you have to answer a question, Pokemon related. If you anwser the question correctly, your Pokemon will be given items to hold. Anwser it incorrectly and your opponent gets the items for their Pokemon. The questions get harder as you progress. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 50 or 100 (your choice).

Battle Points Awarded: Medium-Low (2)

Battle Frontier's Quotes:

Before Battle - "You must be a pretty smart trainer to have made it this far."

After Battle - "Your knowledge amazes me!"

Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:
Moves: X-Scissor, Metal Claw, Crunch, Dig

Ability: Swarm

Nature: Impish

Moves: Flamethrower, Bug Bite, Stockpile, Swallow

Ability: Fire Flash

Nature: Timid

Moves: Brick Break, Crabhammer, Hail, Rock Slide

Ability: Shell Armor

Nature: Brave


Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:
Moves: Stone Edge, Sandstorm, Ingrain, Confuse Ray

Ability: Suction Cups

Nature: Careful

Moves: Sky Uppercut, Blaze Kick, Extreme Speed, Dragon Pulse

Ability: Inner Focus

Nature: Lonely

Moves: Wild Bolt, Signal Beam, Power Gem, Thunderbolt

Ability: Static

Nature: Hasty


Name: Battle Baseball Stadium

Facility Leader's Name: Berry

How it works: Pick 3 (single, double, or triple) Pokemon, items that Pokemon are holding can not be used. Before each battle you will be given a certain task you have to pull off. This can range from anything to beating the trainer in a certain number of turns to only being able to use certain moves. If you fail to complete the task you will get a strike, however you will still move on to the next trainer assuming you beat them. If you get 3 strikes then you will be kicked out of the facility, whether you win or not. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 50 or 100 (your choice).

Battle Points Awarded: Medium-High (4)

Battle Frontier's Quotes:

Before Battle - "You must be very good at completing tasks you are given."

After Battle - "I am very impressed."

Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:
Moves: Shadow Ball, Psychic, Destiny Bond, Spite

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Mild

Moves: Fly, U-Turn, Ominous Wind, Psychic, Tailwind

Ability: Early Bird

Nature: Naive

Moves: Surf, Ice Beam, Fake Out, Rain Dance

Ability: Thick Fat

Nature: Quiet


Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:
Moves: Heavy Bomber, Light Screen, Confuse Ray, Grass Knot

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Relaxed

Moves: Outrage, Earthquake, Crunch, Sandstorm

Ability: Overconfident

Nature: Adamant

Moves: Sky Attack, Extreme Speed, Aura Sphere, Air Slash

Ability: Serene Grace

Nature: Bashful


Name: Battle Club

Facility Leader's Name: Ed

How it works: Pick 4 (single, double, or triple) Pokemon, items that Pokemon are holding can not be used. Before entering you have to pick 4 Pokemon that have one of these things in common: move, type, egg group, nature, or ability. If all 4 of the Pokemon don't share at least one of those traits then you won't be able to enter. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 50 or 100 (your choice).

Battle Points Awarded: Medium-High (4)

Battle Frontier's Quotes:

Before Battle - "I can see that your Pokemon work very well together."

After Battle - "I knew I should have used different Pokemon of a different category."

Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:
Moves: Fake Out, Seismic Toss, Heavy Bomber, Stone Edge

Ability: Guts

Nature: Brave

Moves: Fake Out, Dizzy Punch, Sucker Punch, Retaliation

Ability: Early Bird

Nature: Brave

Moves: Fake Out, Energy Ball, Boiling Water, Rain Dance

Ability: Rain Dish

Nature: Timid

Moves: Fake Out, Dig, X-Scissor, Sunny Day

Ability: Chlorophyll

Nature: Jolly


Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:
Moves: Blizzard, Wood Hammer, Ingrain, Earthquake

Ability: Snow Warning

Nature: Serious

Moves: Night Slash, Dig, X-Scissor, Poison Jab

Ability: Pressure

Nature: Quirky

Moves: Blizzard, Explosion, Flash Cannon, Mirror Coat

Ability: Ice Body

Nature: Modest

Moves: Blizzard, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Modest


Name: Battle Day Care

Facility Leader's Name: Nanny Lilly

How it works: Pick 6 (single, double, or triple) Pokemon, items that Pokemon are holding can not be used. Only first stage Pokemon and baby Pokemon are allowed. Non-evolving Pokemon, second stage evolutions, and final stage evolution Pokemon are not allowed. Before each battle you will see the 6 Pokemon your opponent is using and you will have to pick 3 of your Pokemon to use before that particular battle. 7 trainers per go through, 21 to reach F.B. first time, 49 to reach F.B. second time. All Pokemon are set to level 5.

Battle Points Awarded: High (5)

Battle Frontier's Quotes:

Before Battle - "Aren't these little Pokemon so cute!"

After Battle - "My Pokemon were lacking in cuteness and that is why we lost."

