Grade: B
Highlights: Beatles RockBand, Tony Hawk Ride, Modern Warfare 2, Mass Effect 2, Forza 3, Metal Gear Solid Rising, Project Natal
So Microsoft starts off E3 with guns blazing with a nice stage design and some nifty demos - a few of which are Microsoft-exclusive games. Compared to last year, Microsoft has minimized the stat boasting and instead went straight into the meat of their upcoming products. Out of the obvious highlights listed above, two particular games caught my attention: Forza 3 and Tony Hawk Ride.
Forza 3 demonstrated car rolling as part of the Forza's new damage system - something the gamers have been asking for. High speed crashes can look spectacular now at high speeds instead of a pretty bad dent on your bumper. The developer also pointed out how much they nurture their Forza crazy community. Remember painting your own car in Forza 2? Well, imagine people building a business out of it painting virtual cars for the XBox community. The footage alone of these virtual painters giving their testimony eluded me.
As for Tony Hawk Ride, I was never into skating games but this one took the cake with its unique full-size skateboard controller. It took the Wii Fit concept further. I'm pretty curious as to how it would feel controlling the game with it. The footage they had of people playing the game looked impressive since the board demonstrated a wide range of control.
It's a refreshing take from what they did last year but then again, anything at this point is better than the bar that was lowered from 2008's E3. While these highlights were notable, they don't even come close to Microsoft's trump card.
Project Natal - Microsoft's new motion control toy.
You've heard the rumors of a camera detecting depth and motion and now it's here. Even though they were just concept demos but it was obvious what kinds of possibilities could come from this technology. The demos displayed impressive body tracking by doing a virtual version of body racketball and bucket painting. Then there's the Milo Demo.
Very impressive stuff.
Now that Nintendo has carved a new market with motion control games, Microsoft wants to blow it wide open and take away all the limits from motion control. Despite the revolution it could make, it kind of scares me. If this technology is as accurate as the concepts and demos, people will never go out anymore. They had even had Steven Spielberg jump on the new technology.
Crazy stuff. They're really trying to get the 360 to be the machine that allows people to experience a range of everything when it finally comes to market. The only question now is: How much is all this going to cost? What about the cost of game development? I guess this is all burning questions for 2010's E3.
Grade: C+
Highlights: New Super Mario Bro for Wii, FF Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Wii Vitality Sensor, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M
Nintendo has always known to keep things simple and it shows on their stage design. It starts off with the usual montage of casual gamer photos and ending with the words "The Game in Everyone". It definitely set the tone for what was to come. Shortly, Nintendo's Sales/Marketing Vice President Cammie Dunaway comes out and starts talking stats, numbers and "Everyone's Game" but shows up with a nice surprise - New Super Mario Bros for Wii.
On the outside, it looks like a 4-player port from one of the DS' best selling titles. While it doesn't hold any candle to any of Microsoft's flashy demos had yesterday, it looked fun. Bill Trinnen from Treehouse then took the stage and began describing some of the games new features as it was being played on the stage. Too bad it was brief.
They started going into the Wii Balance Board and began boasting its sales. Funny thing is, I'm one of those 15 million that bought it and probably most of the 15 million that has also collected dust which I can confirm 10 people including myself. My gamer friends are mostly in I agreement. We'd rather snowboard or workout in real-life. They introduce Wii Fit Plus but it appears to be a small upgrade from its previous game. They also went into Wii Sport Resort which isn't too much a surprise but at least they treated us to some more brief footage of gameplay with the latest being a skydiving demo. As the Mii pulled the chute and landed into the resort island, Trinnen played an archery and 3-point basketball game. Looks very simple and plays as simple as it looks and I can see it selling tons of copies.
Nintendo claims that they have sold more 3rd party games for both their systems than any other system currently on sale. What they didn't tell you is how much of those 3rd party games sucked and how many unknowing casual gamers have bought it. See my previous gamespot post.
Now on to the DS platform. While we've heard about Bowser's Inside Story and Kindom Hearts which I have alot of interest in but Nintendo threw a small curve ball - Golden Sun DS. Cool.
Immediately after that Nintendo went downhill with James Patterson Women's Murder Club: Games of Passion. *Ahem*. A couple of my girlfriends have heard of James Patterson and they also happen to be DS owners. I mentioned this game after hearing about it and even one of them was a reader of his books but isn't interested in getting the game. It gets even worse with ****Savvy - another hideous game all gamers should avoid. It boggles me why Nintendo would choose to announce these games in their conference when they could've just kept it at the floor. Any DS that carries either game deserves to be stepped on.
They then began talking about the Wii Vitality Sensor. Great. Sounds fun but where are the killer apps to demonstrate its potential? I can see some ideas around it but I'm curious over how it can be used but only from a fitness perspective.
Despite that, there was some good news. The announcement of Super Mario Galaxy 2. Based on the footage, the graphics looked great. I'm hoping that they will extend the gameplay on it. They showed a bit of Darkside Chronicles and Dead Space but you really can't see much under a few seconds.
Nintendo then ended it off with Metroid: Other M. The footage displayed the game as a impressive looking 3D side scroller or a game in 3rd person perspective. The nice CGI didn't hurt either. Even more interesting is that they joined up with Team Ninja - the developers behind Ninja Gaiden. The clip definitely showed Samus looking more agile and looks alot more fast-paced compared to its previous games.
Despite the lower grade, I think Nintendo is in good shape.
Grade: B
Highlights: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Final Fantasy XIV, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the PSP
The Sony press conference for E3 2009 is set to prepare gamers for the return of a juggernaut. Sony's had a tough 2008, but things are looking alot better with all of these high-profile impending releases. This is Sony's year to make the most expensive console on the market profitable. With God of War III, Heavy Rain, Batman Arkham Asylum, Modern Warfare 2 and MAG on the horizon, this year's E3 press conference promises to give gamers a reason to pick up a PS3. As usual, Sony wows gamers with their stage designs and CGI. They want their PS3 and PSP (and PSP go) to lead the other big 2.
After watching the Nintendo conference, seeing PS3 graphics seems unfair. The sheer number of games both exclusive and cross platform is mind numbing. Brutal Legend, Ghostbusters, Dragon Age, and Singstar Queen for the PS3 are just a few I'm looking forward to. There are quite a few kid friendly games mingles with God of War, and Modern Warfare. Yet, PSP is getting a makeover for younger audience with a Hannah Montana bundle. Why Sony? Why? I know you guys want to show versatility, but does it have to be on the E3 press conference? Why not a simple mention?
Following Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian is in progress. The main character is a boy with his very own bizarre dragon-like creature with feathers. It looks like a four legged bald eagle with a hyena head. However, a close look tells me that the scene is generated on the fly through PS3 hardware. Very impressive. So far Uncharted 2 and Last Guardian rank in the top 2 in E3 impressions scale.
Sony then demonstrates their new Playstation motion controller. It's a combination of two sticks and a camera. Their live technology demo wasn't too impressive after watching Project Natal. The concept product just seems like a higher fidelity version of the Wii Motion Plus. The motion controls demonstrated the use of flashlights, rackets, swords, and golf clubs. First person mode allowed guns, and whips. You'll be able to draw, write, and spray paint. Nintendo can already do this now.
At the end, Sony concluded press conference with a live demo of God of War 3. While it does not look as visually stunning as Uncharted 2 but that will be overseen by gamers through it's over-the-top violence on a mythically massive scale.
I'm sure most of you guys reading this were hoping that Sony would make a PS3 price break.
This year's E3 seemed at first to be a tad short in games that made us go, "Oh WOW". There are quite a number games that were first demoed a year ago at past conferences such as the GDC or TGS. In fact, some games that were announced last year at E3 didn't make an appearance at all this year. Overall, the new titles at first didn't excite me as much but that is to expected from just limited footage of gameplay. However, just from the footage alone, some new titles impressedme at this year's show. Keep in mind that last year's E3 Business Summit made things rough around the edges for these developers but these games were mostly shown under very controlled circumstances with the developer handling the live demo in nearly all cases.
Here are some notables that ended up in my wish list. It is in order of my own personal ranking just based on footage alone:
1. Uncharted 2
2. Mass Effect 2
3. Assassins Creed 2
4. God Of War 3
5. Modern Warfare 2
6.Metroid: Other M
7. Tony Hawk Ride
8.Final Fantasy XIII
9. New Super Mario Bros Wii
10.The Beatles: Rock Band
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