Battle Frontier's Pokemon 1st time:
Moves: Thunder Wave, Rain Dance, Thunder, Sweet Kiss

Ability: Static

Nature: Hardy

Moves: Fake Out, Brick Break, Hi Jump Kick, Bullet Punch

Ability: Guts

Nature: Hardy

Moves: Flamethrower, Thunder Punch, Sunny Day, Confuse Ray

Ability: Flame Body

Nature: Hardy

Moves: Surf, Aqua Ring, Bounce, Confuse Ray

Ability: Water Absorb

Nature: Hardy

Moves: Counter, Mirror Coat, Encore, Destiny Bond

Ability: Shadow Tag

Nature: Hardy

Moves: Selfdestruct, Little by Little, Double-Edge, Counter

Ability: Thick Fat

Nature: Hardy


Battle Frontier's Pokemon 2nd time:
Moves: Seed Bomb, Sludge Bomb, Flash, Energy Ball

Ability: Overgrow

Nature: Serious

Moves: Dig, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Double-Edge

Ability: Blaze

Nature: Serious

Moves: Take Down, Waterfall, Dig, Ice Beam

Ability: Torrent

Nature: Serious

Moves: U-Turn, Discharge, Facade, Wild Bolt

Ability: Static

Nature: Serious

Moves: Gear Saucer, Discharge, Flash Cannon, Thunder Wave

Ability: Clear Body

Nature: Serious

Moves: Explosion, Shadow Ball, Stockpile, Psychic

Ability: Aftermath

Nature: Serious


The IVs of the Pokemon in the facilities are 16 in each stat.

What do you think?

(There is also the Battle Underground but it wouldn't fit, it is basically a Battle Tower with legendaries)

Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and Champion Final Output


Name: Eric

Gym Order: First (1st)

Type: Dragon

Spoils given: $1200, Dragon Tail, the Raw Badge

Pokemon roster:
Dratini level 12: Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave, Twister

Bagon level 12: Rage, Bite, Leer

Gible level 12: Tackle, Sand-Attack, Dragon Rage

Monozu level 12: Heatbutt, Bite, Focus Enerdy, Dragon Rage


Name: Nick

Gym Order: Second (2nd)

Type: Dark

Spoils given: $2400, Bark Out, the Night Time Badge

Pokemon roster:
Poochyena level 18: Howl, Sand-Attack, Bite Tackle

Houndour level 18: Bite, Smog, Ember, Leer

Murkrow level 18: Wing Attack, Peck, Astonish, Haze

Zorua level 18: Faint Attack, Scratch, Leer, Fake Tears


Name: Colton

Gym Order: Third (3rd)

Type: Bug

Spoils given: $3600, Insect Opposition, the Creepy Crawly Badge

Pokemon roster:
Shuckle level 24: Bide, Wrap, Encore, Safeguard

Yanma level 22: Supersonic, Quick Attack, Tackle, Detect

Hoiiga level 22: Poison Tail, Pursuit, Rollout, Screech

Nincada level 24: Fury Swipes, Scratch, Leech Life, Sand-Attack


Name: William

Gym Order: Fourth (4th)

Type: Psychic

Spoils given: $4800, Psycho Shock, the Smart Badge

Pokemon roster:

Kadabra level 30: Psybeam, Confusion, Disable, Miricle Eye

Musharna level 29: Hypnosis, Psybeam, Psycho Shock, Gyro Ball

Grumpig level 29: Confuse Ray, Magic Coat, Zen Headbutt, Snore

Wobbuffet level 32: Counter, Magic Coat, Destiny Bound, Safe Guard


Name: Justin

Gym Order: Fifth (5th)

Type: Fire

Spoils given: $6000, Sunny Day, the Scorching Badge

Pokemon roster:
Hihidaruma level 38: Hammer Arm, Fire Punch, Facade, Belly Drum

Rapidash level 38: Megahorn, Flame Wheel, Stomp, Take Down

Torkoal level 36: Smoke Screen, Flamethrower, Body Slam, Protect

Kuitaran level 38: Bug Bite, Lick, Flame Burst, Bind


Name: Kumi

Gym Order: Sixth (6th)

Type: Fighting

Spoiles given: $7200, Brick Break, the Pure Muscle Badge

Pokemon roster:
Roobushin level 45: Hammer Arm, Rock Slide, Low Kick, Bide

Lucario level 44: Dark Pulse, Force Palm, Metal Claw, Counter

Machamp level 45: Cross Chop, Leer, Retaliation, Dig

Hariyama level 43: Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Seismic Toss


Name: Zoey

Gym Order: Seventh (7th)

Type: Steel

Spoiles given: $8400, Flash Cannon, the Unbreakable Badge

Pokemon roster:
Skarmory level 50: Air Slash, Slash, Night Slash, Steel Wing

Bronzong level 50: Confuse Ray, Future Sight, Gyro Ball, Faint Attack

Kirikizan level 52: Night Slash, Slash, Metal Claw, Brick Break

Doryuzu level 53: Earthquake, Sandstorm, Rock Slide, Horn Drill


Name: Zack

Gym Order: Eight (8th)

Type: Flying

Spoiles given: $10000, Free Fall, the Sky High Badge

Pokemon roster:

Wargle level 59: Fly, Slash, Superpower, Crush Claw

Barujiina level 59: Fly, Dark Pulse, Air Slash, Bone Rush

Crobat level 61: Cross Poison, Aerial Ace, U-Turn, Shadow Ball

Landlos level 62: Earthquake, Extrasensory, Rock Slide, Fly


ELITE FOUR (battle in any order)

Name: Luffy

Type: Steel and Ice

Spoiles given: $20000

Pokemon roster:

Gigigiaru level 72: Discharge, Gear Change, Flash Cannon, Sandstorm

Steelix level 70: Iron Tail, Stone Edge, Double-Edge, Curse

Nattorei level 70: Ingrain, Payback, Iron Head, Power Whip

Baibanira level 72: Mirror Coat, Ice Beam, Hail, Hidden Power (water)

Walrein level 71: Surf, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Rest


Name: Zolo

Type: Grass and Electric

Spoiles given: $20000

Pokemon roster:

Tangrowth level 72: Power Whip, Stun Spore, Slam, Rock Slide

Venusaur level 70: Synthesis, Petal Dance, Double-Edge, Poison Powder

Jalorda level 70: Wring Out, Leaf Storm, Dragon Tail, Giga Impact

Shibirudon level 72: Wild Bolt, Grass Knot, Flamethrower, Crunch

Luxray level 71: Discharge, Swagger, Crunch, Thunder Wave


Name: Franco

Type: Rock and Normal

Spoiles given: $20000

Pokemon roster:
Aerodactyl level 72: Fly, Stone Edge, Dragon Claw, Sandstorm

Tyranitar level 70: Little by Little, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Crunch

Lunatone level 70: Explosion, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Knock Down
Lickilicky level 72: Slam, Power Whip, Gyro Ball, Wring Out

Blissey level 71: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Flamethrower


Name: Pete

Type: Psychic and Water

Spoiles given: $20000

Pokemon roster:
Oobemu level 72: Hidden Power (dark), Thunderbolt, Energy Ball, Recover

Gallade level 70: Close Combat, Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Psycho Cut

Medicham level 70: Poison Jab, Ice Punch, Brick Break, Fire Punch
Wailord level 72: Surf, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Toxic

Daikenki level 71: Surf, Ice Beam, X-Scissor, Dig


The Champion

Name: Fred

Type: Various

Spoiles given: $50000


Battle Phrases:

Before Battle - I will win!!!

One Pokemon Left - But this is impossible!!!!

After Battle - You Cheater!!!


Pokemon Roster:

Tyranitar level 80

Item: Life Orb

Nature: Adamant

Moves: Giga Impact, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Thrash


Metagross level 80

Item: Life Orb

Nature: Brave

Moves: Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Psychic, Shadow Ball

Arcanine: level 80

Item: Life Orb

Nature: Docile

Moves: Extreme Speed, Thrash, Crunch, Flamethrower


Archeos level 80

Item: Choice Scarf

Nature: Jolly

Moves: Thrash, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Endeavor


Ulgamoth level 80

Item: Leftovers

Nature: Timid

Moves: Fire Dance, Windstorm, Bug Buzz, Flamethrower


Regigigas level 85

Item: Choice Band

Nature: Adament

Moves: Confuse Ray, Crush Grip, Heavy Bomber, Giga Impact


This is my end result.

Can You Solve My Riddle #1

I thought, as a fun game type thing, I would post a riddle (like every other day or every week) and then you guys would try to solve it. If I get enough people playing then I will continue to do this, if not then I won't. Anyways, here is the riddle.


Riddle #1:

Five people are playing a game with memory cards. The objective of the game is to see how many pairs (matches) of cards you can get in a row. There are 20 cards, which means there are 10 pairs. Each person will play the game and report there score back to the other players, then the next person plays the game. After each one of them played the game they said this:

Person A: I got 10 pairs in a row.

Person B: I got 9 pairs in a row.

Person C: I got 8 pairs in a row.

Person D: I got 5 pairs in a row.

Person E: I got 3 pairs in a row.

Who is lying about how many pairs they got?

P.S. there is only one person lying, so don't say something like it is all of them.


If you want some hints:

Hints [spoiler] #1. This riddle doesn't try to trick you with words, it is all logical thinking #2. Picture yourself playing the game, it helps. #3. There is no word tricks, it is all logic. [/spoiler]

Join The Following Unions

1. The Talk About Whatever You Like Union

2. The Nintendo All-Stars

3. The 3DS Union

4. The All Music Union

5. All-Out Nintendo

6. The Mafia

7. Cheesy Gamers Union

I recommend that you join these following unions, especially The Mafia union because it is just starting off and it needs all the support it can get. I also linked that union.

My Thoughts on the Gen 5 Pokemon

They are awesome. This gen is my 2nd favorite Gen of Pokemon behind Gen 3. The starters and their evolutions are cool and the non legendary Pokemon look really cool.

Unfortunately there are only 3 awesome legendaries: Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyuremu. All the other legendaries suck.

You could check out the Pokemon HERE